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Chapter 911 Tsushima Sea Battle (14)

Shimazu Mitsu couldn't wait for his surprise soldier.

Shang Kexi used his bravery to completely defeat Shimazu Jiakei. Not only that, he also led his troops to use their remaining strength and appeared to the south of the Japanese main fleet.

The appearance of this Xia Kingdom fleet was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Shimazu Mitsuhisa was trembling all over and couldn't utter a word. Apparently he had realized that his surprise attack had failed.

Seeing his appearance, what else didn't Date Hidezono understand?

"Send the order and retreat immediately."

Date Hidezono decided not to wait any longer and to run first.

There is no need for the Uwajima Domain to accompany the Satsuma Domain to death.

After this failure, the Satsuma clan will definitely be severely weakened and will have to face the wrath of the Tokugawa shogunate.

Is the Satsuma Domain going to die out?

When I thought that a strong vassal might become a thing of the past, Ida Hidemune couldn't help but feel his heart pounding.

Whose hands will this fertile territory fall into?

After receiving his order, the Uwajima Domain's army began to turn back, choosing to preserve their strength just like Mouri Mitsuhiro.

Even though his troops were tired, Shang Kexi was already fighting like crazy.

He completely ignored the huge size of the Japanese fleet.

"Keep charging, crash into them, let them have a taste of my power."

At this time, the third column was in front of the Japanese fleet.

Through the telescope, E Honglue discovered Shang Ke's arrival.

"What is Lieutenant Colonel Shang going to do? Is he crazy?"

Then he received the signal message from Shang Kexi.

[I will lead the charge, please the main force to follow! 】

E Honglue couldn't help but cover his heart with his hands.

Damn the arrogant and powerful generals are really difficult to lead.

He was just about to give an order to Shang Kexi's troops to stop and just harass the flanks.

But seeing that Shang Kexi's troops had already increased their speed and had already rushed within a hundred meters of the Japanese fleet, it was too late to say anything at this time.

At this moment, E Honglue saw a scene beyond his knowledge.

I saw rockets being fired one after another from the still happy fleet, which looked very sparse. It was far from the overwhelming shock of the rockets raining down like a curtain when the rockets fired.

Moreover, the trajectory of these rockets was very straight, with almost no arc, and they hit the Japanese warships straight.

He couldn't help but hold the telescope tightly and saw the whole process in his eyes.

He was even more stunned when he saw that none of the rockets that flew out missed, and almost all of them hit.

how did you do that?

The other Xia soldiers all looked at each other, naturally unable to answer his question.

However, because of this wave of attacks, the Kumamoto clan on the right was in bad luck.

More than a dozen Kansai ships exploded and caught fire, dyeing the entire sea red and completely throwing the Kumamoto clan's army into chaos.

Kato Tadahiro almost peed on the spot and immediately chose to learn from Mouri Mitsuhiro.

"Withdraw troops! Withdraw troops quickly!"

Well, the Kumamoto clan also lost its will to fight.

If a Japanese boat wants to run, its speed is not slow. After all, there are human oars, and after turning around, it will go smoothly.

Shang Kexi only bit the tail of the Kumamoto clan. The second round of attacks only knocked out three warships, and he saw that the Kumamoto clan was far away.

Although Shang Kexi was crazy, he didn't care about the Kumamoto clan who had already run away, and still rushed towards the Satsuma clan in the middle army.

Seeing how brave he was, E Honglue keenly felt that the time had come for a complete victory.

"Turn the entire army and attack!"

Under his order, the third column no longer turned to the southwest, but all turned around and rushed towards the Japanese fleet.

At the same time, the third column began to send signals to the fourth column behind it and the retreating second column, reporting the battlefield situation.

Zhang Keda and Bai Dasheng learned that the victory was determined and also changed their tactics.

The second column followed the trend and moved southward, arriving behind Shang Kexi's headquarters. It did not stop and continued eastward.

The fourth column faced east from the north.

As a result, the second column and the fourth column formed an outflanking trend.

Zuo Hua, who ran the farthest, was the last one to get the signal. By the time he came back, the Xia Navy's all-out attack had already begun.

Choshu Domain, Uwajima Domain, and Kumamoto Domain all ran away, and the expected surprise soldiers also disappeared. Shimazu Mitsuhisa was completely desperate.

The horn of the Satsuma Domain's retreat finally sounded.

The originally aggressive attack now turned into a chaotic retreat.

Seeing the Xia navy approaching, the Japanese turned the ship around frantically, fearing that they would be the last to be left behind.

By this time, the command of the Japanese army was in complete chaos, and many ships actually collided with each other when they turned around. Many of them were sunk without the help of the Xia Navy.

The pursuit on the sea began.

Although the wind and water were smooth, Xia's warships were not as fast as Japan's ships. However, they had the advantage of long-distance firepower projection, which still caused huge damage to the Japanese army.

As for those Japanese warships that were destroyed or damaged, the main force of the Xia Navy did not care at all and rushed past them.

The Haicang and Cangshan ships following behind became the main force cleaning up the battlefield.

These small boats did not approach, but stayed far away, and then bombarded them with artillery.

Shooting fixed targets is not difficult at all for the Xia State artillery.

These Japanese warships with no hope of escaping were destroyed one after another. Even if they were not killed, they all fell into the cold sea water. They grabbed everything they could and waited desperately for death.

No matter how crazy the Japanese people are, their will has collapsed when they reach this point.

Soon white flags were hoisted on many ships one after another, and countless Japanese soldiers threw away their weapons and knelt on the deck like dogs wagging their tails begging for mercy.

Before the war, the soldiers of the Xia Kingdom had already been educated and knew that the Japanese were very crazy and brave, so they were still cautious in the face of the enemy's surrender.

The warship slowly approached, and the cannons were loaded with ammunition. The soldiers raised their muskets and stared at the opposite side. Then the Japanese soldiers who were ordered to surrender by the translator jumped into the small boat in groups of five.

As expected, many Japanese soldiers pretended to surrender.

Seeing that the Xia army was heavily guarded and had nothing to do, these Japanese soldiers desperately picked up firecrackers and fired at them in a last futile resistance.

The Xia army would not be polite to them, and the artillery immediately launched a bombardment.

As for the Japanese warships that pretended to surrender, and the Japanese soldiers who fell into the water after being destroyed, the Xia army did not rescue them at all. They just sat and watched as they slowly lost body temperature and strength, and then turned into stiff ice sculptures.

In the end, only more than 300 Japanese soldiers actually surrendered.

But those who actually surrendered were extremely obedient and allowed themselves to be manipulated by the Xia army.

All I can say is that this is really a crazy and contradictory nation.

This chapter has been completed!
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