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Chapter 86 Bi Maokang's experience (1)

The door of the military camp was open, and groups of soldiers were singing songs and practicing in the field.

Bi Maokang prepared to enter, but was stopped.

"Old sir, you can't come in."

Although the guard looked serious and carried a machete, his words were very polite.

Bi Maokang was quite surprised by the title "Old Sir". After tasting it carefully, he found that it was very good.

He smiled and said, "I am Bi Maokang. I met you Qianzuo yesterday."

The guards were not accommodating.

"You are not a soldier of our camp. You are not allowed to enter without being notified."

After being rejected, Bi Maokang scratched his head and couldn't help but have a great change in the military discipline in the rear camp.

His servant did not allow his master to be humiliated. He took a step forward and shouted: "You Qiu Ba, do you know the identity of my master? If your master finds out, I will skin you."

The guard instead looked over with contempt.

"My family Qian Zuo said that this military camp can be entered by wind and rain, and the emperor cannot enter without a notification. Is this old gentleman more noble than the emperor?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expression changed. But the chilling air that hit his face was really heart-stopping.

Bi Maokang noticed that there was a very tall sentry tower on the inside of the door. There were also soldiers standing guard on it. The difference was that the soldiers on it had already put on the new muskets they tested yesterday.

The musket can attack from a distance, so it is enough to control the camp gate from the guard tower.

Based on what the guard said, if anyone dares to break in, the sentry tower will probably shoot directly.

Bi Maokang came to investigate, not to accuse, so he was calm.

"In this case, please inform your army of thousands of troops and say that Bi Maokang is visiting."

The guard did not enter, but waved to the inside, and another soldier came forward. The two of them whispered, and the soldier quickly entered.

Bi Maokang suddenly changed color.

Because he never discovered where the other soldier was.

In other words, there are actually three people guarding this camp gate.

He only noticed the guards and sentries, but he didn't know there was another one hidden in the dark.

If the enemy invades the camp, even if they can get rid of the guards and sentries, they will definitely be discovered and warned by hidden sentries, causing the sneak attack to fail.

That young man is really terrifying in how he manages the army.

Soon, the military camp was full of people, and Zuo Mengeng personally greeted them.

"When we said goodbye yesterday, I thought Mr. Dongjiao had abandoned me. I'm so lucky to see you again today."

Bi Maokang couldn't laugh it off.

"I don't know if what you did is right or wrong. I want to take a walk around your place and take a look, is that okay?"

Zuo Mengeng was very happy.

"Except for the gunpowder factory, Mr. Dongjiao can see anything he wants."

Seeing how open-minded he was, even stating the taboos outright, Bi Maokang couldn't help but feel a little convinced.

Over the years, I have met countless people, many of whom have been famous for a long time. However, there is no one with such a broad mind.

"Then show me around."

Bi Maokang's servant was arranged to rest, and Zuo Mengeng personally accompanied him and walked in the military camp.

Zuo Mengeng knew that Bi Maokang had obviously reached a critical period of ideological turning at this time.

Whether we can harvest this talent depends on today.

The most important thing is to let Bi Maokang see the difference between this small world and the decayed Ming Dynasty.

As soon as you enter the military camp, there is a long trail.

It is very wide and flat, with many signboards erected on both sides with various words written on them.

Bi Maokang didn't say anything. He looked over one by one and found that the content above was so plain and thought-provoking.

【Come from the people, go to the people.】

[Three major disciplines, eight points of attention.]

[Don’t forget yesterday’s hardships and fight for the people!]

"Is this what you thought?"

How dare Zuo Mengeng take the credit?

"Isn't this the most reasonable thing?"

The difficulty lies in those who summarize these principles and put them into practice.

He is just learning from those great men and does not dare or forget.

"Since ancient times, when a new dynasty was established, it was all about punishing the people and being popular. There are many people who understand this, but no dynasty can persist."

Zuo Mengeng did not agree with Bi Maokang's words.

"Are those dynasties really for the people? When the world is in chaos, they just shout slogans to win over the people. The supply is just so that the people can eat and not starve to death."

Bi Maokang laughed dumbly.

"You are so brazen, do you think it is so easy to put food on the table for the people?"

Zuo Mengeng showed his sharpness.

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to do it. Once any dynasty or any country loses the foundation of the people, it will be like a castle in the air. It will be blown away by the wind and dust, and it will turn into ashes in an instant."

Bi Maokang was forced by his sharpness and could not face it directly, and said in a daze: "For thousands of years, countless people with lofty ideals have wanted to do this. But it is easy to talk about it, but it is so difficult to do it."

It's useless to say it's useless, we still have to let the elderly experience it.

"Mr. Dongjiao, you might as well take a closer look."

The two of them had already reached the school grounds, where there were also soldiers training.

Some were walking in a queue, while others were holding long wooden sticks flat on their right shoulders, with rocks tied to ropes hanging on the other end.

It was obvious that some soldiers' arms were sore and numb, and the wooden sticks kept shaking. But no one put them down, and they kept gritting their teeth and persisted.

"what are they doing?"

Bi Maokang has never seen such training methods.

"They are practicing the stability of shooting. When shooting with a hand-held musket, the gun will shake. But the muzzle of the gun shakes a little up and down, left and right, and when it is a hundred meters away, the difference is huge. If you want to shoot accurately, stability is very important


Afraid that Bi Maokang would not understand, Zuo Mengeng picked up a wooden stick and drew it on the ground.

Bi Maokang suddenly realized the two fan-shaped lines starting from the muzzle of the gun.

"Have you even noticed this? Not bad. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing what your soldiers will look like when they go to the battlefield and encounter Donglu."


Zuo Mengeng really didn't take it seriously.

The training on the school field was not quiet. The soldiers on the other side, who were also holding wooden sticks, screamed and killed.

"One, two, stab!"


The soldiers shouted loudly and thrust forward with wooden sticks. After completing this action, they repeated it over and over again.

Some instructors also walked among them and kept asking questions.

"Where are you from?"

The soldiers' answers were uniform.

"Common people."

"Who is behind you?"

"Parents, wives and children!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Protect our home and country!"

A sound like a strong wind and huge waves swept over him, causing Bi Maokang to fall back. Fortunately, he was supported by Zuo Mengeng.

"You don't serve as a soldier for pay... You serve as a soldier just to protect your family and country... If all the warriors in the world have this intention, why worry about being victorious?"

Zuo Menggen didn't say anything. Even Bi Maokang knew that he expected the Ming army to achieve this state...

It is better to hope that a natural disaster will wipe out the Donglu.

Walking through the school grounds, the excitement is still there.

Under a big tree, many soldiers were sitting together. There was a blackboard hanging on the big tree, with many words and pinyin written on it.

A soldier about their age was giving a lecture.

"The word "read" means that you understood what others said. Come on, read it with me, you will...ong...understand!"

The soldiers followed suit one after another, shaking their heads, which reminded Bi Maokang of the children in the private school.

"They...are actually reading and practicing calligraphy?"


Qiu Ba, who wielded swords and guns, killed people and set fires, was actually reading and literate.

Bi Maokang felt that something must have gone wrong somewhere.

But Zuo Mengeng was very proud.

"Yes, the juniors' requirement is that the whole army must be literate. Poor knowledge will affect your promotion and you will not be able to become an officer."

Bi Maokang couldn't figure it out.

"The left and right are just fighting against each other, so what's the use of reading and writing?"

Zuo Mengeng felt that it was necessary for this old gentleman to change his view on the army.

"Who says that soldiers don't need to read and write? How can you command a war if you are illiterate and can't even recognize a map in front of you? Among the famous generals in ancient times, Sun Wu, Han Xin, Li Jing, etc., which one is not a person with both civil and military skills?"

He added: "Besides, do these people still have to fight all their lives? When they reach a certain age, they can no longer be soldiers, so they have to have skills, right? Read some books, know some words, no matter what you do, you have to learn everything.

Much faster.”

After meeting him twice, Bi Maokang already knew that this young man was brave, but he didn't expect that he was so brave.

"The country has rules and regulations, and military households are passed down from generation to generation. How can we leave without permission?"

Zuo Menggen's military temperament is not one that can be patiently explained.

"This junior has the final say here."

This was the first time Bi Maokang saw such a domineering person, and he just wanted to give him some advice.


The evil aura coming from the direction of the school grounds made him wisely shut up.

This young man can indeed make the decision.

This chapter has been completed!
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