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Chapter 832: Attacking Primitives

Gogihewei, the home of Tusa.

A spacious and bright brick house with a warm earthen stove.

The leaders of various tribes gathered together and were discussing matters.

"I think what the commander of the Guards said makes sense. No matter what, we have to go to Shandong to have a look. From now on, we are also citizens of Shandong, so we can't know everything."

Lian Shanhai spoke first.

He was moved by what Wei Yuanfeng said and planned to go to Shandong to have a look.

But these natives have never left the land where they live in their entire lives. Shandong is thousands of miles away, which is really unsettling.

Lian Shanhai did not dare to make the decision alone, so while the cement castle was being built, he summoned the leaders of each tribe to discuss the matter.

"If you go to such a far place, what if you don't come back?"

Tang Ji, the leader of the Harbarian Guards, had some resistance.

For him, the only world he sees is the world he sees in front of him. For him, Shandong is a bit too illusory.

At this time, Tusa, the oldest, chose to support Lian Shanhai.

"Everyone knows what our life will be like after the troops from the north come. We usually kill each other just for a bite to eat, and many people have died. When the people from Jianzhou came, they were like jackals, kidnapped.

How many of us have you killed? Have you ever come back? From now on, if we want to continue to live a good life, we can only rely on the regiment going north. They really treat us well, give us many things, and teach us so many skills. Even if they don't do it for us,

We ourselves have to think about our grandchildren, right?"

Among the indigenous people, older people have a lot of say.

Tusa's words did a good job of dispelling everyone's anxiety.

"All the young people in our tribe are now working in the shipyards on the island. They are well fed and well clothed, and they don't want to come back. The women in the tribe are also willing to marry them. I am afraid that if things continue like this, the tribe will no longer exist.


"If it's not there, it's not here. If everyone can live a good life and don't have to suffer from hunger, what's the use of this tribe?"

Heishui, the leader of the Manjing Guards, is a young man with the most active thinking, and he himself participated in the construction of the cement castle.

I have had more contact with the regiments heading north, and my thinking has changed a lot.

In his opinion, it would be better to be an ordinary person in the army heading north than to be the leader of the Lao Shenzi tribe.

Furthermore, the nearby tribe of Manjingwei is a relatively weak one. They have been bullied a lot and their survival is very difficult.

Now that the troops from the north are helping to mediate, the Manjing Guards have stabilized.

Therefore, Blackwater has completely opened its arms to the northward legion and plans to fully integrate into it.

"I was in the North Army and learned a lot of skills. But the commander of the Guards said that these I learned were just superficial. There are more powerful skills that need to be learned in Shandong. I don't have much, but my

The child cannot be delayed like this any longer."

Poor parents in the world, even these natives are like this.

They themselves don't care too much about it, but when they think about their children's future, everyone can't help but feel excited.

Even though they still retain many of their old living customs and are unwilling to make changes, how can they not envy the lifestyle and clothing habits of the regiment heading north when they see it in their eyes?

Don’t they want future generations to live such a good life?

"Brother Lian Shanhai is right. From now on, we will be Shandong people. I will go with you to see what a good way is in Shandong?"

"I'm old, let Kanda go with you."

Tusa was in poor health and could not travel far, but decided to let his son Kanda follow him.

Finally, after discussion, more than 20 people were selected from these indigenous people, who wanted to go to Shandong to see the world.

When the situation was reported to Wei Yuanfeng, he was very happy and quickly made arrangements.

Just before it started to snow, the last fleet was about to return to Shandong, so Wei Yuanfeng asked Lian Shanhai and others to accompany them.

"Chief of Staff, it is their first time to go to sea. There will definitely be a lot of discomfort. Please be more careful and take good care of them."

The person leading this fleet is Naval Chief of Staff Bai Dasheng.

"Don't worry. Now we are familiar with this route. We have made proper arrangements on the road. There will definitely be no accidents."

Only then did Wei Yuanfeng feel relieved and watched the fleet slowly sail away from the port, heading south and disappearing at the junction of the sea and the sky.

At this time, the cold current moved southward, and the wind was smooth all the way, making the boat sail much faster than before.

Although Lian Shanhai and others lived by the sea, this was the first time they entered the deep sea. When the ship went farther and farther and the land disappeared from all sides, these people were all curious.

"Chief of Staff, I look the same everywhere, how can I tell the direction?"

Sailing was boring, so Bai Dasheng became a teacher.

He took out the compass and showed it to everyone.

"If you want to identify the direction on the sea, you need this thing. You see, the direction pointed by this pointer is always south. As long as this is determined, other directions can be found."

The indigenous people were amazed and took the compass and tried it on the spot, and they had a great time playing it.

"Then how do we know where we are?"

Seeing that Lianshanhai was facing constant problems and all of them were very important, Bai Dasheng was not only filled with emotion.

No wonder Wei Yuanfeng said that this person has outstanding talent and it would be a waste not to go through military school for further education.

He also paid attention to the mountains and seas, and took out a sextant and a nautical chart.

"Using this instrument and the sun, we can find our position. In this way, we will not get lost at sea and avoid accidents."

He was obviously just a native and didn't know many words yet. But Bai Dasheng only taught him once, and Lian Shanhai was able to skillfully operate the sextant.

Bai Dasheng was so excited to see it.

"After you graduate from the military academy, do you want to join our navy? Let me tell you, if you are a man, you should join the sea. Look, the sea is endless and vast. It is the best choice for a good man to build a career."

Even Shanhai didn't expect that Bai Dasheng would want to poach people.

He couldn't tell the difference between the navy and the army yet. He just smiled and didn't say anything.

The fleet went south all the way, and the days were calm.

These primitive people who left their homeland felt the vastness of the world for the first time.

The sea under their feet never seemed to know where it would end, giving them the illusion that they might have to walk forever.

But life on board is not boring.

While sailing, in addition to learning ship knowledge, everyone will also conduct fishing operations.

The large-scale aquatic products in the deep sea are beyond everyone’s imagination.

Often just one fish weighs hundreds of kilograms, enough to feed a boat of people for several days.

Think about when they were in their hometown, hunting a deer was a great food. But compared with the sea, what is it?

On the deck, fish that is thicker than venison is spread on the wire mesh and smoked over charcoal fire below.

Seasonings are sprinkled on the surface of the fish, and the aroma soon spreads, making adults and children salivate.

This chapter has been completed!
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