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Chapter 930 Qing army dispatched

"Your Highness, the rebels and the Xia army have occupied Busan and established defenses along the Nakdong River. I have seen with my own eyes that Xia's warships are constantly entering and leaving the port of Busan, carrying countless amounts of food and grass. As long as the preparations are completed, it will definitely

Will launch an offensive."

When the negotiations broke down, Cui Mingji felt deeply that the matter was of great importance and did not dare to stop at all. He hurried back to Hanyang and reported the situation to Li Jie.

At this point, the situation is completely clear.

The Korean court was finally convinced of the fact that Xia was participating in the war.

Li Zhu sat upright, but his whole body was shaking. He wanted to vent his anger, but he didn't know who to target.

"My dear friends, do you have any good ideas?"

Below Jin Liu, both classes in North Korea were all silent.

In their minds, the Great Kingdom of China has an incomparable status. Now it is actually on the rebellious side, making them unable to adapt to the current situation.

"Xia Guo is also rebellious!"

How could Li Zhu not understand their thoughts and immediately emphasized.

Jin Liu quickly cheered up.

"Your Highness, it is said that the Xia Kingdom is very powerful. Whether it is the imperial court or the Qing Dynasty, it has been defeated miserably at its hands. The current situation can only be quelled by North Korea, which requires long-term planning."

Li Zhu was extremely tired.

When he first ascended the throne, he still felt that Seonjo was the most unlucky king in Korea. Those who were beaten by the Japanese would go to the Ming Dynasty to live temporarily, and he almost gave the entire Korea to the Ming Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, he was bullied to the head by the Jurchens twice in a row, and he finally endured the humiliation. As a result, the Xia Kingdom came again.

Why did God do this to him?

When Li Zhuo thought of the power of Xia State, he felt helpless.

"Have the Xia people ever mentioned how to withdraw their troops?"

Since you can't beat them, you can only think of other ways. You have survived the most difficult moments, so what are you afraid of?

But Li Zhu didn't know that there is a reality called Murphy's Law.

Cui Mingji was sweating, but he didn't dare to deceive him.

"The Xia people said... the Xia people said... that in order to calm down the war, His Highness must expel the Qing people and... take the blame and abdicate."

Good guy, as soon as this statement came out, the court immediately exploded.

Almost all the two classes jumped out and criticized them with all their words and writings.

Li Zhu's face turned pale, and he exploded with an unprecedented sense of humiliation.

"Is this really unreasonable? Even the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty has never been so strict. He is just a rebel, so don't expect to surrender to him alone."

He also wanted to expel the Manchus, but he couldn't do it.

This condition was nothing, but it actually made him abdicate.

Which king can give up his power?

If Li Zhu had wanted to, he would not have kowtowed to Huang Taiji three times.

It can be said that Li Zhu would not accept the conditions proposed by Xia Guo no matter what.

Since peace talks are hopeless, there is only...

"Hurry and invite Prince Rui."

Li Zhu originally hated the Manchus deeply. Even though he paid homage to the Qing Dynasty, the deepest reluctance in his heart always existed.

But now facing Xia's aggressiveness, he quickly changed his stance and prepared to ask the Manchus for help.

His order had just been given when the palace guards rushed in rolling and crawling.

"My lord, His Majesty the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty is back."

In an instant, there was silence in the court hall, and many people were trembling.

Hasn't Huang Taiji returned to the teacher already?

Why did you come back suddenly?

The most important thing is, why was Huang Taiji walked outside Hanyang City without receiving any information in advance?

There was a rush of footsteps outside the palace, and Mafuta led a group of elite soldiers to rush in.

His face was full of anger and he was not polite to Li Zhu at all.

"His Majesty the Emperor has arrived outside the city. The Lord of Korea will immediately follow me to visit him without any further delay."


Still humiliating!

The majestic king of a country is actually bullied into being bossed around. How can there be any dignity left?

However, at this moment, Li Jie no longer cared about humiliation or humiliation.

When Huang Taiji returned, he obviously knew something.

What he is even more worried about is that if Huang Taiji convicts him of deceiving the emperor, he is afraid that the consequences will be even worse.

Under extreme fear, Li Zhu did not dare to delay for a moment, and hurriedly followed Ma Futa out of Hanyang and all the way to the Qing army camp.

Huang Taiji personally led 50,000 troops and stationed them at Uijeongbu. Although his face looked tired, he was even more angry.

"Xia Guo colluded with the rebels. How dare you hide such a big thing and not report it?"

Li Zhu trembled and knelt down, quickly defending himself.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty just found out about this not long ago. I originally thought it was just a minor incident and was not aware of the wolfish ambitions of these traitors."

Huang Taiji picked up the paperweight next to him and smashed it.

Although Li Jian was not hit, such a move still made the North Korean monarch tremble all over and his crotch became wet on the spot.

How could Huang Taiji not be angry?

The conquest of Korea gave the Manchu Qing Dynasty a vassal state, and the title of emperor was universally recognized, which made him very proud.

The huge harvest required him to digest it well after returning to Liaodong.

Unexpectedly, halfway through, I suddenly received an urgent report from Dorgon, saying that a huge change had occurred in North Korea and that the Xia Kingdom might have sent troops.

This news made him furious, and he was even more dissatisfied with the monarchs and ministers of North Korea.

If Dorgon hadn't been vigilant, sensed that something was wrong, and immediately sent people to spy around, I'm afraid North Korea would have continued to conceal it.

"Your Majesty, Korea has become a minister of the Qing Dynasty. Since then, it has been loyal and unswerving. It is unreasonable to rebel and collude with the Xia thieves and intend to overthrow the kingship of Korea. I beg your Majesty to send heavenly troops to quell the chaos with tears of blood.

I am willing to send another 500,000 people to work for the country."

At the critical moment of life and death, Li Zhu, a feudal monarch, finally exposed his true nature as a single man and a thief.

In order to maintain his rule, he did not hesitate to betray innocent Korean people.

Huang Taiji's anger dissipated slightly when he heard that Li Zhu had spent a lot of money.

The top priority is still the threat from Xia Kingdom.

Huang Taiji's campaign against North Korea was not only to force North Korea to change its flag, but also to consolidate the Manchu Qing's rear.

Originally, the existence of Lushun had already put the Qing Dynasty in a chokehold. If the Xia Kingdom gained a foothold in Korea again, the Qing Dynasty's strategy would be greatly affected.

Although he was quite wary of Xia's power, this battle was inevitable due to strategic interests.

By asking Cui Mingji and others, Huang Taiji got a little understanding of the situation in Busan.

Tens of thousands of Xia troops plus North Korean rebels obviously cannot be pacified by North Korea alone.

The Qing army must move out.

"From now on, all North Korean troops accept my deployment."

Coincidentally, Huang Taiji and Zuo Menggeng also firmly controlled the military power of North Korea in their own hands.

Then he began to make arrangements.

"Prince Rui, you lead the two white flags south along the eastern coast, join the North Korean army in Ulsan, and attack south."

"Prince Su, you lead the Zhenglan Banner and Horqin Mongolia to Daegu, take over Jin Zidian's headquarters, and break through the Nakdong River. I will ask Shi Tingzhu to support you with cannons."

"Tulai, Nikan, you two will lead the Xianghuang Banner and the Eastern Mongolian troops to Jeolla Province, gather the Korean troops here, especially the navy, and then march towards Busan along the southern line."

The generals from all walks of life accepted the order solemnly.

The Qing army moved quickly and began to move south without stopping at Hanyang.

At the moment when the Qing army was dispatched, the urgent military information moved south faster than the Qing army. It only took three days to reach the headquarters of the Fourth Division.

This chapter has been completed!
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