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Chapter 814 Military Movement

The conflict between Hou Jin and North Korea was completely different from the last Ding Mao chaos.

The main strategic purpose of Houjin at that time was just to break the strategic alliance between Ming Dynasty and North Korea, gain enough room for maneuver, and avoid being attacked on multiple sides.

Therefore, after achieving military victory and receiving North Korea's commitment, they quickly withdrew their troops.

But this time, as his strength increased, Huang Taiji's ambitions expanded rapidly.

He wants more.

After Ding Mao's chaos, North Korea swung back and forth between the Ming Dynasty and Hou Jin Dynasty, playing both sides, and was always unwilling to accept Hou Jin's overtures.

Because Hou Jin's strategic focus was not on North Korea, North Korea actually lived a relatively relaxed life.

But now North Korea must choose between the Ming Dynasty and Hou Jin Dynasty, and it can only choose Hou Jin Dynasty.

This was tantamount to a 180-degree turn in the way the country was founded, and naturally aroused strong reactions within North Korea.

Zhang Guanhua knew very well that such a big matter cannot be solved with just five thousand troops.

What happens next, Shandong base camp must come forward.

"Everyone, please be patient and send a message back to Shandong immediately. No matter what, the vitality of North Korea will be preserved."

Shen Daoxun and Li Chong looked at each other.

How could they not understand what Zhang Guanhua meant?

The life and death of the Korean royal court is obviously not within Shandong's consideration.

What Shandong can guarantee is the safety of people like them.

In the definition of Shandong, these people actually surpassed King Li Zhu and were the true orthodox people of Korea.

Thinking of Shandong's identity, it is obvious that they are regarded as North Korean rebels.

But ask yourself, if in the end Li Zhu couldn't withstand Hou Jin's attack, he chose to surrender.

These people are just afraid of dying without a burial place.

Even if they don't die, who is willing to accept the barbarians as the masters?

Comparing the two, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being rebellious.

The general situation is such that people like them have no ability to make decisions on their own and can only wait for the judgment of fate.

The information was sent back to Shandong, and the center immediately started operating quickly.

"North Korea will definitely not be obedient, and war will definitely come. But it will not come so quickly. It may be delayed for a year and a half."

Zuo Mengeng made a judgment.

He has history as a basis and is confident.

By inferring cause and effect from established historical facts, he can also understand what is going on.

The political approach of North Koreans is the same as the character of this nation.

Before taking action, he had a bad temper, was proud and arrogant, and always thought that I was the best in the world.

But if you really move your hand, no one can beat you. It will collapse as soon as you hit it, and you will soon become weak.

Therefore, in the face of Hou Jin's coercion, North Korea will definitely not readily agree.

The two sides go back and forth, and just the verbal exchanges will take a lot of time.

Another thing, Huang Taiji still needs to consider everything.

Especially when Japan invaded North Korea decades ago, Ming Dynasty spared no effort to provide support.

So this time when it launches a war to destroy the country, will Ming take action?

The best way is to weaken the Ming Dynasty before attacking North Korea. Only by leaving the Ming Dynasty with no time to think about can the implementation of the entire strategy be ensured.

"Before attacking North Korea, Huang Taiji will definitely enter the customs again. This is not only a deterrent to the entire world, but also the elimination of future troubles in attacking North Korea."

Two consecutive judgments were based on solid evidence and successfully convinced everyone.

"Then we can arrange it calmly."

Liu Yiyuan let out a sigh of relief.

As the chief of general staff, what he feared most was that Hou Jin would suddenly launch an attack and not give Shandong time to prepare.

If that is the case, Shandong will have no choice but to send troops hastily. If it is not fully prepared, it will definitely suffer heavy losses and even fail to achieve its strategic goals.

If there is one and a half years of preparation time, the strength of the new army will be absolutely foolproof.

Zuo Yong suggested: "If we want to fight in Korea, it is best to bring back the 1st Marine Division. Whether it is landing operations or cross-sea operations, the 1st Marine Division has accumulated experience, which is far unmatched by other units."

Everyone unanimously agreed with this proposal.

Going to fight in North Korea is far different from fighting at home, especially how to cooperate with the navy. Other troops have no relevant experience.

Zuo Mengeng looked at Zuo Rong.

"How's your adaptation going?"

Through the experience of the First Marine Division, the New Army began to reform again.

The purpose this time is to cancel the general-level units and change them to masters.

Although the level has been reduced, the strength of each unit has been enhanced, making it more in line with today's battlefield situation.

Besides the 1st Marine Division, the first changes to be made were the First Army and the newly established 5th Division.

The newly formed Fifth Division is mainly composed of recruits from Lianghuai and Songjiang Prefectures, and it will still take a long time to form combat effectiveness. Therefore, the only one that can be counted on is the First Army, the current First Division.

The calm Zuo Rong will never disappoint.

"At present, the entire command system has been straightened out. After several exercises, each department has adapted to the new organization and is ready to enter the battlefield at any time."

The newly formed First Division has formed a combat capability, which is undoubtedly good news.

Zuo Mengeng made a decision immediately.

"Order the First Division to go south immediately and go to Songjiang Prefecture to take over the defense of the 1st Marine Division. The 1st Marine Division began to gather towards Jeju Island one after another, and corresponding supplies began to be stored."

At this time, the benefits of having Jeju Island in your hands are highlighted.

This large island located between the Shandong Peninsula and the Korean Peninsula has become the best transfer station.

Otherwise, if we want to use troops against North Korea, we can only cross the sea from Shandong. Not to mention the long journey, if something unexpected happens, we will miss the opportunity.

Jeju Island is not far from the Korean Peninsula and is easily accessible from dawn to dusk, so it can cope with any situation.

Moreover, North Korea is now in chaos and has no time to pay attention to this remote island.

This also allows Shandong to move more aggressively, without having to worry about things being exposed and causing unnecessary trouble.

For the upcoming war, Liu Yiyuan was gearing up and came up with ideas.

"In the future, we will definitely choose Busan for landing operations. I plan to send surveying and mapping staff in advance to grasp the terrain in Busan. If possible, we will transport certain supplies to Busan. At that time, the First Marine Division will go directly there and land.

You can fight without delaying anything."

This is planning for a rainy day.

Zuo Mengeng thought for a while and suggested: "With such a large-scale strategic layout and military mobilization, without the general in charge, I'm afraid there will be chaos. Chief of Staff Liu Da, how about leaving this battle to you?"

Liu Yiyuan was stunned for a moment, then became ecstatic.

"This couldn't be better."

Liu Yiyuan has been in charge of staff work since the formation of the New Army. Except for the Battle of Qingshui Pass, he has never been on the battlefield again.

As a soldier, it is always a pity that he has planned one war after another but cannot participate in it personally.

Liu Yiyuan understood that Zuo Mengeng gave him the opportunity to leave his name in history.

While feeling grateful, I also secretly warned myself that I must not make any mistakes, as I would be sorry for Zuo Mengeng's trust.

This chapter has been completed!
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