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Chapter 808

Pizza Hut's business has been good from the beginning.

Every day there is a lot of traffic in front of the store, and many people even come from far away.

This place has become a holy land for Internet celebrities in the late Ming Dynasty, and everyone wants to come and check in.

If you have never eaten at Pizza Hut, you will be embarrassed to say hello to others.

In just one month, Pizza Hut's profits have reached an eye-catching level.

After discussions with various shareholders, Xu Ruolin established the Pizza Hut headquarters, recruited a large number of new employees, and began large-scale training.

In view of the bright future of Pizza Hut, Xu Ruolin became much bolder.

After soliciting Zuo Mengeng's opinions and guidance, she opened seven branches in one go.

Linqing, Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Dengzhou, Qingzhou, Qingdao, and Yizhou each have a branch.

Not only that, Pizza Hut headquarters has already begun planning to open branches in Songjiang Prefecture and Lianghuai.

Everyone likes a good business.

But the benefits that Pizza Hut can create are only a drop in the bucket compared with arms.

Huai'an, two Huai Divisions of the Ministry of Intelligence.

Zheng Jiada welcomed an unexpected and awkward guest.

As for why this guest came, the Intelligence Department has already known it.

"Director Zheng, I wonder if your army's firearms can be sold to me?"

The visitor is Hong Chengchou's aide Wu Xinyu.

Just for one thing, I want to buy arms.


This starts with Hong Chengchou's battle with the Northwest Rebels.

After the New Army withdrew from Fengyang, the threat from the Ming Army to the east was completely eliminated.

Recovering Fengyang made Hong Chengchou breathe a sigh of relief, and he began to mobilize his troops to prepare to deal with the northwest rebel army in Yingzhou.

Following his order to mobilize troops, various Ming armies began to gather from all directions.

Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng in Yingzhou learned of the situation and realized that they were unable to defeat the enemy, so they immediately led their troops westward.

Although Fengyang was recaptured, because the royal ancestral spirit was destroyed, Hong Chengchou knew that it would be difficult to explain to Chongzhen if he did not achieve some results.

This time he became ruthless and personally suppressed the formation, forcing all Ming armies to speed up the pursuit.

Finally, in the Xinyang area, the Ming army caught up with the Northwest Rebel Army.

This area belongs to the Dabie Mountains, and the terrain is extremely complex. The two sides engaged in continuous fierce battles here.

The Ming army was under the command of Hong Chengchou, whose supervision was strict and well-trained, so its combat effectiveness was higher.

After more than a year of development, Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng's troops have rapidly expanded in strength and have the advantage of having more people.

The two men took advantage of the complex terrain to deal with the Ming army all the way, which really caused a lot of trouble for the Ming army.

Both sides fought and fled for more than a month, and they were all exhausted.

Although many gains were made, the results were far from what was expected.

Hong Chengchou couldn't help but feel discouraged and almost wanted to give up.

But at this moment, things took a turn for the worse.

A Ming army suddenly came from the east, blocking the path of the northwest rebel army.

This Ming army was a well-trained force by Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Xunyang.

The reason why Lu Xiangsheng appears here is because he has just finished beating Zhang Xianzhong.

Zhang Xianzhong went south from Fengyang to Luzhou Prefecture, but the new army was chasing behind him, so he did not dare to stop at all, so he had no choice but to enter the Dabie Mountains.

Although the new army stopped after catching up to the foot of the Dabie Mountains, the Dabie Mountains were poor and desolate, and Zhang Xianzhong searched and plundered in every possible way, but could not meet the needs of the army.

He gritted his teeth and decided to march to Huguang, hoping to obtain sufficient supplies of food and grass.

As soon as he left the Dabie Mountains, he encountered a powerful opponent.

Lu Xiangsheng blocked him in Macheng.

There was a fierce battle between the two sides. Although Lu Xiangsheng was a civil servant, he rushed to the front bravely and acted fairly. The people below him all admired him.

The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were not afraid of death and were as powerful as tigers. They beat Zhang Xianzhong to the point where he was completely defeated.

Zhang Xianzhong was so frightened that he had no choice but to turn around and retreat back to the Dabie Mountains.

Lu Xiangsheng originally wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but he received military information and learned that Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng had come from the west and were entangled with Hong Chengchou.

Although Zhang Xianzhong dug up the royal ancestral mausoleum and was on Chongzhen's blacklist, he wanted to kill him immediately. But the officials on the front line knew that compared to him, Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng were more harmful.

Lu Xiangsheng immediately abandoned Zhang Xianzhong and marched westward, just in time to catch Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng.

A fierce battle broke out between the two sides in the area of ​​Daoshui River and Yuntai Mountain in Hong'an County.

Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng panicked at the two-sided attack from the Ming army and decided to break out separately.

At the critical moment of life and death, Li Zicheng showed high integrity.

He offered to stay to contain the Ming army and create opportunities for Gao Yingxiang to escape from difficulties.

Gao Yingxiang was deeply moved by this, and his subordinates also had a great impression of Li Zicheng.

It can be said that if one day Gao Yingxiang is gone, these subordinates will definitely defect to Li Zicheng.

Just like the king's own subordinates.

Watching Gao Yingxiang leave with his army, Li Zicheng formed an array by the Doushui River.

He asked Li Guo to lead his troops to set up defenses by the river to prevent Lu Xiangsheng's troops from crossing the river.

Then he ordered Liang Yue to form a formation on the left wing to block Zuo Liangyu's attack from the south.

When Liang Yue saw Zuo Liangyu's handsome flag and knew it was Zuo Mengeng's father, she immediately became full of fighting spirit and vowed not to retreat until she died.

Zuo Liangyu was determined to show off in front of Hong Chengchou and fought particularly hard.

Rivers of blood flowed from both sides, and for a moment no one could do anything to the other.

Hong Chengchou fully thought that with his large army gathered and Li Zicheng's troops blocked in the river bend, he would surely win a complete victory.

However, at this time, with no outsiders around, Li Zicheng finally took out his trump card.

Just as the infantry in the front group were fighting with the Ming army, the musketeers under Li Jin marched neatly and crushed the entire battlefield.

Wherever the queue passed, bullets rained down, and no Ming army could stop them for a moment.

Although the sidecars that the Ming army relied on for defense blocked the musket attacks, Li Zicheng still had bronze cannons in his hands.

Dozens of lightweight bronze cannons accompanied the infantry as they advanced. They basically fired one shot at these sidecars, quickly tearing the Ming army's array into pieces.

Despite the desperate efforts of the generals from all walks of life to maintain the situation, the entire Ming army collapsed under such a fierce firearm attack.

Hong Chengchou stared at the shattered battlefield in stunned silence, and spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

When did the firearms of these mud-legged rebels become better than those of the official army?

Almost instantly, he figured out what was going on.

"Damn Shandong traitors!



Hong Chengchou roared unwillingly and ordered the entire army to retreat.

Since the rebellion of the northwest rebels in the first year of Chongzhen, this was the first time that the official army lost to the rebels on a frontal battlefield.

After this battle, the mentality and temperament of both Li Zicheng and his generals had undergone tremendous changes.

After Hong Chengchou returned, although he was extremely angry, he also knew that if he wanted to deal with the northwest rebels, he could only seek help from Shandong.

So Wu Xinyu could only bring his intention and came to visit Zheng Jiada.

This chapter has been completed!
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