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Chapter 81 Military Rank

Until the end of the banquet, Xu Erjue could not get over the shock.

When I returned to my residence, I was still feeling dizzy from the drunkenness, and I could always think of Zuo Mengeng's words.

He persisted for a while, wrote a letter, and asked his servant to send it to the capital as soon as possible.

It was too late to wait for instructions from Xu Ji who was far away in Songjiang, so Xu Guangqi had to make the decision.

The next day, Zuo Mengeng invited him to visit the back camp.

Among these partners, only people from the Xu family can enter the back camp.

Zuo Mengeng knew why Xu Erjue was here. If he wanted to have a good outcome with Xu Ruolin in the future, he must make the Xu family feel at ease.

Show Xu Erjue his own strength, he is stronger than anything else.

"Brother Xu, please."

Seeing that it was just a sedan, Xu Er felt quite embarrassed.

"How can one Xu be so comfortable and let you all be tired?"

It turned out that he thought Zuo Mengeng and others were preparing to walk.

Zuo Mengeng, Huang Zongxi, Zhou You and others laughed loudly, which made Xu Erjue feel puzzled.

"We are all riding horses. Brother Xu can rest assured and ride in a sedan chair."

Seeing Huang Zongxi and Zhou You mount their horses quickly, Xu Erjue was quite surprised.

"Brother Huang, Brother Zhou is a scholar of our generation, but he is also proficient in the art of riding?"

Huang Zongxi shook his head and sighed: "This is the case in the army. Qianzuo issued a strict order, either on horseback or on foot. Whoever dares to ride in a sedan chair will be severely punished. I have learned this riding skill recently.

Yes, I have suffered enough."

Today's Huang Zongxi is not only good at riding horses. He must also participate in the daily training at the back camp.

At the beginning, Huang Zongxi was quite embarrassed, his performance was not as good as that of the new recruits, and he was embarrassed.

Huang Zongxi found it hard to understand, and even had many heated arguments with Zuo Mengeng.

It wasn't until he saw Zuo Menggeng leading by example, personally participating in the training and always taking the lead, that he understood the deeper meaning. He put aside his pretense of being a scholar, shouldered his thin body, and crawled and rolled with the soldiers.

The military camp is the best melting pot.

After just a few months of living in the military camp, Huang Zongxi's bookishness has faded a lot, and he exudes a sense of toughness.

Nowadays, it is normal for him to open his mouth and curse others. He wolfs down his meals without caring about dignity at all.

Seeing that Huang Zongxi, a pure scholar, had been transformed into a thorough warrior, Xu Erjue was deeply surprised. While sitting in the sedan chair, he always observed secretly.

Seeing the others sitting on their horses with majestic looks, he actually felt dirty.

Fortunately, the military camp arrived soon.

When they arrived at the gate of the camp, Zuo Mengeng and others dismounted their horses one by one. After talking to the guards, they led the horses into the camp.

When Xu Erjue arrived here, he had to get out of the sedan and follow everyone on foot.

None of his servants or bearers were allowed in.

"A good brother governs the army with the rules of a prince and the power of a thin willow."

Zuo Mengeng walked with him in the military camp and was very proud of his achievements.

"The most important thing in running an army is military discipline, which is the foundation of a strong army. There are not so many tricks and tricks on the battlefield. Only the strength of the army is the basis for determining victory or defeat. In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and trickery will fail.

It’s useless.”

Xu Erjue listened carefully. These words were completely different from the military methods he had learned from books and plays in the past.

But looking at the soldiers in the military camp, they were all lined up even when they were walking, and the murderous atmosphere was permeating them, which was frightening and very reasonable.

"My dear brother is now serving as President Qian..."

Xu Erjue couldn't help grinning when he thought of Zuo Mengeng's age.

Fourteen-year-old Mr. Qian, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be extremely difficult for him to believe it.

"Although you have a bright future, in today's world, studying and gaining fame is the right path. For the sake of long-term planning, my dear brother should carefully consider this path of civility and martial arts."

What he meant behind the scenes was that he still looked down upon Zuo Menggeng’s status as a martial artist.

In this Ming Dynasty, warriors were synonymous with lowliness.

The Xu family is a scholarly family, a famous family in the south of the Yangtze River. If the only girl marries a martial artist, she will probably be ridiculed by her peers.

Zuo Mengeng didn't listen at all.

"Only by balancing civil and military affairs can a country be stable. Any move that promotes civility and suppresses military power, favors martial arts and abandons civility, is a waste of martial arts. What's wrong with soldiers? Without soldiers, who will protect the country in the world? Where can we see the high-ranking people in the temple?

Get the contribution of my generation of soldiers?"

Xu Erjue noticed that Zuo Menggeng always called himself a soldier.

This is completely different from the current titles of "Warrior" and "Qiu Ba", and it obviously gives people a different feeling.

"Even if a warrior reaches the highest level, he is still just a general soldier. Even when he meets the seventh-grade county magistrate, he still has to obey him. How can a noble and noble man be tolerated by such a cowardly spirit?"

Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly and pointed at the military camp where tigers were leaping and dragons were flying, showing his domineering power beyond me.

"Now I have three thousand tigers and warriors, showing my prowess. In the future, when I have an army of thirty thousand, who will dare to despise me? What if I have an army of three hundred thousand in my hands?"

Xu Er felt horrified and frightened, and the turmoil in his heart swept over his soul.

The meaning of Zuo Menggeng's words was clearly revealed, which was too terrifying for a scholar like him.

But then he realized something was wrong.

"According to the regulations, since my dear brother is a thousand commander, he should only have a thousand people under his command. There are three thousand tigers here..."

Zuo Mengeng looked straight at him.

"What can Brother Xu teach me?"

Xu Erjue twitched the corner of his mouth and did not dare to look at Zuo Mengeng.

Little sister, what kind of evil person have you provoked?

Is the future of the Xu family good or bad?

Anyway, after walking around in the rear camp, Xu Erjue felt that the temperament of the rear camp army was completely different from that of other Ming troops.

Four days later, Xu Guangqi's reply arrived.

Xu Guangqi only gave a one-word reply to Zuo Menggeng's proposal to invest in Xujia Weaving.


With the consent of the family owner, Xu Erjue immediately signed an agreement with Zuo Menggeng, giving Zuo Menggeng another stable source of income in addition to the glass industry.

Only then did Zuo Mengeng take him to see the hydraulic drive device.

The simple principle made Xu Erjue's blood pressure rise, and he had no place to take regret medicine.

For such a simple thing, the Xu family actually gave 10% of the shares.

But looking at the working efficiency of the hydraulic forging hammer, Xu Erjue became excited again, knowing that the Xu family had caught a treasure.

He didn't want to stay for a moment, said goodbye quickly, and rushed back to Songjiang to adjust the industrial layout.

On Zuo Menggeng's side, the rear camp has entered a new stage.

More than a thousand soldiers returned from the dock, which suddenly enriched the military camp.

For these more than a thousand soldiers, Zuo Menggeng organized them into the first and second infantry brigade, and the remaining ones were organized into the general rear brigade.

The original First Infantry Brigade and the General Logistics Brigade were disbanded, and the soldiers were organized into various new units and successfully became low-level officers.

It is precisely because of these first batch of soldiers who received training and training that the expansion of the rear camp can be achieved.

Otherwise, an army of thousands of people cannot be trained with just Zuo Menggeng, Huang Zongxi, and Liu Yiyuan, who can travel around and enjoy glory and wealth forever for generations.

However, with the expansion of the army, a problem arose.

Liu Yiyuan brought someone to Zuo Mengeng.

"Qianzuo, his name is Bai Xiaoqi, and he is currently the squad leader of the ninth squadron of the third squadron of the first brigade. He discovered a problem and reported it to me. I think this problem is very important and we must come up with a solution as soon as possible.


Zuo Menggeng knew Bai Xiaoqi.

There were more than 300 people in the original First Brigade, and he personally trained every soldier, so every face was remembered in his mind.

"When he first received training, Bai Xiaoqi was very smart and had many ideas. Now he can find problems."

Bai Xiaoqi scratched the back of his head and smiled silly.

"At the beginning, Chizuo said that the back camp is the back camp for our big guys. Only when everyone puts their thoughts and efforts in one place, can the back camp be better, and the big guys can also be better. I always remember Chizuo's words,

Don’t dare to be lazy.”

Zuo Mengeng pulled him to sit down and praised: "If everyone thinks like you, why should our back camp be worried? Tell me, what problem did you find?"

With his encouragement, Bai Xiaoqi also calmed down and spoke very coherently.

"Qianzao, there are a total of thirty people in our team. Although besides me, there are two deputy captains. But those recruits don't remember who they are, and they often tell them who the deputy captains are, but the result is a turn of events.

First, they just forgot about it. When the deputy team was assisting me in training, many recruits were disobedient. I felt that everyone was just soldiers, so why should they train people? I just thought, should I find a way?

Let the soldiers remember who the officers are?”

Hearing this question, Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Such an important issue was ignored by him.

When planning to build the rear camp, he only thought about pursuing equality between officers and soldiers. And because armor was cancelled, the uniforms of generals and soldiers were actually the same.

In this way, there is equality, but when the number of soldiers increases, the soldiers will not be able to recognize who is an officer and who is a soldier.

Now in training, although there are a lot of troubles, it is not too serious.

But if on the battlefield, once an officer is killed, whose command should the soldiers follow?

Wouldn't it be a mess?

"Thanks to you, otherwise our back camp would have a big problem."

Zuo Mengeng knew clearly who should take the credit.

Needless to say, Bai Xiaoqi is already on his list. As long as there are no mistakes in the future, he will be promoted faster than others.

Zuo Menggeng did not dare to delay and immediately called a meeting of all the officers in the battalion.

"In order to distinguish between officers and soldiers in our army, as well as the ranks of officers, a military rank system will be implemented in the entire battalion from now on."

This chapter has been completed!
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