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Chapter 88: Bi Maokang's Experience (3)

In fact, the biggest benefit of allowing ordinary soldiers to participate in military affairs is to enhance the soldiers' sense of ownership.

Coupled with transparent communication from top to bottom, any soldier during wartime can clearly know what his or her mission is.

When a war is fought in this way, if everyone and every unit has a clear division of labor and is in an orderly manner, coupled with a strong enough willpower and sense of honor, there will be no battle that cannot be won.

This is also an important reason why our army went from victory to victory in later generations.

Why can we retreat only after listening to the trumpet? The leader deliberately didn't blow the trumpet. That's just disgusting.

Of course, there is no need for Zuo Menggeng to tell Bi Maokang such a profound truth.

The military camp in the rear camp is completely different from other military camps, and there are so many things to see.

After walking through the school grounds and reaching the back, Bi Maokang was amazed by the neat rows of buildings.

"You have to abide by the rules here, even in the house."

Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly.

"The public in the eastern suburbs doesn't know that the houses here are all newly built. Therefore, they can be planned in a unified way to achieve maximum utilization."

While he was talking, he discovered that there was a dispute in front of him.

Two groups of people got together and, for some unknown reason, their voices were loud.

Zuo Mengeng walked over and asked, "What happened?"

When everyone saw him, they all saluted, and Zuo Mengeng also returned the salute.

A soldier said: "Qianzuo, we are from the Internal Affairs Division of the Military Affairs Department, and we are being ordered to inspect the internal affairs of various ministries. Their team's dormitory is dirty and messy, but they don't know how to repent."

Zuo Mengeng looked over and saw that another group of people also had something to say.

"Qianzuo, I am the leader of the Eighth Squadron of the First Battalion, the Third Squadron, and the Eighth Squadron. These people are deliberately looking for trouble everywhere, specifically to make things difficult for us."

The soldiers in the internal service department were very persistent.

"Your internal affairs are not up to standard at all. It is necessary to report and criticize you. Look, what is this?"

The man raised his hand, and it turned out that he was wearing white cotton gloves. At this time, there was an obvious black stain on the fingers, which was particularly eye-catching.

He continued: "Your windows have not been cleaned at all. Do you still want to deny it?"

Bi Maokang watched from the side and realized that all the soldiers in the internal service department were wearing white cotton gloves and holding paper books in their hands. They were recording something while talking.

Liang Erwan frowned, still unconvinced.

"A broken window will be dirty if it's dirty, and we won't sleep on it. You all have to take care of this, are you going to let me live?"

This time, Zuo Mengeng spoke up without waiting for the back office department to speak.

"Is it hard to clean the windows?"

Liang Erwan was startled and quickly explained.

"Qianzao, brothers have been training for a whole day, and they are so tired that they have no strength left. If you continue to do this and that, you will be exhausted to death."

Zuo Mengeng stared at him.

"Then why did other teams do it without dying from exhaustion?"

Liang Erwan's face turned red and he didn't know how to refute. But he was very uncomfortable in his heart. He endured it again and again, and finally broke out.

"I just can't figure it out. Isn't it just a matter of being a soldier? As long as you can fight? Why do you even have to worry about how we sleep and how we fold the quilt? Isn't it a woman's business to clean the windows?"

This is a spear-headed soldier, so unusual.

When others have headaches and get angry, Zuo Mengeng is very calm.

"You can't even fold a quilt well, how can you fight a good war? Soldiers, fighting is the most difficult level. Because if you don't do it well, your life will be lost. Although folding a quilt is simple, you are not willing to give such a simple military order.

Execution, on the battlefield, can you still do more difficult things?"


Liang Erwan wanted to say that he could, but when he saw Zuo Mengeng's tiger-like eyes, he held back.

Zuo Mengeng's words were addressed not only to him, but also to all the soldiers of the 8th Squad.

"The biggest advantage of folding the quilt and tidying up the housework is that it will make the place where you are clean. When people become clean and the place becomes clean, you will get less sick. It doesn't matter if one of you is sick, but if you are all sick,

Then why fight? Even if you don’t think about yourselves, why don’t you think about others? Isn’t it worthy of praise to drag down your comrades? "

A group of people were trained so hard that they couldn't even lift their heads, and Liang Erwan's eyes turned red.

"Qianzao, if people become clean, will they really get sick less often?"

Zuo Mengeng pointed at him.

"Then ask yourself and what you see. Are there many people sick in this military camp now? How many people were sick when you were wandering?"

People in this era have a very poor concept of hygiene, and they rarely associate hygiene with illness.

At this time, Zuo Menggeng said it, and everyone thought carefully about it. After arriving at the military camp, the number of illnesses seemed to have decreased a lot. Occasionally, there were a few people who had headaches and fever, but they did not become a large number of people who fell ill.

In the past, everyone didn't care and didn't think about hygiene.

But after arriving at the military camp, everyone not only had better food and accommodation than before, but also the hygiene and training were diligent.

Training people will be tiring and will only increase the chance of getting sick.

In other words, what Zuo Mengeng said is actually correct.

When they thought that hygiene was related to patients, Liang Erwan and others panicked, and their attitudes immediately changed.

"Qianzao, we made a mistake. We will change it immediately and promise not to do it again in the future."

Zuo Mengeng nodded and said: "If you know your mistakes and you can correct them, there is no greater good. I hope you won't make such mistakes again in the future. Also, for this mistake, each of you will write a fifty-point review after you go back, and I will check it myself."


As soon as they heard that they were going to write a self-criticism, all the thirty or so people complained incessantly.

"Qianzuo, why don't you punish us by running laps? As many laps as you like, just don't write a review."

Zuo Mengeng's face was straight and he could not argue.

"This is a military order. Military law cannot be fulfilled."

A group of people hanging their heads down is even more uncomfortable than beheading.

This wasn't the end yet, Zuo Mengeng said again: "Because of your mistakes, this month's title of outstanding team is gone."

At this time, all the soldiers were breathing rapidly.

The monthly evaluation is what everyone cares about the most.

Who doesn’t want to be better than others?

When I think of others getting honors and praises, and showing off their virtues in front of myself and others, my blood rushes to my brain.

But there is no other way. What you have lost can only be won back by working harder.

After an episode, Bi Maokang watched with great interest.

"The rules here are stricter than those in the palace. Come on, take me to see how you teach people how to make quilts."

Bi Maokang randomly chose a soldier's dormitory and walked into it, and then saw rows of tofu cubes on the kang.

He rubbed his eyes, then rubbed his eyes again, suspecting that he was dreaming.

"Why do you have to go to such extreme lengths?"

He noticed that in an ordinary soldier's dormitory, not only were the quilts folded neatly and squarely, but everything in the room had a fixed order. Even the towels used by the soldiers had to be arranged in a certain order.

way to hang.

How many wealthy families claim to have strict rules.

Compared with this place, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Bi Maokang didn't believe that Zuo Mengeng could achieve such a feat, so he ran to several houses in a row, randomly. As a result, he discovered to his surprise that all the houses were the same.

It even made him wonder if he had been entering and exiting the same room.

It wasn't until Bi Maokang was tired from walking and accepted the reality that Zuo Menggeng revealed the reason.

"Actually, this is also a way to train soldiers to abide by military discipline. In addition, it also uses the soldiers' energy to stop them from thinking wildly."

Seeing that Bi Maokang didn't understand, Zuo Mengeng revealed more.

"People can't be idle. If they are idle, they will cause trouble and have more ideas. What's more, the military camp is full of men. These strong young men are full of energy. If they don't vent it properly, they will easily get into trouble."

"Well...you are quite cunning."

Bi Maokang laughed and pointed at Zuo Mengeng, but for the first time he admired this young man.

Bi Maokang knew very well the virtues of those Qiu Ba people.

Nowadays, chaos is everywhere in the Ming Dynasty, but when the army suppresses the bandits, they behave even more terrifyingly than the bandits.

Many places were clearly not devastated by bandits, but when the army came over, they immediately turned into a hell on earth.

Although the emperors and scholar-bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty were saddened by the corruption of military discipline, they did not know how to solve it. Secondly, they did not take the life and death of the common people seriously.

Don't look at how they think about the world's common people and the people's sentiments all day long. In fact, they don't understand what the common people are like and what the people's sentiments are like.

It's just used as a slogan to gain political capital.

Regarding the corruption of military discipline in the Ming army, they mostly blamed the military generals, or complained about Qiu Ba's rudeness.

When Zuo Menggeng solved the issue of military discipline from the perspective of human nature, Bi Maokang could only admire him and admire him.

This chapter has been completed!
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