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Chapter 93 Layout [Congratulations to Mo Jianshang and Zhufeng for becoming the leader of this book! 】

There are many children running on the playground, and they are all very lively.

There was also a child on the edge of the playground, watching all this with envy. But he could not participate in it, and was held by Zuo Mengeng's hand.

After a while, the children's exercise ended, and a little girl ran over jumping.

"elder brother."

Lu Xiaomei also enrolled in school.

The six-year-old girl is no longer the same as the frightened kitten on the boat.

She saw Zuo Mengeng again and smiled sweetly.


The child Zuo Mengeng is holding is naturally Lu Wazi.

"Don't call me benefactor."

Miss Lu was a little confused.

"What's that called?"

Zuo Mengeng thought for a moment and then ordered: "You can also call me brother."

Lu Xiaomei didn't dare, biting her fingers, feeling that Zuo Mengeng was unattainable.

Zuo Mengeng deliberately bluffed his face.

"You are not allowed to eat unless you scream."

It's okay not to be able to eat. Lu Xiaomei's mouth watered when she thought of the food in the school.


Zuo Mengeng rubbed her sparse yellow hair, feeling very happy.

"Little sister, starting from today, your brother is going to a place."

Lu Xiaomei grabbed Lu Wazi's hand, her eyes filled with tears.

"Brother, don't leave."

She is such a relative.

Lu Wazi also wanted to cry, but he was a boy and had to hold back.

"Little sister, you are in school, so brother can rest assured. But what we are today is all thanks to Brother Zuo's life-saving grace. Brother Zuo is still useful and can help him. When you grow up, you must also help Brother Zuo.


Miss Lu just cried.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Lu Wazi just shook his head to prevent his sister from seeing that his eyes were red.

"Brother is always here and will definitely come back."

Zuo Mengeng squatted next to the two children, looking at their pitiful appearance, feeling sad in his heart. But for the sake of the future, he had to be cruel at this time.

He thought for a while and said to the two children: "Brother, can you give you a name?"

Sure enough, the new things attracted the child's attention, and even Miss Lu forgot to cry.

"Can we...can we also have names?"

"Of course. Not only should you have a name, but you should also live upright in this world."

So the two children looked over expectantly.

Zuo Mengeng thought for a moment and said: "From now on, my brother will be called Lu Ping, and my sister will be called Lu An. I hope you will be safe all your life, and I hope you can make the world peaceful."

The two children didn't understand it very well, but they were still very happy to have names. They held each other's hands and called their own names, and then called each other's names.

From now on, they will no longer be Lu Wazi and Lu Xiaomei like weeds.

Lu Ping left and was taken away by Zuo Mengeng.

Lu An stood at the door of the school, watching his brother drift away, looking back step by step.

This time she didn't cry.

I don't know why, but since he got the name, Lu An felt that something was different.

My brother must have done something great.

She can't hold her brother back.

From now on, you must study hard in school so that you can help your brother in the future.

Zuo Mengeng took Lu Ping away from Zhuangzi, bypassed the military camp, and walked into the woods in the distance.

The forest seems peaceful, like a paradise. But only Zuo Menggeng knows that there is murderous intent at every step here.

Except for him, anyone who breaks in will surely die.

In the military camp, all the people on Zhuangzi have been warned that they are absolutely not allowed to enter this forest. Otherwise, even if they are not killed, they will be considered guilty of rebellion.

Deep in the forest, there are several huts at distant intervals, and they seem to have no contact with each other.

This is Zuo Fu's territory.

Nowadays, he is increasingly disconnected from his brothers.

In Zuo Hua's words, Zuo Fu is becoming more and more like a ghost, looking at people.

When the new recruits from the military camp came in, everyone was busy training.

Only Zuo Fu shuttled around like a ghost. After a while, some soldiers in each unit disappeared inexplicably.

No one knows where he went, and he has never been seen again.

No one knows that Zuo Fu is now holding on to the "Information Science Handbook" written by Zuo Mengeng as a treasure, feeling that he has finally found his lifelong passion.

Zuo Mengeng brought Lu Ping here, and Zuo Fu was waiting. In addition, there was another person.

It's Huang Er.

After being rescued by Zuo Mengeng again at the dock that day, Huang Er would rather die than stay with Zuo Mengeng.

After recovering from his injuries in Zuofu, Huang Er couldn't sit back and found work for himself, taking care of Zuo Mengeng's residence.

It was obvious that he regarded himself as Zuo Mengeng's slave, and he did so willingly.

Zuo Menggeng was not used to having servants. He had always done everything himself.

However, during the casual chat with Huang Er, Zuo Mengeng was taken aback by Huang Er's revelation.

"You said you have a brother who became a eunuch in the palace?"

Huang Er didn't expect this to happen.

"Yes, my younger brother has passed away a long time ago. After so many years, I only wrote a letter back, and I don't know how he is doing now."

Zuo Mengeng said, "Your brother is now named Huang Jing. He is the governor of the palace and has considerable authority."


Huang Er exclaimed, he didn't expect to get news about his brother.

"How did the young master know?"

"I have my own channels."

Zuo Mengeng didn't say anything.

In fact, after knowing that Huang Er had a brother in the palace, he entrusted Hou Xun to help investigate.

Although it is difficult for the outer court to interfere in the affairs of the inner court, as the Minister of War, it is still very easy to investigate eunuchs.

What Zuo Mengeng didn't expect was that Huang Er's younger brother Huang Jing was doing well.

But this is more conducive to the implementation of his plan.

He pointed at Lu Ping and said to Huang Er: "This child is physically disabled. I want to send him to the palace, and I need to use your brother's identity."

Although Dou Zhicheng does not care about recruiting eunuchs, given his position as head of the eunuch, it should not be difficult to get someone to enter the palace.

The difficulty is that Huang Jing’s cooperation is required.

And this requires Huang Er.

Although Huang Er was illiterate, he also knew that the palace was not a trivial matter. Zuo Menggeng wanted to force people in because he was planning something big.

He was a little scared.

"Master, then...then my brother..."

Zuo Mengeng knew what he was worried about and said with relief: "I won't let your brother do anything, just let this child enter the palace. The rest has nothing to do with your brother."

Hearing that Huang Jing was not allowed to take the risk, Huang Er finally felt relieved, and then began to worry about Zuo Mengeng.

"Then what should I tell my brother?"

He didn't know what to do, Zuo Mengeng knew.

Push Lu Ping in front of Huang Er.

"From today on, he is your son. Remember, his name is Huang Ping. You have to tell him everything about your hometown, and teach him to speak your hometown dialect. If you don't want to harm this child, you have to be careful."

Huang Er understood.

Zuo Mengeng asked Lu Ping to pretend to be his son, and then asked Huang Jing to find a way to get him into the palace.

Since he is his own nephew and has no way to survive, Huang Jing will definitely help him.

Even in the palace, with Huang Jing taking care of him, Lu Ping will definitely do a good job.

He didn't know what Zuo Mengeng was doing by putting Lu Ping in the palace, but as long as it didn't harm Huang Jing, he didn't care.

"Okay, leave it to me."

After these days of recuperation, Lu Ping's lips were red and his teeth were white, and he was very happy. Huang Er looked at it and couldn't help but sigh, how wonderful it would be if he really had such a son.

Seeing that Huang Er agreed, Zuo Mengeng also let go of his worries.

He thought of something again and asked: "Are you called Huang Er? What is your name?"

Huang Er smiled bitterly.

"Poor people don't know Chinese characters, so how can they be famous?"

"Then your brother..."

The name Huang Jing is not chosen casually.

Huang Er scratched his head.

"He used to be called Huang San when he was at home."

Zuo Mengeng understood.

The name Huang Jing should have been given by a nobleman after entering the palace.

"What about the name I gave you?"

"Oh my god, can I also have a famous name?"

Huang Er was so happy and scratching his head, obviously he cared about this very much.

Zuo Mengeng pondered for a while and got a bad taste.

"Your brother's name is Huang Jing, how about I give you the character Wei?"

"Huang Wei..."

Huang Er muttered about it and fell in love immediately.

"The young master is talented and has a good name."

Zuo Mengeng is not finished yet.

"Now that you have a great name, let's just do it in one step and give you a name. Well... let's call a gentleman to strive for self-improvement. In this way... your name will be... Yongdong."

Next to him, Zuo Fu muttered silently, Huang Wei and Huang Yong moved...

Why does it have a strange smell?

As everyone knows, Zuo Mengeng didn't finish yet, and said to him again: "You should also give this place a name. Since it is in the forest, let's call it Gongde Forest."

This chapter has been completed!
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