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Chapter 935: The Way of Offense and Defense

The Xia army's display of power delayed the deployment of the Qing army.

But it didn't have much impact on Hauge.

Anyway, it was the Korean army that was lost, and the Qing army was unscathed except for a few sentries.

However, after seeing the Xia army's artillery fire, he couldn't help but feel grateful that he followed Fan Ji's advice and did not launch an attack rashly.

Otherwise, his lone army might suffer a disastrous defeat.

He didn't know that after Xia Jun's side studied and judged the marching situation of the Qing army, someone actually proposed to concentrate their forces to eliminate his group first.

The specific strategy is to learn from Nurhaci: It depends on how many ways you come, I will only go one way.

If the Fourth Division concentrates its forces, Hauge will never be able to resist it.

Fortunately, there were bigger plans later and this radical plan was not passed.

On the fifth day of March, Dorgon finally integrated North Korea's forces in Ulsan and began to march south.

But just as his army left, he received an alarm of a fire in the backyard.

Dorgon was extremely helpless and hurriedly ran back to Ulsan, only to see flames blazing into the sky along the coast of the city, with countless people screaming and running away.

On the sea, the Xia army's warships were pouring out artillery fire wantonly, but the defenders were helpless.

Faced with this situation, Dorgon had no choice.

He could only order Bukada to lead three subordinates and stay to defend Ulsan.

This is the only retreat for his army, and there must be no room for error.

It can be said that the Xia Navy caused great trouble to Dorgon through this operation, making it impossible for him to go south with all his strength.

He must be careful to guard against any escape route at all times.

For this reason, Dorgon had to reserve arrangements at many places along the way from Ulsan to Busan, which greatly spread his troops.

At the same time, in view of the strength of the Xia Kingdom's navy, Dorgon wisely did not choose to take the road closer to the sea.

On March 11, Dorgon finally arrived at the foot of Jinjing Mountain and got in touch with Hauge.

The total strength of the Qing coalition forces reached 120,000, and the pressure on the Fourth Division began to increase.

Like Hauge, Dorgon is also very cautious.

Especially after listening to Hauge's briefing and seeing personally the power of the Xia army's artillery fire, Dorgon first built his camp very securely.

At the same time, he sent scouts extensively and went deep into the mountains, hoping to find weaknesses in the front of the Xia army's defense line.

Dorgon deserves his bad luck, the special forces have arrived.

These most elite warriors replaced ordinary scouts and began to compete with the Qing army's scouts.

After three consecutive days, the Qing army's scouts suffered heavy casualties, and less than one in ten could return to the camp.

After listening to the scout's report, Dorgon immediately made a judgment.

"This is definitely not the Xia Army scouts that Hauge said, but more powerful soldiers and horses. Send more troops, and let the Koreans take the front line. I will rely on numbers to seize this mountain forest."

Finding that he was technically unable to fight against the Xia army's special forces, Dorgon decided to play a brutal game.

He forced the Korean soldiers to fight, and then the Qing army scouts followed. Large groups of troops dispersed into the mountains and fields, causing great trouble for the special forces.

Facing a large number of troops, the special forces really have nowhere to start.

Zuo Menggeng happened to be at the headquarters of the Fourth Division when he learned of the situation.

"Let the Korean rebels come and experience the battlefield for themselves, and hone their skills at the same time."

Dorgon used Koreans to attack the front line, and Zuo Mengeng decided to do the same.

But the purpose is slightly different.

After more than a month of training, the Korean rebels have begun to take shape. If they go to the frontal battlefield, it will definitely not be enough. They can just invest in reconnaissance operations and hone the army through small-scale conflicts.

The order was issued quickly, and Zhang Guanhua, Li Yuanlao and others were extremely happy.

They gathered the entire army, and the team of eight thousand people was very impressive.

"During this period, you have been well fed, warmly clothed, and finally lived like human beings. Think about it carefully, is it different compared to your previous life? Now the puppet imperial court, along with the Manchu barbarians, wants to

Would you like to change back to your original appearance?"

Needless to say?

North Koreans who have led a new life, looking back at their past days, are simply unsightly.

They would rather die than accept such a life without enough food, suffering from hunger and cold, and without dignity.

Through this kind of mobilization, the new soldiers who were originally worried about going to the battlefield also plucked up the courage to embark on the bloody road.

"Prince Rui, the Xia army has dispatched a large number of troops. There must not be many troops on the mountain, we can fight."

Pu Chengxue, the left envoy of Jiangyuan Province, hurriedly came to him and strongly requested Dorgon to fight.

Dorgon has always been in control of the battle reports in the mountains and forests.

"How dare you ensure that those dispatched are the elites of the Xia Army?"

Park Sung Hak didn't blink an eye.

"The general's troops suffered heavy losses and are no match for the enemy. The enemy is very brave and must be the elite of Xia's army."

Dorgon sneered.

He has no faith at all in the fighting power of the Koreans.

To deal with these things, does Xia Jun need to dispatch its elite?

"Obviously many people on the other side are speaking Korean, but you are still talking nonsense here. If you dare to lie about the military situation again, you will be the envoy of the Ulsan Protectorate."

Pu Chengxue was so frightened that he finally had a profound understanding of the Manchu prince in front of him.

This person is shrewd and wise, and is not easy to deceive.

With no choice but to complain, he had no choice but to complain.

"Your Highness, if we continue to fight like this, all the generals will die. Besides, there is not much food and grass left, so I beg your Highness to allocate some."

Dorgon reprimanded him on the spot.

"I, the Qing Dynasty, are here to help you suppress the rebellion in North Korea. Why do you come to ask for food and grass from me when North Korea doesn't provide you with food and grass? This is the territory of North Korea that surrounds you. How to raise food and grass is up to you."

Park Chengxue hit a hard wall and went back in despair.

However, the army's food supply is indeed at the bottom, and we cannot let the soldiers fight hungry.

He was not a good official, so when he saw the critical situation, he became ruthless and sent out soldiers to forcibly collect food from the people around him.

These North Korean soldiers are mixed, good and bad, and many of them are evildoers.

The superiors tacitly allowed them to forcibly requisition food, and when it came to them, it turned into robbery.

The poor North Korean people didn't have much food to survive this winter. Now it was robbed of all. They could only complain to God angrily and curse the stupid court.

The flames of anger are spreading rapidly among the people, and sooner or later they will form a prairie fire.

The balance on the battlefield was broken with the arrival of Turai and Nikan on the southern front.

These two people helped Li Shifang to unite the Jeolla Province army with great pains, followed the southern coastline, and fought all the way towards Busan.

At the same time, Li Zhu appointed Liu Lin as the commander of the three naval forces, and the only navy in command of North Korea also rushed over.

"North Korea's navy must be destroyed, and they must not be allowed to have any power at sea."

After receiving the information, Zuo Mengeng gave the order decisively.

This chapter has been completed!
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