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Chapter 850 Nine sides are not fortified [Power outage today, sorry! 】

Huang Taiji did not expect that Hauge would take the initiative to ask for a fight.

"I have planned to hand over the Ministry of Household Affairs to you. It is related to the national economy and people's livelihood and cannot be ignored. You can stay here during this expedition."

Hauge knelt obediently in front of Huang Taiji, recalling Professor Fan Ji's words in his mind.

"My son has been stupid since he was a child and cannot count. He hastily carried out household affairs, fearing that he will betray the great trust of his father. My father has just ascended to the great throne, but there are Southern barbarians on his side, which I hate deeply. When we attack with a large army, we will be the only father."

The throne of the emperor is used to rule the world."

Hauge made it very clear.

You asked me to manage the accounts department, but I'm stupid and don't know how to calculate, so I can't manage it well at all.

Moreover, when the Qing Dynasty was first established and the Ming Dynasty was still there, it was still considered orthodox by people all over the world.

This is your shame, father.

As a son, I vow to help you find your place.

These words were carefully crafted and went straight to Huang Taiji's heart.

What made him happiest was Hauge's "Father".

When he looked at his son again, Huang Taiji's hard heart couldn't help but feel a little soft.

He was actually a little dissatisfied with Hauge.

Just because this son is brave, but he really has no brains.

If you want to lead Manchuria to establish a great cause, strong force is not enough, you must also have a smart mind.

There are many brave and capable warriors among the Manchus, but there are only too few smart ones.

Especially among his own descendants, he could not find anyone who looked like him, which made Huang Taiji lament every time.

Now that Hauge has changed, how can he not feel gratified?

"In that case, then you can go out with the army. On the battlefield, everything will be subject to the arrangements of Prince Wuying."

Hauge remained respectful and obedient.

"Uncle Twelve is my famous Manchurian general. My sons and ministers must learn from him and increase their knowledge."

Huang Taiji's eyes couldn't help but widen.

How could he not know about the conflict between Hauge and the Dorgon brothers?

Or did he create it deliberately?

But Hauge, who was usually arrogant and domineering, was able to bow to Azig. It was because the sun was rising from the west.

But no matter what, Huang Taiji was really happy to see that Hauge finally had some palaces.

In early May, Huang Taiji officially issued an order, appointing Azig as the commander-in-chief of the Southern Expedition, with Hauge and Yanguli as his deputies. He led 50,000 troops to bypass Mongolia and invade the Ming Dynasty.

Azig was very happy to be able to serve as the head coach. The depression of only winning the title of county king somewhat dissipated.

But knowing that Hauge was also going to join the expedition made him feel a little depressed.

Unexpectedly, Haug was extremely humble after he came to the army. Not only did he not confront him tit-for-tat, but he also reported to him for instructions on all major and minor matters.

In addition, Hauge became taciturn and treated his subordinates much more peacefully, no longer as prone to beating, scolding and humiliation as before.

Suddenly, the military's perception of Hauge had undergone a huge change.

Faced with Haug's anomaly, Azig not only did not feel complacent, but on the contrary became vigilant and hurriedly wrote a letter and sent it back to Dorgon.

Even though he himself can't get along with Dorgon, they are brothers after all.

Azig also knew that no matter how he and Dorgon quarreled, they would both prosper and suffer.

If there is a quarrel between them, Huang Taiji's butcher's knife will fall.

The weather was warm and the army marched smoothly. Outside the Great Wall, they met up with the approaching 50,000 Mongolian troops.

So far, the number of Qing troops in this southern expedition has exceeded 100,000.

"The current Governor of Xuanda is Liang Tingdong. When His Majesty led us to enter the customs for the first time, he was the Minister of War of the Ming Dynasty. He can be said to be a loser. This time, we will attack from his territory."

The Qing army had already mastered the corresponding information in detail.

The Great Wall defense line is now riddled with holes.

After the Jisi Incident, the Ming Dynasty made up for its losses and strengthened the defense at Jizhen. However, several times later, the Qing army tested it from other places and still broke through.

This time Azig chose to enter from Xuanda University.

"Your Majesty, I would like to invite you to be the vanguard."

Hauge stood up and volunteered.

Azig was always wary of this nephew. But in full view of the public, he could not refute Hauge's face.

"Well, your troops must break through the border on June 26th. If you fail to do so, you will be severely punished by military law."

Hauge is full of confidence.

"This first achievement will be determined by Mo Jiang."

As long as it's about fighting, Hauge will become very shrewd.

He led his soldiers and horses to break away from the army, hiding day and night, without disturbing the Ming army at all, and successfully approached Zhen'an Fort.

There are only more than 300 Ming troops guarding here, and they are all old, weak, sick and disabled. They don't even go out of the military camp, so how can they fight?

That night, the Eight Banners scouts took advantage of the darkness to climb up the city, successfully killed the sentries, and opened the city gate.

Hauge was overjoyed, waved his scimitar, and personally led the troops into the Great Wall.

Zhen'an Fort fell immediately.

Guard Chen Hongfan had a stomachache in the middle of the night and ran to go out. He happened to see the Qing army charging in. He quickly fled along the path alone, but fortunately he remembered to report the news.

The border beacon fire spread rapidly, and all the Ming troops in various places were frightened. Instead of coming to support, they closed their doors tightly.

I don't ask for anything else, I just ask the Qing army to attack others and not to blame themselves.

Just when Liang Tingdong was convinced, Azig led the main force of the Qing army to follow Hauge and crossed the Great Wall. In just three days, the entire Xinbaoan area fell.

The Ming army jointly set up forts in this area for dozens of miles, but there was no resistance at all.

As if entering uninhabited territory, the Qing army burned, killed, and looted everywhere, turning the area along the Great Wall into scorched earth.

Liang Tingdong learned about the military situation, but had no countermeasures.

He knew Xuanda's situation very clearly and knew that he would definitely die if he went out of the city to fight with the Qing army.

He had no choice but to order his troops to retreat into the city and allow the Qing army to gallop back and forth between the mountains and fields.

Seeing that the Ming army was so timid, Azig simply divided his troops into two groups.

Hauge led his troops to Baoding and plundered the eastern foothills of Taihang Mountain.

He personally led the main force to the area north of the capital.

At this time, Mingting had received a military intelligence alert.

Chongzhen was really frightened when he learned that there were as many as 100,000 Qing troops entering the customs this time.

He hurriedly issued an edict from King Qin and mobilized troops to defend the capital.

Cao Pichang, the commander-in-chief of Tianjin, was the closest and immediately led his army to march westward, hoping to seize Changping and block the Qing army's eastward advance.

As a result, they happened to encounter the Qing army outside Changping City.

Cao Pichang only had 3,000 troops and was besieged by tens of thousands of Qing troops. He could not hold out for even an hour.

In the end, the only viable force of the Ming army in this area was completely wiped out, and Cao Pichang became a prisoner.

Now the north of the capital has completely become an undefended blank area.

The Qing army destroyed everything along the way, and it was easier to capture the city than to go shopping.

Dingxing, Ansu, Shunyi and other places were lost one after another.

The haze of the Jisi Incident once again shrouded the heads of the Ming Dynasty's monarchs and ministers.

This chapter has been completed!
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