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Chapter 905 The Battle of Tsushima (8)

"It's a pity that we have too few heavy artillery. Otherwise, it would definitely be enough for these Japanese pirates to drink a pot."

The warships of the Xia Navy were completely inherited from the Ming Dynasty navy, and the largest ship was nothing but a fortune ship.

Even so, many ships were in disrepair and could not withstand the recoil of heavy artillery and had no way to assemble them.

Even the intact Fuzhou ships can only be equipped with one heavy cannon.

The remaining firepower can only be supplemented by light naval guns.

This resulted in the Xia Navy's firepower being unable to be maximized.

If the light naval gun hits directly, the effect is pretty good, and it can destroy a ship with one shot. But if it misses, even if it only falls in the water about three meters next to the ship, due to the resistance of the water, it will only be able to destroy the Japanese ship.

The human warship tickles.

Unlike the explosive power of heavy artillery, it can even push the Anzha ship off course. If the distance is close enough, the waves alone can capsize the Seki ship.

The first column's nine ships only had five heavy guns. Due to the hit rate, the impact was only unsatisfactory.

This is also the reason why Zuo Hua had to put the Japanese warships within a thousand meters before opening fire.

He was not satisfied with the damage effect, but the Japanese people were all frightened.

"Shimazu-kun, what kind of weapons do the Xia people use? Why are they so powerful?"

Date Xiuzong swore that he had never seen such a terrible scene in his life.

Such a big ship was completely blown to pieces without any warning. You know, just building such a ship would take more than a year.

Although he saw smoke coming out of the Xia Kingdom's fleet, he knew that it should be firing.

But where are the cannonballs?

The performance of high explosives is already like God's magic in the eyes of Japanese people.

Shimazu Mitsuhisa had no answer at all, he just stared blankly ahead, a layer of haze rising deep in his heart.

Maybe this battle will go to a point he didn't expect.

The man who commanded the first formation of the Japanese fleet was the famous general of Satsuma Ban, Shinna Tadakiyoshi.

The mission he received was to lead his fleet to disrupt the Xia Navy's formation and provide conditions for the subsequent siege.

As a result, we lost more than ten warships before they even got close to Xia's warships. What he couldn't accept even more was the way these ships were damaged.

After Shimazu Mitsuhisa purchased the artillery from the Dutch, he tested it.

Xinna Zhongqing saw with his own eyes that the Dutch artillery was extremely powerful.

One shot can make a big hole in the ship. Even if the last remnant rolls around on the ship, it will cause a lot of casualties.

In his mind, this is definitely the most powerful weapon in the world.

However, when compared with Xia Jun's artillery, one was really in the sky and the other was on the ground.

However, the speed of the entire team has already increased completely, and even if they want to avoid it because of timidity, it is impossible.

The experienced Xinna Zhongqing knew that if he dared to turn around and escape at this time, not to mention whether he would be punished if he returned, at least his own formation would be completely chaotic.

In that case, in the eyes of the enemy, he will be no different from a lamb for slaughter.

Since there is no way out, there is only...

"Desperate assault, don't stop!"

Japanese people are absolutely second to none when it comes to obeying orders.

Although fear had arisen in the hearts of many people, under the orders of Xina Zhongqing, they still rowed the oars desperately, hoping to get closer to the Xia Kingdom's fleet.

At this time, the first column had already slid across the sea, leaving only the last few Haicang ships and their artillery facing the Japanese fleet.

"Let the next few ships fight another round."

At this time, Zuo Hua felt extremely regretful. If he had known that the formation would produce such an effect, he should not have used a salvo of artillery fire.

He could only watch from the flagship as the last few Haicang ships fired another round of shells.

This time, because there was no heavy artillery involved, the killing effect was even more unsatisfactory, and only one Guan ship was sunk.

Naturally, the Japanese also saw the effect of the bombardment, and their morale was immediately boosted, and their rowing speed became faster.

But the performance of the first column shocked them greatly.

The first column was seen turning to the southwest, without stopping at all, and marching away.

They came from the northwest and took full advantage of the wind speed. At this time, they turned to the southwest and also made good use of the wind.

Everyone in Japan is completely confused.

"Why did the Xia people escape? Did they abandon Busan?"

"What kind of play is this?"

Shimazu Mitsuhisa's head was filled with questions.

There were too many things that surprised him in today's battle, making him feel like he was incapable of fighting?

Just as he was thinking hard, the warning horn sounded again.

"Enemy fleet, northwest!"

Shimazu Mitsuhisa quickly put away his doubts and looked northwest. Then he saw nine lucky ships and more than a dozen small boats approaching rapidly.

It was almost exactly the same as the Xia Kingdom fleet just now. It was drawing an arc on the sea and then pointed its side towards this side.

A flash of light flashed in his head, and Shimazu Mitsuhisa suddenly realized something and became furious on the spot.

"Cunning Xia people, they are going to start a wheel war."

He guessed correctly, but it was too late.

It was the second column led by Zhang Keda that rushed over at this time.

According to the established combat plan, the second column followed the first column and formed the second line of defense one thousand meters behind.

And unlike the first column, after receiving Zuo Hua's reminder, the second column no longer resorted to volley fire.

Zhang Keda's flagship bore the brunt of the attack and opened fire immediately after entering the shooting angle.

Although there is only the firepower of one ship, all the artillery on the ship can fire. Not only that, when the flagship sails past, the artillery at the end can make up for one more round.

Although the sound of artillery on the sea was a little sparse, all the firepower was put into use, which caused greater damage to the Japanese.

When the second column also began to turn southwest, Xinna Zhongqing's front column had been completely scrapped.

He still had thirteen ships and frightened soldiers left in his hands.

Even if we can charge forward in a sparse formation, what's the use?

Xina Zhongqing was trembling all over, and he no longer knew what to do.

"Please quickly ask the feudal lord to provide support."

Before the situation of the front team could be reflected on Shimazu Mitsuhisa's side, the third column of the Xia Navy appeared on the northwest sea again.

E Honglue was gearing up, his green eyes already fixed on Xina Zhongqing.

"Tell all the ships to take accurate shots and wipe out all the Japanese forwards."

This chapter has been completed!
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