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Chapter 797: The Chahar Department is Destroyed

"Your Majesty, I have lived up to the emperor's kindness and fought to the death. Finally, I conquered the Central Capital and defeated the rogue bandits. The rebels in Shandong were also afraid of the might of our army and did not dare to resist. Now the Central Capital is in peace and quiet, and we have returned to our holy virtues. .”

In the Jinluan Palace, Qian Shisheng and others returned. Kang made a speech and reported the results of their trip.

From what they said, the recapture of Fengyang was the result of their desperate battle.

They are all heroes.

Chongzhen sat upright with a dull expression on his face.

"I am very pleased that all of you, my dear friends, have worked so hard and accomplished so much. The state affairs are like this, and all of them depend on your dear friends. I will reward you with gold if you come."

A eunuch took the order, each carrying a plate. On each plate was a piece of silver ingot, which was delivered to Qian Shisheng and others.

Of course, Qian Shisheng and others would not look at such a small amount of money, but it was a gift from the emperor, so they thanked him quickly.

Fengyang was lost and found again, but Chongzhen was not happy.

"Qian Aiqing, how about the ancestral mausoleum?"

Qian Shisheng tightened his expression and said cautiously: "The rogue bandits committed such a heinous crime that they destroyed the ancestral mausoleum just after breaking Fengyang. Fortunately, the Shandong New Army arrived in time, and Huangjue Temple was safe and sound."

Chongzhen tried hard to calm his breathing, but the words in his mouth were filled with overwhelming anger.

"The order is sent to Hong Chengchou to speed up the campaign and to deal with the bandits as soon as possible. Those who are not leaders will be executed on the spot as soon as they are captured."

Anyone whose ancestral grave is dug up will be angered by hatred.

The ministers understood that they must achieve some results on the battlefield no matter what, otherwise there would be no way to appease the emperor's anger.

The court meeting ended, and all the officials heaved a sigh of relief.

Regardless of good or bad, Fengyang got it back and had an explanation to the emperor, so their lives could go on smoothly again.

Chongzhen walked back to the harem, feeling very calm all the way.

But the moment he returned to the bedroom, everyone went crazy.


The fine blue and white porcelain was thrown to the ground by him, and the rosewood chair was kicked over by him.

"Dog thieves! They are all dog thieves! They all deserve to be killed!



All the eunuchs around were frightened and fell to the ground one after another, shivering for fear that the emperor's wrath would fall on them.

However, Chongzhen was shouting filial piety in the air, venting his anger wantonly.

"You spend my money like water, sit back and watch the thieves massacre Zhongdu, and even throw away two rivers. They are all deceiving me, they all think I am blind? They all think I am easy to bully!



The officials thought they had deceived Chongzhen by doing it secretly.

It is a pity that although the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was not good at governing the country, his control over the affairs of the court was the best in history.

Even with the Daojun Emperor Jiajing and Wanli who had not been in court for decades, they still firmly controlled the government.

What they rely on is their all-pervasive ears and eyes.

Secret messages had long been sent to the palace about what happened in Lianghuai, and Chongzhen knew everything about it.

But what can he do?

Even though he knew that everyone was lying to him, even the eunuchs in the palace were lying to him, Chongzhen could only endure it.

This time, Chongzhen's understanding of the real situation was not only the changes in the Huaihe River, but also the correct understanding of his own strength.

The reason why the ministers lied to him was also because of this.

Everyone was afraid that he, the emperor, would act recklessly and completely ruin the situation.

It's not that Chongzhen didn't understand the thoughts of his ministers, but as an emperor, he still got angry when he saw someone dared to make fun of him.

There is no way, the emperor is such a creature.


In March, the south wind finally came.

The green grass tenaciously emerges from under the white snow, telling the world that spring is not far away.

Looking at the earth, it is white and yellow, and a big river finally appears, watering the earth with clear water.

Dorgon was riding on the horse, taking off his mask and breathing hard, feeling somewhat relaxed.

Marching in winter is really a terrifying thing.

But there is no other way. If you want to achieve the set strategic goals from the threat of Shandong, you can only violate the laws of nature.

The only thing that made him gloomy was that the Hetao Grassland was too big.

The Eight Banners army searched all the way but never found the target.

There is not much military rations left. If there is nothing more to be gained, we will have no choice but to return without success.

If we just go back like this, Daikin's fate...

Thinking of the booming and vibrant Shandong, Dorgon couldn't help but shudder.

A fast horse rushed from a distance, waving its colorful flags desperately before it even got close.

This was important military information, so the sergeants below did not dare to stop him and let the visitor run all the way to Dorgon.

"Mergen Daiqing, a group of people and horses were found ahead, including a carriage decorated with the colors of the Mongol Khan."

Dorgon jumped up.


The scout pointed in the direction he was coming from.

"Just thirty miles ahead."

Dorgon's blood boiled.

"Saharian, you are outflanking from the left wing; Haug, you are outflanking from the right wing. You must not let this group of people escape."

This time when they went to Chahar, the three leading commanders were Dorgon, Sahalian and Hauge, with Dorgon as the commander.

Even though Saharian and Hauge usually did not deal with Dorgon, they would never dare to disobey military orders when marching and fighting.

The Eight Banners soldiers dispersed in three groups and surrounded them all.

The grassland was as flat as a mirror. After running for a while, Dorgon saw the slowly moving team.

He could tell at a glance that this was by no means an elite teacher.

Although Lin Dan Khan is dead and the Chahar tribe is extremely weak, there are still some elite people.

These people in front of him are not his targets.

But soon Dorgon knew that this team was his gospel.

The woman in the carriage walked out fearfully, looking at the tough Eight Banners soldiers around her, she quickly identified herself.

"I am Namu Zhong, the great blessing jin of Lin Dan Khan. Ezhe and Su Tai are in Su Yigai, and they want to kill me."

After the death of Lin Dan Khan, a power struggle inevitably occurred in his royal family.

Although Na Muzhong is Lin Dan Khan's wife, she has no children.

Lin Dan Khan's other son, Ezhe, the son of Fujin Sutai, succeeded to the throne of Khan.

Su Tai could not allow other women around him to share the power, so he became murderous.

Namuzhong sensed something strange and ran away first.

She hadn't decided where she was going, so she met Dorgon and the Eight Banners soldiers on the way.

There is no need to choose now.

In order to survive, Namuzhong happily betrayed the locations of Su Tai and E Zhe.

Dorgon and others were overjoyed and quickly led their troops westward.

God help them too.

The fog was so thick that you couldn't see anything beyond five steps.

The Eight Banners army used the cover of thick fog to quietly surround the Chahar tribe.

At this time, Ezhe was still distressed.

He received a letter from Chechen Khan Shuolei, inviting the Chahar tribe to go to Mobei.

Although Ezhe is young, he also knows that there is no place for Chahar in Monan.

The Jurchens will come sooner or later.

"Dear Khan, the Jurchens have surrounded us!"

Whatever he thought of came to mind, Ezhe almost fainted on the spot.

He is only a fourteen-year-old child, what should he do?

Ezhe hurriedly went to Su Tai to discuss the matter.

Unexpectedly, his mother didn't pay attention. When she heard that she was surrounded by Jurchens, she knelt in front of the Buddha statue and prayed...

If the Buddha worked, why would the Chahar tribe be reduced to what it is today?

Just when the two women were frightened, an acquaintance came to them.

"Sister, Ezhe, please surrender."

This chapter has been completed!
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