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Chapter 942 Pulling

Zheng's people did not dare to help each other, and the Japanese delegation was unable to support itself.

Facing Xia Guo's aggressive pressure, Doi Toshikatsu and others found it difficult to even breathe.

But they could not agree to the conditions proposed by the Xia Kingdom under any circumstances. If this was brought back to Japan, the prestige of the Tokugawa shogunate would be completely ruined.

If nothing else, Tokugawa Iemitsu had to chop off their heads to thank his countrymen.

If it was just death, Doi Toshikatsu and others wouldn't be so afraid.

What they fear most is that the negotiations will break down and the Xia Navy fleet will actually arrive on the coast of Japan.

They have already conducted an on-site investigation on what happened in Nagasaki.

I personally saw the damage done to the docks and workshops on the west side of the bay.

They were horrified to hear from Sakakihara Shinao that this huge shipyard and workshop were all destroyed by just one round of artillery fire from the Natsu Kingdom Navy.

People who participated in the Battle of Tsushima also gave testimony.

After learning that Xia Jun had terrifying weapons that could burn even in sea water, Doi Toshikatsu and others reached a consensus.

In any case, the Xia Navy must not be allowed to launch artillery attacks on Japanese cities.

Japanese houses are all made of wood, which would be a terrible disaster if caught in fire.

However, all the rich lands in Japan are on the seaside. After the Satsuma Domain's navy was defeated, it could no longer resist the Xia Kingdom's navy attack.

This threat of national subjugation made Doi Toshikatsu and others extremely powerless.

The negotiation table is definitely not a battle of words, but a display of strength.

Japan is in a disadvantaged position and naturally does not have much initiative.

Under such circumstances, they can only try their best to move around in the hope of reducing losses.

"Regarding the punishment of the initiator, General Ooku has shown sincerity. The Lord of the Satsuma Domain, Shimazu Tadashi, has died to apologize. Regarding this condition, please be aware of it."

Xia Guo burst into laughter.

Wang Yun sarcastically said: "Shimazu Tadahashi is about to die, and he is not the culprit this time. It is not that easy to use him to atone for the crime."

Doi Toshiki couldn't help but sigh, knowing that it would not be so easy to get away with it.

"The person who encouraged the troops to send troops this time is the son of Lord Shimazu. It is fitting that Lord Shimazu paid for his crime with his own body."

Zuo Hua knocked on the table and emphasized: "It's us who have the final say whether it's suitable or not, not you."

He began to announce Xia Guo's opinions.

"The Satsuma Domain's Shima Tsumitsu has maliciously provoked the war, and his guilt is unavoidable. If he wants to be pardoned for his death penalty, he needs to personally write a memorial of apology, submit it to His Royal Highness, King Xia, and make it public."

The Japanese side originally thought that Xia Guo wanted to execute Shimazu Mitsuhisa, but after hearing that they just asked him to apologize, everyone couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed.

But then they figured out the dangers.

Although Xia Guo did not want Shimazu Mitsuhisa's life, this approach was tantamount to trampling him into the soil, and he was afraid that he would not be able to raise his head forever.

Japanese people are deeply afraid of confessing their crimes and would rather die than do so.

It can be said that Xia Guo's approach just caught the Japanese people's three inches.

On the one hand, it's death, but if you die, the Shimazu family will be wiped out.

On the other hand, it is a confession. Once you do it, you will never be able to hold your head up, and you will be cast aside by the entire Japan.

No matter which choice he makes, Mitsuhisa Shimazu will go through an unforgettable ordeal.

But for Doi Toshikatsu and others, being able to save Shimazu Mitsuhisa's life and the Satsuma Domain was considered a small victory.

Lin Luoshan cheered up and decided to pursue the victory.

"We can make the decision and agree to allow Xia Guo to do business in Nagasaki. However, the power of interrogating criminals is our responsibility as a Japanese, and we must not give it to others. If Xia Guo continues to force us, we, Japan, will fight to the last soldier.

Even if you die, you will never bow your head."

What he said was categorical and unquestionable, and Doi Toshikatsu and others had no objections.

They all believed that even if this condition was presented to Tokugawa Iemitsu, the shogunate would not agree.

Although Japan suffered a disastrous defeat, its overall national strength was still there. Especially on land, hundreds of thousands of troops could be organized at any time.

If they really want to fight to the end, they would rather give up the prosperous areas along the coast. I believe Xia Jun will have nothing to do.

You can't really land in Japan and then face the endless struggles of this country, right?

Negotiation, it’s called negotiation when it comes and goes.

Faced with the determined attitude of the Japanese delegation, Xia State went through some urgent discussions, and then Wang Yun put forward his opinions.

"As for retaining the Japanese side's right to trial criminal law, we can agree. However, as compensation, the Japanese side must allow the legitimate rights and interests of Catholicism and Xiaguo religion in Japan, as well as normal missionary matters. The safety of all believers must be guaranteed and not violated.


As soon as this replacement condition was put forward, Anthony van Diemen and Traup were all happy, and they felt that Xia Guo was a good enough friend.

Doi Toshiki and others never imagined that Xia Guo would start from the religious aspect.

However, it is already very difficult to regain legal jurisdiction.

As for religion, although the Tokugawa shogunate was very hostile to Catholicism and felt that it affected its own rule. But it was the lesser of two evils. Compared with legal jurisdiction, the harm to religion was obviously smaller.

"If you agree that Catholic activities are limited to Kyushu, Japan can agree."

Lin Luoshan added a restriction.

As long as the scope of Catholic activities was limited to Kyushu Island and did not spread to Honshu, Shikoku and other Japanese regions, the Tokugawa shogunate decided to turn a blind eye.

Even so, it was a rare victory for Xia and the Netherlands.

Zuo Hua leaned into Anthony Van Diemen's ear and asked softly: "Mr. Governor, what do you think?"

Anthony van Diemen certainly had no objections.

"Thank you very much for your efforts. We Dutch people will always remember this friendship."

Both parties reached a consensus and this clause was finalized.

On the contrary, neither Xia nor Japan had any disputes regarding war reparations.

Anyway, the Satsuma clan needs to pay for this money out of its own pocket, and the Tokugawa shogunate will not take care of it.

Lacking the support of the shogunate, Shimazu Hisakei had no choice but to agree. He only obtained the change that the war reparations would be paid in installments within ten years.

Even so, this is also a heavy mountain for the Satsuma Domain.

In order to eliminate Tokugawa Iemitsu's anger, Shimazu Tadahashi had already wiped out all his family assets.

In the days that followed, the Satsuma Domain had to maintain its operations and compensate for Xia's war losses. It could be said that the Satsuma Domain was already oppressed by all the disadvantages and could not breathe.

No one cares about the Satsuma clan's feelings, and there is only one focus left for both parties.

That is the Goto Islands.

This chapter has been completed!
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