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Chapter 925

"How is the war in Busan going?"

After going back and forth for almost half a month, Zuo Mengeng was most concerned about the situation in Busan.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yiyuan couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing his words.

"That Jin Zidian is still stranded in Daegu and has not made any progress. The Fourth Division is waiting around and wants to take the initiative."

Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the situation.

"There hasn't been a fight yet? These North Koreans are really..."

It's only a short distance from Daegu to Busan. Even if you climb, you've already reached it. As a result, the North Korean army led by Kim Zidian couldn't move.

Liu Yiyuan still has something new here.

"I heard that Cui Mingji, the official judge, and Li Shibai, the guardian envoy, have arrived. They also brought 10,000 troops."

Zuo Mengeng thought for a while and said with a smile: "Cui Mingji, the compromise faction, is here, and we won't be able to fight for a while. Maybe this guy will even go to Busan to negotiate."

Regarding the situation in North Korea, Liu Yiyuan was helpless and scratched his head.

"Since the North Koreans are not in a hurry, we are even less in a hurry. All we have to do is delay."

There is a rebel force in Busan, and obviously the most anxious person must be Li Jian.

When he saw that the troops on the front line were unable to open up the situation, Li Zhu would definitely take risks.

Liu Yiyuan, the commander-in-chief, became free and began to care about other things.

"Mr. Sun Ge, Mr. Nian Tai and the others are already old. How dare you take them out to sea? What if something goes wrong?"

But Zuo Mengeng didn't just randomly act randomly.

"Over in Busan, the Korean scholar-officials such as Kim Sang-hun and Shen Ji-won are quite conservative in their thinking, and they often have conflicts with us. We are afraid that it will intensify in the future and affect the overall situation. Since these people are all Confucian disciples, if there are people like Tai Gong and others

If they communicate more, it may have an impact on them."

The current situation of the alliance in Busan is very delicate.

Although under the strong power of Xia State, the scholar-officials of North Korea made some compromises. But Zuo Menggeng didn't know where the limit of this tolerance was.

In the final analysis, Kim Sang-heon and others just cannot accept North Korea worshiping barbarians like the Manchu Qing Dynasty as ministers, but in their hearts feudal ideas still dominate.

This created a fierce conflict with Xia Guo's new ideas.

If one day class contradictions exceed ethnic and national contradictions, these people may become hidden dangers.

To solve this problem, we need to start from two aspects.

One is the realm of thought.

Kim Sang-hyun, Shen Ji-won and others were all great Confucians in Korea. They had profound foundations in Confucianism, and they also admired many Confucian scholars in the Central Plains.

Now that Liu Zongzhou, Sun Qifeng, Lu Shanji and others have come to North Korea, these Korean Confucianists will definitely be overjoyed.

As long as the two sides have more exchanges and in-depth discussions, they will definitely have a certain transformation effect on the thinking of these Korean scholar-officials.

Another aspect is the economic field.

Economics is the basis of politics.

Although the system of Xia State will have an impact on the inherent interests of North Korean scholar-officials, if they can find compensation in other aspects through economic means, I believe these people will definitely choose to surrender in the face of greater interests.

The capitalist process in European countries has well proved this point.

There is a certain chance that traditional feudal lords will transform into new capitalists.

After all, the benefits brought by economic development are far beyond what can be compared with the income from land.

This clear distinction between superiors and inferiors is a good way to win over Korean scholar-bureaucrats.

Understanding the profound meaning of Zuo Mengeng, Liu Yiyuan had nothing to say except giving a thumbs up.

Since there was no fighting on the Busan side yet, Zuo Mengeng took his time and began to care about the layout of Jeju Island.

He first went to inspect the Jeju Island Racecourse.

"Your Highness, you see, we have planted a new type of pasture here. Jeju Island has a very mild climate and abundant rainfall, so the pasture grows very well. The horses that were transported have been crossbred and have a second generation. Now the entire horse farm

There are nearly 3,000 horses, big and small, in total. According to estimates, it is likely to exceed 10,000 by next year."

Standing on the grassland, I watched countless horses scattered everywhere, some grazing leisurely, and some galloping wantonly.

The sky is vast and the sea breeze is gentle, which is really refreshing.

“What is the quality of a crossbred horse?”

King Yu Bin's face glowed red.

"Although the crossbred horses born are of mixed quality, their overall quality far exceeds that of our local horses, and they can definitely be used for military purposes. You see, this is a one-and-a-half-year-old foal, but it is already taller and stronger than our adult horses.


Zuo Mengeng's eyes widened when he saw the foal being led in front of him.

This foal is obviously a cross between a Marwari horse and an Arabian horse. It has the characteristics of two stallions. Although its limbs are slender, its hooves are very wide. Even when walking, you can feel the powerful force. As you can imagine

You know how majestic it will be once you run with all your strength.

"This shows that our horse improvement strategy is correct, and you must stick to it. If you need anything, please report to me and I will solve it for you."

Both King Yu Bin and Huang Zaisheng said that everything is available here and nothing is lacking.

In addition to raising war horses, another issue Zuo Menggeng is concerned about is the agricultural development of Jeju Island.

"This is the first time I know that Jeju Island actually has so much fertile land. In the past, I only regarded this place as a remote and wild place, which is really shameful."

In front of Zuo Mengeng, Shen Daoxun and Li Chong both couldn't hold their heads up.

They have been officials here for a long time, but they just muddle along as monks and clockwork for a day, and they don't think there is anything special here.

But after Xia Guo came, all-round development of Jeju Island began.

In particular, experts from the Ministry of Agriculture discovered that there were fertile fields and fertile soil everywhere and immediately showed their talents.

After a year of land reclamation and a year of cultivation, fertile fields can be seen everywhere in Jeju Island today, which is no longer the desolate look it once was.

The person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture here is named Zhang Xiaozhen, who is Chen Zilong's apprentice from his first leader.

When he saw Zuo Mengeng, he began to report good news and complain.

"Your Highness, Jeju Island's grain output last year has already caught up with Dongsanfu in Shandong Province. Even if we don't need to transport grain from the mainland, it is enough to meet the needs of Busan's front line. The only problem is that we are seriously short of manpower and cannot take care of so many people.

There is a lot of land. If possible, can you send us some labor force?"

Hearing that Jeju Island's food production is already so impressive, how could Zuo Menggeng not pay attention to it?

He thought about it and found a good overall plan.

"Nowadays, there are a large number of Korean people gathering in Busan, but the space in Busan is limited and cannot accommodate such a large population. Labor can be transported from there to enrich the production here."

When Shen Daoxun and Zhang Xiaozhen heard this, they all applauded.

This chapter has been completed!
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