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Chapter 894

After taking care of the generals at the top, there is no need to worry about the Korean soldiers at the bottom.

They don't have much sense of autonomy at all, and they just follow the crowd.

Zhang Guanhua ordered that the three thousand North Korean soldiers be divided into thirty squads and handed over to each company of the North Korean rebels to guide them.

Gray Stone is an ordinary North Korean soldier who is more than ordinary.

Ever since his grandfather was a child, his family had been serving in the military; his father was like this, and so was he.

Apart from being a soldier, I don't know how to do anything else.

I earned such a small amount of hard-earned money and could barely make ends meet. But I couldn't find a wife and I was alone.

The people above wanted to rebel, but he didn't understand what rebellion meant, so he could only blindly follow the general's banner all the way to Busan.

Just now, he witnessed with his own eyes the elite soldiers of the army being beaten to a pulp by those Korean rebels in fancy clothes.

Gray Stone has never seen such a terrifying army.

He vowed to be careful from now on to avoid being taught a lesson by these terrible people.

He was assigned to the 27th team, and there were more than a hundred people with him.

Standing in a corner of the school ground, enduring the cold wind, everyone was talking about it, not knowing what to do next.

At this moment, a group of Korean rebels came over.

Even when they were walking normally, these Korean rebels lined up in a neat queue, and every step they took was very uniform, as if they were carved from the same mold.

Gray Stone and the others quickly closed their mouths and carefully waited for their fate to come.

But when he saw the officer walking at the front, Gray Stone couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Brother Black Dog, are you Brother Black Dog? Are you really Brother Black Dog?"

When the officer heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

"Grey Stone, why are you here?"

Seeing the other party's admission, Hui Shi burst into tears and ran out quickly, hugging the officer and refusing to let go.

"Brother Black Dog, where have you been? They all said you were dead."

That officer was naturally Qiao Shan.

Seeing this close neighbor brother, Qiao Shan was also very happy.

"I didn't die. I went to Jeju Island and joined the Korean Rebel Army. Look, I'm not doing well now."

Hui Shi wiped away his tears and stared blankly at the person in front of him, a little unconvinced.

"Brother Black Dog, you are different from before."

Qiao Shan straightened his chest and patted his brother on the shoulder.

"My current name is Qiao Shan. It was the name given by our battalion commander. I will no longer be called Black Dog. The same goes for you. You will also have a name later."

When the Korean soldiers heard this, they all exclaimed.

Hui Shi grinned widely and couldn't believe it.

"Can we...can we have names too?"

Qiao Shan stood like a pine tree and his voice was high and powerful.

"Remember them all. From today on, you are human beings, straight-backed and upright people, no longer pigs, dogs and untouchables. In our army, you are not allowed to be bullied or misbehaved by anyone. If so.

If you find out, you are our enemy and you will be punished severely."

All the North Korean soldiers' eyes were red.

When were they treated as human beings?

The generals and two groups of gentlemen above them beat and scolded them, and they were driven no differently than cattle, horses, pigs, and dogs.

If nothing else, just seeing them as human beings made the chests of these North Korean soldiers warm.

Qiao Shan said to Hui Shi: "Go back to your position first. Remember, from today on, you are a soldier. You must obey orders. Don't be lax, don't act randomly, and don't embarrass me."

Gray Stone no longer has any fear.

Meeting his close brother here made him feel very at ease. He turned around and ran back to his place and began to look forward to the rest of his life.

Looking at the more than a hundred North Korean soldiers in front of him, Qiao Shan knew that this would be his mission in the next period of time.

"Come with me now."

Qiao Shan led these soldiers forward and finally came to a large stretch of wooden houses.

At this time, there are long queues at the door of many houses here.

Qiao Shan took them to the door of an empty house.

"Everyone take off your clothes and go in to take a shower. Remember, you have to wash me from head to toe. The time is thirty minutes. Anyone who fails to finish will be punished."

The North Korean soldiers were surprised when they heard that the first thing they did was to take a bath.

Is it really possible to take a shower on such a cold day without freezing to death?

But seeing Qiao Shan's eager eyes, no one dared to resist.

Hui Shi trusted Qiao Shan the most, so he immediately stepped forward, stripped himself naked, and then rushed into the house in front of him.

With one person taking the lead, others followed blindly. After a while, a group of naked old men ran inside.

Qiao Shan also came in with people.

It's impossible not to come in, because the Koreans don't know how to use the things inside.

Qiao Shan took the gray stone to the bottom of a metal pipe, then pointed to the iron ring on the wall and said: "Look, as long as you twist like this, hot water will flow out from above."

He demonstrated it himself, and immediately poured hot water all over the gray stone.

"Ah... so hot!"

Hui Shi was caught off guard and was really shocked. But after a while, the warm water drove away the cold and made him feel comfortable immediately.

Hui Shi raised his head and looked at the water spraying from the water pipe above his head, like rain lines, and was amazed.

"Brother Black Dog, what is this?"

"This is called a shower head. You will all use this thing to take a shower from now on. Also, from now on, call me Brother Qiao Shan, and call me Company Commander in the army."

Gray Stone quickly remembered it.

Qiao Shan picked up the items in the box next to him, opened them one by one, and showed them to the North Korean soldiers.

"This is soap locust. Applying it to the body can remove dirt. If there are areas that cannot be washed, help each other. It should be faster, and we should save water."

After all the necessary explanations were given, Qiao Shan retreated with the Korean rebel soldiers.

The remaining Korean soldiers were enjoying the soaking of hot water, and they were all very happy.

"I heard that only the yangban masters can take a bath at their home, and they have to boil water and carry it in. We are even more powerful than the yangban masters."

"Don't you know? The Xia Kingdom is a place where gods live. From now on, we will also be blessed."

"Being able to stay is truly a gift from God!"

Fortunately, these North Korean soldiers remembered the order, and in half an hour they were all washed. Each one seemed to be brand new, no longer as sloppy and dirty as before.

But when they came to the door of the bathroom, they were stopped when they wanted to go out.

"Everyone lined up inside and came out one by one to receive their clothes."

Hearing that they even had to change their clothes, the North Korean soldiers looked forward to it even more.

After being in contact for such a long time, they had long been jealous of the Xia Army uniforms worn by the Korean rebels.

This chapter has been completed!
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