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Chapter 860 Undercover?

"Did Chongzhen really steal Yang Sichang's love?"

When Zuo Mengeng learned about this, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Although this incident had happened before in history, Zuo Mengeng still couldn't laugh or cry after hearing about it.

"Who gave him the courage to trust Yang Sichang?"

Zuo Mengeng was puzzled to understand why Chongzhen trusted Yang Sichang and entrusted him with important tasks.

It stands to reason that Yang Sichang's father was punished with a serious crime by Chongzhen, dismissed from office and exiled, and eventually died in the place of exile. After being a criminal, Yang Sichang should not have the possibility of turning over.

But the strange thing is that despite clearly condemning his father, Chongzhen still had great faith in Yang Sichang.

In Chongzhen's mind, Yang Sichang was the capital of the country and the only hope to turn the tide from collapse.

This time, Zhang Fengyi neglected his duties, deceived his superiors and concealed his actions. He was helpless against the invasion of the Qing army and chose to die as an apology. Who can take charge of the overall situation? Chongzhen wanted to resurrect Yang Sichang despite the civil and military presence of the entire dynasty.

At this time, Yang Sichang was in his hometown of Dingyou because of the death of Yang He and his stepmother.

According to the customs of feudal officialdom, people of Ding You had to observe filial piety for three years before returning to officialdom.

But Chongzhen couldn't wait any longer. He needed Yang Sichang to come back quickly to take charge of the overall situation for him and save the Ming Dynasty.

Is Yang Sichang the best candidate to save Ming Dynasty?

At least judging from this person's various deeds, this person is not only not the best candidate to save the situation in Ming Dynasty, but more like an undercover agent.

History has proven that Yang Sichang's behavior was very strange. Not only were all his measures ineffective, but they also dragged the Ming Dynasty into the abyss step by step.

His so-called encirclement and suppression plan of "four righteousnesses and six corners, and a net on ten sides" is actually impossible to succeed at all, and it is full of loopholes.

The most important thing is that in order to implement his plan, Chongzhen once again raised taxes, which further made the people miserable and caused more people to revolt.

The reason why the entire peasant army was almost wiped out and only eleven of Li Zicheng's men fled into Shangluo Mountain was not because of his ingenious plan, but because the generals below disobeyed orders and did not fight according to his arrangements.

As for Yang Sichang, the one who will be remembered the most by future generations is naturally the one who cheated Lu Xiangsheng.

But it was such a person who became Chongzhen's most trusted minister. He held military and political power for a long time, and then through one stupid move after another, he completely destroyed the Ming Dynasty.

Zuo Mengeng always felt that this guy was probably a movie king-level actor.

He even used his own life to show Chongzhen the image of a loyal minister who worked hard and died, but his real purpose was probably to avenge his father.

After all, speaking honestly, Yang He's overall performance in the entire battle to annihilate the peasant army was acceptable, and it was not a big sin.

But Chongzhen convicted Yang He of a serious crime, which made the last period of his life extremely miserable.

Think about the situation.

Yang Sichang was still an official in the court, able to meet with Chongzhen many times, give advice and suggestions, and rise in the ranks step by step. However, his father could only be trapped in the place where the army was exiled, and eventually died of poverty and illness on a snowy night.

As a son of man, doesn’t Yang Sichang have any hatred in his heart?

If not, it would be abnormal.

But Yang Sichang always behaved proactively and loyally to his country, as if he really turned a blind eye to what happened to his father.

Even if we don't consider Yang Sichang's motives, Chongzhen's way of employing people seems ridiculous.

According to the emperor's mentality, since Yang He has been convicted of a serious crime, his heir should not be used; on the contrary, if he is determined to reuse Yang Sichang, why not pardon Yang He?

In this way, wouldn't it be better to win people's hearts?

Anyway, in this matter, Chongzhen's performance seemed very clumsy and naive.

The best time he used his imperial scheming was to eliminate Wei Zhongxian and the eunuchs. Other than that, he failed everywhere.

After learning about the new changes in the court, Zuo Mengeng knew that Ming Dynasty would not have any chance of salvation because of his influence.

In this case, then work hard to enhance your own strength. When the time comes, you can take over this great country and revitalize China.

The most important thing for him at the moment is the upcoming war in Korea.

The important events of the country are in the army and in the sacrifice.

Zuo Mengeng had no choice but to embark on the journey regardless of his precious daughter's reluctant eyes.

He came to Dengzhou, where the Fourth Division was stationed.

The Fourth Division has been stationed here for more than five months.

After the initial reorganization, we took advantage of Dengzhou's proximity to the sea and began arduous training.

As an originally pure army, this time it has to carry out cross-sea combat missions. How to adapt to the sea is a difficult problem facing the Fourth Division.

This adaptation process was painful and long, and it was unforgettable for everyone in the Fourth Division.

However, the effect is still very gratifying.

These landlubbers are now able to overturn rivers and seas, chase waves, and become more ferocious than sharks.

"The time is almost up. Your Fourth Division must rush to Jeju Island in the near future to make final preparations for combat. We must make it clear to the soldiers that this battle is extremely dangerous. What we have to face may be the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty.

Strength. On the battlefield, you must never underestimate the enemy."

Zuo Menggeng lectured the officers of the Fourth Division, and at the same time also went deep into the soldiers to have heart-to-heart conversations with everyone.

"Your Highness, North Korea is so far away, why should we go there to fight?"

Sure enough, some soldiers couldn't figure it out and asked him in front of him.

Zuo Mengeng invited everyone to sit on the ground and gave a simple explanation on the school field.

"The big guy said, is life good now?"

Is there any need to hesitate about this issue?

The soldiers cheered loudly.

Someone said happily: "When I was a child, I could only eat one meal a day, and one meal was just one steamed bun. Now I can eat as much as I want, and every meal has meat. Even my family has built a new house, and my parents, brothers and sisters

We all have new clothes to wear, and I couldn’t even imagine such a good life before.”

This kind of happiness that comes from the heart is the most contagious mood.

Zuo Mengeng asked with a smile: "Then have you ever cared about commodity prices?"

The soldiers looked at each other, obviously they had no feelings about this.

Because they are in the army all day long, and the salary they receive is either kept with them or given to their families. In the army, all food and clothing are free of charge, and of course there is no concept of commodity prices.

Zuo Mengeng said patiently: "Just last year, rice was still one stone and two taels of silver. But this year, it has risen to three taels and five taels of silver. Do you know the reason?"

The soldiers shook their heads, obviously not understanding this.

Zuo Mengeng used his fingers to calculate for everyone.

"Compared with last year, our current population has increased by more than three million, but the cultivated land we have is still the same. This means that the same land has to feed more people. You say, this food price

Can it not go up?”

Everyone suddenly understood, and at the same time they were even more curious about what this had to do with their expedition.

Zuo Menggeng's words were conveyed promptly.

"In the future... our population will become more and more numerous, and sooner or later there will be so much food produced in the fields that there is not enough food to eat. At that time, even if our hands are full of money, we will still have to buy

If we don’t have food, we will starve to death. Do you think it’s possible?”

Everyone was frightened and could not imagine such a situation at all.

There are also many people who fled famine and came to Shandong. They have experienced the horror of hunger and do not want to go back to those days.

"Since we can't stop population growth, what should we do? We have to go out and find more land. As long as there is more land, can we grow more food and feed more people?"

The soldiers were thoughtful and no longer confused as before.

Regarding the significance of this expedition, many people no longer feel that it has nothing to do with them.

This chapter has been completed!
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