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Chapter 789 New Yangzhou

Water transportation is very important.

Not only did the safety of the Ming Dynasty require water transportation to be maintained, but the stability of the Huaihe and Huaihe regions also depended on water transportation.

Therefore, before clearing out the old forces, Shandong had already made plans for the future of water transportation.

The old water transportation was all in the hands of the Cao gang. They relied on the saying that "millions of water workers depended on their food and clothing" to do whatever they wanted on both sides of the canal, and their power was so great that even the court had to tolerate it.

It is precisely because of its long-term arrogance that Caobang lacks the necessary respect for the new Shandong regime.

They thought that the Shandong regime also had to compromise.

As everyone knows, the biggest difference between the Shandong regime and the Ming Dynasty lies in the ability to clearly distinguish the class divisions within the water transportation system.

Why did the Ming Dynasty do nothing about the shortcomings of water transportation?

Because they are integrated with the water transport officials and water gangs and belong to the same interest class.

There is never any reason in this world to attack oneself.

But the Shandong regime is different.

As an emerging class, the Shandong regime sees it very clearly. Caogang is Caogang, and Caogong is Caogong.

Within the water transportation system, Cao Gong and Cao Bang are also antagonistic.

Once you understand this, you can completely divide and conquer. Pull one faction away and fight another. By liberating the water transport industry, the water transport industry will be revitalized with new vitality.

Facts have proved that this method is very effective.

With the abandonment of the Caogong workers, the Caobang became a sourceless water and a tree without roots, and was wiped out overnight.

There is no evil force of oppression on the heads of the huge number of water workers, and everyone is excited and looking forward to the arrival of a new life.

Sure enough, the Shandong regime did not disappoint them.

Just at Chaoguan Wharf, a new water transport company was formally established.

Office space is also available.

It was the original Chaoguan Yamen.

The imperial officials had been expelled long ago, and the place was under control.

It happens to be used as the headquarters of the new water transportation company.

The government has appointed a general manager and financial managers. The other administrative staff will be elected by the Cao workers.

At Chaoguan Wharf, thousands of water workers quickly completed their voting under Wang Yun's organization.

Not surprisingly, Shi Dake was elected as deputy general manager and director of the labor department of the water transportation company.

The rest of the department heads are also appointed by highly respected people in the field.

Seeing with their own eyes that they could decide their own destiny, all the laborers cried with joy and were full of energy.

"The company has just been established, and the rules and regulations still need time to be perfected. How to run the company in the future requires the collective efforts of all of us. This is related to the well-being of each of us, so you must not be negligent."

Wang Yun gave his instructions earnestly, and every word he said touched the hearts of the workers.

In Cao Gong's mind, Wang Yun was like a Bodhisattva, and his words were more effective than imperial edicts.

"The company can slowly improve, but the water transportation cannot wait. Everyone has also seen that there are so many ships parked outside the pier. If you delay for a moment longer, it will be a huge loss. I think it is better for us to move first to ensure the smooth flow of water transportation.

Can everyone agree?"

The plow workers jumped up one after another.

"Nothing to say, let's start working."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, all ships will be able to pass before tomorrow."

With subjective initiative, Caogong exploded with great energy.

The Yangzhou section of the Grand Canal, which had been clogged and crowded for several days, quickly entered into a lively situation and was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The merchants who were trapped on the boat were really ecstatic to see the canal begin to open up.

Many people came ashore to express their gratitude to Wang Yun, Shi Dake and others.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Yun read out the new policy to the passing merchants.

"From now on, the Grand Canal starts from Yangzhou and ends at Linqing, Shandong. Only one toll is collected for this section of the river. If you pay it in Yangzhou, you don't need to pay any more in other places. The annual toll for each ship

It’s three hundred taels of silver, and it’s only collected once a year. This is the voucher, you keep it.”

All the businesses were happy to hear that they only had to pay tolls once a year.

In the past, when sailing, although the fee paid each time was not much, it was unbearable to have to pay it again and again.

Moreover, you have to pay once to pass the banknote customs. Add up the cost to President Lin and Lin, and the cost far exceeds the new regulations.

Now that it can be solved once and for all, businesses naturally know who to support.

All passing ships happily paid their fees and became the first batch of beneficiaries under the new policy.

In just one day, the water transport company received more than 80,000 taels of silver in tolls.

Wang Yun told Cao Yun Company general managers Shang Tinghui and Shi Dake: "These income must be accounted for, and the superiors will conduct inspections from time to time. Once there is any omission, you two will not escape the blame."

Shang Tinghui and Shi Dake quickly promised.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, the two of us will be cautious, stay sober, and never dare to make mistakes."

Even if Wang Yun has heard this.

He knows that the guarantee of human nature is the most useless. The key is to have a perfect system and strict supervision.

"In addition to reserving part of the income for the company's necessary expenses and paying the salaries of the water workers, these incomes can also be used to maintain the rivers and expand the business. I look forward to the day when you will become bigger and stronger."

Shang Tinghui and Shi Dake were both excited to hear that the water transportation company could freely use its income.

They know very well the power of water transport and are confident that they will show off their talents and create brilliance.

After a night of turmoil and a morning of adaptation, the people of Yangzhou City had to return to reality.

People need to eat, and it is not okay to go hungry.

Even if you don't know what's going on outside, you still have to go out of the house in order to eat.

At the entrance of a grain store, a woman carrying a basket approached cautiously.

The clerk standing at the door saw him and greeted him with a smile.

"Auntie, do you want to buy food?"

The woman looked hopeful after hearing this.

"Is there... any food for sale?"

The clerk hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, we have all kinds of food. What would you like?"

The woman is a little unnatural.

"I only have so much money, I wonder... I wonder what I can buy?"

The clerk reached out to take it and measured it with a scale. It was a piece of broken silver that was less than half a tael.

"Auntie, with the money you have, you can buy polished rice for one stone, coarse rice for two stones, and flour for one and a half stones. Take a look, which one do you want to buy?"

The woman was dumbfounded and thought she was hallucinating.

"Why can I buy so much? I remember that one stone of rice cost twenty taels of silver before."

The clerk explained with a smile.

"The grains sold in the store now are all taken from the homes of those who are rich and unkind, and there is no cost. They are sold cheaply according to the government's orders to ensure that everyone can eat. Besides, Yangzhou has no shortage.

It was those bastards who hid the food that caused the price of food to rise. Now, it has just returned to normal."

The woman listened blankly and suddenly burst into tears.

"You...why did you come?"

This chapter has been completed!
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