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Chapter 811

Talents need to be graded.

Doing so can not only distinguish the priorities, but also enhance the enthusiasm of talents for their enterprising efforts.

Prior to this, Shandong's talents had been divided in a more detailed manner.

Doctoral degrees, master's degrees, etc. have already appeared, but they are still vacant at the moment.

There are already many academicians at a higher level than doctorates and masters.

Liu Zongzhou, Huang Zongxi, Galileo Galilei, Deng Yuhan and others are all academicians of the two academies.

This time the steam engine was developed, Zuo Mengeng discussed with everyone and unanimously decided that a higher level of commendation was needed.

The theoretical knowledge of steam engines is well known to everyone at the top levels in Shandong.

Everyone is aware of the application prospects and huge influence of steam engines.

Even Galileo made this assertion after visiting the work of the steam engine team.

Once the steam engine is launched, China will definitely surpass other countries in the world and become the world hegemon.

Such a national treasure cannot be given too high a commendation.

After much thought, Zuo Mengeng decided to designate the highest intellectual honor as a national scholar.

To be an unparalleled national scholar is the lifelong dream of many people.

However, through the ages, how many people have been able to receive such praise?

Not to mention, now "Guo Shi Wushuang" is no longer just a verbal compliment, but has become a real honor.

Qin Luo and Li Meizhi were so excited that they were giddy after wearing the Unparalleled National Scholarship Medal.

No matter what, I never expected that this ceiling-like honor would fall on these two young people.

Before today, they always thought that what they were doing was the same as craftsmen.

Being able to get the title of Master Craftsman is the top.

"Uncle Zuo, is this honor too much?"

Li Meizhi actually felt scared and wanted to refuse.

Zuo Mengeng patted her shoulder lightly and comforted: "This is the honor you deserve. Your names will shine as brightly as all the great men in the history books in the future. If you are not worthy of being an unparalleled national scholar,

, no one in this world is worthy of it.”

Qin Luo scratched his head, leaving only a silly smile.

"I originally thought that only reading and writing articles can be considered knowledge, but I didn't expect that it also counts when we play with these machines."

Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly.

"Studying is also about seeking Tao. What is Tao? Tao is the principle of all things in the world. Anyone who has mastered this principle can be called an unparalleled scholar. Who dares to say that there is no great truth in the steam engine you make?"

Only then did Qin Luo and Li Meizhi feel at ease and accept their honor.

Except for the two of them, the other eight people in the steam engine group all obtained the title of academician.

Ten young people stood in a row, two national scholars and eight academicians. It was really a sight to behold.

And this scene really stimulated all those who studied knowledge.

These young people can reach the top of academia, why can't they?

Through such a ceremony, the vitality of Shandong's academic community was promoted. If Zuo Menggeng knew this, he would probably laugh out loud in his dreams.

For Qin Luo and Li Meizhi to become national scholars, it is not just about honor.

Ten capable soldiers came to their side.

"Qin Guoshi, Li Guoshi, we are from the Special Service Section of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From now on, we will protect your safety closely. No matter where you go in the future, we will follow you."

Qin Luo and Li Meizhi were stunned.

Of course they have seen the guards around Zuo Menggeng. Every time they see Zuo Menggeng being protected by the stars, how can they not be envious in their hearts?

I never thought that one day they would be treated like this.

"It seems we won't need it, right?"

Qin Luocheng was terrified.

He just felt that he seemed to be praised too highly, which made him feel dizzy and unreal.

The leader of the five soldiers responsible for Qin Luo's security is Zhao Zuoguang.

"There are specifications for what kind of security conditions you are worthy of. In the identification of the central government, your importance is the same as that of the commander-in-chief and the prime minister of the cabinet."

Not only have Qin Luo and Li Meizhi's security been arranged, their families have also undergone earth-shaking changes.


In the original Zuofu, Lao Qintou now lives alone.

An old man guarded the huge house. Although there were a few servants, it still seemed empty.

But it's different now.

A large number of people poured in and took over everything here.

Even the plaque above the courtyard gate was replaced by Qin Guoshifu.

"Uncle Qin, your grandson has made outstanding contributions and was awarded the title of National Scholar. These people are all sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to help you manage your house. If you have anything to do in the future, just give me your orders."

Looking at the busy service staff in front and back, Lao Qintou was quite dissatisfied.

"The old man has hands and feet. He can do everything efficiently and does not need help. Go back and tell the young master not to waste your money on the old man."

The people below didn't listen at all.

"Uncle Qin, you don't want Sun to be busy outside and worry about your daily life, right?"

After hearing this, Lao Qintou finally stopped refusing.

"That brat has been naughty since he was a child, and I didn't expect him to be successful."

When the people around him heard this, they all couldn't laugh or cry.

If a scholar of the state is not considered worthy, then what is considered promising?

Different from Lao Qin Tou's indifference, Huang Lianzhu burst into tears at this time. Looking blankly at Li Xiangzhu's memorial tablet, he could finally express his sadness.

"Master, you have a soul under your breath, and you can finally rest in peace. The commander-in-chief is a caring person and has always taken care of our family. I and my children have no worries about food and clothing and live a good life. Meizhi is now a national scholar, better than you

It's amazing. Watching her grow up well and honor her ancestors, I won't be afraid that I won't be able to see you if I go underground in the future."

A home without a man is never stable enough.

Although the military has always provided constant care, Huang Lianzhu has always been worried about what he will do in the future.

Now that Li Meizhi has won the highest honor of being a national scholar, the Li family not only has not declined, but has risen to a higher level.

This finally made her feel proud and satisfied.

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, because Li Meizhi was promoted to a national scholar, the original residence of the Li family no longer met the specifications.

Zuo Mengeng specially approved the construction of a brand new Li Guoshi Mansion for the Li family to the north of the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion and on the west bank of Daming Lake.

Standing outside the door of her new home, looking at the large gilt door plate on the courtyard door, Huang Lianzhu cried with joy.

After crying enough, accompanied by Li Meizhi, he walked in holding Li Xiangzhu's tablet.

The Imperial Palace covers a very large area, and is no less generous than any other high-ranking official.

This is Zuo Mengeng's deliberate planning, with only one purpose, that is, the people below will understand that as long as they make progress and achievements in the field of science, they will not be treated badly.

He is looking forward to the birth of more and more national scholars in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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