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Chapter 791

Can instant noodles be used as military food?

If this issue were discussed in later generations, the result would definitely be no.

The reason is also well known.

Instant noodles are low in calories and cannot meet the demands of the extremely physical battlefield.

Moreover, instant noodles require hot water, which cannot be effectively provided on dangerous and complex battlefields.

But it is a pity that this is the late Ming Dynasty.

The shortcomings of instant noodles are not a problem at all in this era.

In particular, the advantages of instant noodles are even more worthy of attention.

At least compared to the transportation of flour, the cost of instant noodles is less.

Flour is packed in bags and will definitely cause a lot of waste during transportation.

This will not be easy to solve even in later generations.

But instant noodles don't have to worry about being scattered or wasted. They just need to be packed in a box and not get wet in the rain, and there won't be any problems.

The most important thing is that the shelf life of instant noodles is more than one year.

In the late Ming Dynasty, no food could compare with it.

Therefore, Zuo Mengeng immediately made his thoughts clear.

"Brother Wang, you can try adding eggs to the noodles when making them."

Seeing Zuo Mengeng showing him how to make noodles, Wang Wuqi was extremely puzzled.

But he didn't dare to question it, so he had to go back and get another copy.

When eggs are mixed into the noodles and then fried in hot water, a pleasant change occurs.

This time, even Li Banghua, who has tasted delicious food all over the world, was full of praise.

"This noodle is very good and has a unique flavor. It is a must-have."

Zuo Mengeng picked up the noodle cake casually, his eyes full of nostalgia.

"This kind of noodles can be eaten after being stored for a year. If used in the military, it can really solve a lot of troubles."

When Huang Sanhu heard the shelf life of instant noodles, he jumped up immediately.

"Commander, our army is short of this kind of food. During previous battles, logistical problems worried us."

Fu Gang also echoed: "As long as we march long distances and fight, the food of the troops will inevitably drop rapidly. Many soldiers are in bad health because they don't eat well, which greatly affects their combat effectiveness."

The opinions of several military generals were surprisingly unanimous.

The army must be equipped with this kind of noodles.

Zuo Mengeng was even more determined.

He looked at Wang Wuqi.

"Brother Wang, the noodles you make will be of great use in the army. Is it possible for you to enlist in the army now?"


Wang Wuqi was dumbfounded.

Why is this so normal, your identity is about to change?

He is a cook, what can he do if he joins the army?

He really wanted to say no, but looking at the eagerly watching soldiers around him, he swallowed his true thoughts in his stomach.

But then he became excited about his knowledge of current affairs.

Zuo Mengeng said: "The army will set up a food factory and hire you as the factory director to specialize in the production of this kind of noodles. As the factory director, you also have a military rank. Well... Let's set it as a major for the time being. Can you do it in the future?

Promotion depends on your merit."

"Commander, I... can I be a general?"

Although Wang Wuqi didn't understand the rules of the New Army, he heard something.

What’s the point of being a cook compared to an officer?

Zuo Mengeng nodded and smiled.

"There is a woman in our army who was originally just a clever girl who was responsible for making military uniforms for the army. Now she is the deputy director of the equipment department, with the rank of major general and a veritable general. Whether you can become a general depends on your ability and military merit.


"I promise, hey, I'll pack my things right now."

Eating a bowl of noodles on the street solved the New Army's major food problem, which really made everyone happy.

After returning home, after discussion, we set up a local factory in Yangzhou to produce this kind of noodles locally.

Zuo Menggeng personally named this kind of noodles, which is called instant noodles.

"This kind of noodles can not only be used in the military, but even if it is sold, there will definitely be a market. In the process of your business, as long as you meet the needs of the military, other products can also be sold. If your food factory can

If you are responsible for your own profits and losses or even make a profit, that is a great achievement."

Zuo Mengeng made some suggestions.

Similar to this kind of military-affiliated factory, he always has high standards and strict requirements.

The last thing we want is that this kind of factory will also share military expenses and affect the normal military construction.

It is unrealistic not to allow the military to engage in business these days, and it is difficult for the government alone to meet military expenditure needs.

Since you can do business, you have to make money.

I won’t do business that is losing money.

If instant noodles are sold to the private sector, will business be good?

Thinking about the popularity of instant noodles in later generations, Zuo Mengeng had no doubts at all.

He also specifically talked about several recipes for instant noodles, such as braised beef noodles, pork bone soup noodles, Laotan pickled cabbage noodles, etc. Wang Wuqi and others were very excited to hear this.

By the way, he carefully warned Lao Tan Pickled Cabbage Noodles, never step on them with your feet.

Three days later, Chen Jie returned from Taizhou.

As soon as he saw Zuo Mengeng, he gave him a gift.

"Commander, this is a treasure copied from the Ji family in Taizhou. Only the virtuous can enjoy it."

Placed in front of Zuo Mengeng were several calligraphy and paintings.

Since he is treated so carefully by Chen Jie, he must not be ordinary.

Zuo Mengeng also became interested and opened it in public.

As soon as the inner appearance was revealed, Qu Shi couldn't help but say "ouch".

"This...is this "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains"?"

Zuo Mengeng was stunned.

That crappy movie?

Then he realized that what he was holding in his hand should be the masterpiece "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" by the great painter Huang Gongwang of the Yuan Dynasty.

This painting became a national treasure in later generations and was divided into two parts.

The first half of the volume "Remaining Mountain" is collected in the Zhejiang Provincial Museum; the second half of the volume "Wu Yongshi" is stored in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

What was in his hands now was a complete picture scroll.

Hearing Qu Shi?'s exclamation, Li Banghua and others gathered around and observed it carefully, mesmerized.

"This is an authentic work."

"I never imagined that I would be lucky enough to see such treasures."

Zuo Mengeng was also quite happy to learn that it was genuine.

He carefully rolled up the painting and then ordered: "Send it to Qian Muzhai. Such art treasures must be properly preserved and shared with the world."

Qian Qianyi finally found a place of use in Shandong.

This old man's academic level is actually in shambles and cannot be compared with Liu Zongzhou and Huang Zongxi at all.

He is more like a prodigal in troubled times.

Stiff and serious academic issues are not his specialty. But in poetry, song, singing and response, this old man is the second in the world, and no one dares to call him the first.

This is also the reason why he has a high reputation in the literary world and among the people.

After all, there are many intellectuals who can do research, but not many intellectuals who can play.

Such a person cannot do anything practical, and he cannot stand boring academic research.

But when used for cultural promotion, publicity, promoting the progress of literature and art, and cultivating literary and artistic talents, it is definitely a top-notch player.

Using his talents, Zuo Mengeng, after discussing with the cabinet, handed over the Ministry of Culture to Qian Qianyi.

The antique treasures acquired this time will also be sent to museums under the Ministry of Culture.

I believe that the priceless "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" will not experience the fate of family separation in this life.

This chapter has been completed!
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