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Chapter 944 Heroes

"Ordinary prisoners each have ten taels of silver, and generals each have one hundred taels of silver."

Fu Xinyuan announced the price for redeeming the prisoners, which made everyone in Japan frown.

"This price is simply too high and we cannot accept it."

Shimazu Hisaki was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

The Satsuma clan's property was already empty. Where could they get the money to redeem the captives?

Fu Xinyuan chuckled and refused to give in.

"In that case, let's just exchange them normally. As for your irredeemable prisoners of war, what to do with them is our business."

Looking at his cold expression, everyone knew that the fate of these Japanese prisoners would not be good.

Shimazu Jiakei made some calculations and realized that the Xia army prisoners captured by the Satsuma domain might not be able to exchange for many prisoners, so he hurriedly said: "We will try our best to raise money."

For the Satsuma Domain today, the sky is vast and the people are the largest.

Without enough troops, we will never be able to defend our territory.

The Hyuga Kingdom has been given to the shogunate. If there is not enough power, the remaining Satsuma and Osumi will also be in bad luck.

Even if the Satsuma Domain has to spend a lot more money for this, it must bear the price.

This temporarily added topic was supposed to end here.

However, Zuo Hua came forward.

His expression was extremely cold, and his words were even more coercive.

"I would like to inform you that if any of our prisoners of war are found to have been mistreated or harmed during the handover, all previous agreements will be null and void. The dignity of our Xia soldiers must be repaid with blood."

The overwhelming murderous aura really frightened everyone in Japan.

They did not expect that Xia State would value prisoners of war so much, and they all shuddered when they thought of the way they treated prisoners of war.

Doi Toshikatsu immediately gave Shimazu Hisakei a stern warning look.

Shimazu Jiukei shivered and quickly whispered a few words to the people around him.

The man didn't wait for the meeting to end, and left immediately. He didn't even stop at Busan, boarded the ship, and headed back to Japan.

At this point, the peace talks between Xia and Japan have ended, and all terms have been agreed upon.

According to the agreement, the Xia Kingdom and the Netherlands had permission to trade and live in Nagasaki, and the tariffs paid were reduced to twenty-one, the same as the Zheng family's treatment.

On the Japanese side, the lord of the Satsuma Domain, Shimazu Mitsuhisa, had to personally write a confession and deliver it to the Xia Kingdom.

The Japanese side removed the defenders on the Five Islands Islands. From now on, this area will serve as a buffer zone between the Xia Kingdom and the Japanese side, and no armed forces are allowed to exist.

The Xia Kingdom and Japan reached an agreement on the exchange of prisoners. At the same time, Japan must treat Xia Kingdom prisoners of war well. If violated, all the above agreements will be invalid and the war will continue.

At the end of the negotiation, Doi Toshikatsu ordered the text of the agreement to be returned to Japan immediately and handed over to Tokugawa Iemitsu.

The agreement will only come into effect after Tokugawa Iemitsu signs and seals it.

Xia Guo's agreement was placed on Zuo Mengeng's desk, which made him very satisfied.

"In the coming time, your navy should not be idle. Go out when it's time to go out and go to the coast of Japan. At least you should get familiar with the sea conditions first."

Everyone understood that Zuo Mengeng was putting pressure on Japan.

He learned the lesson from the negotiations between the Ming Dynasty and Japan during the Imjin Japanese Rebellion.

Although both the Ming Dynasty and Dongying had plans for peace talks at that time, the generals on the front line were so unreliable that they failed. As a result, the negotiations broke down and war broke out again.

Now Doi Toshikatsu and others are behaving normally, but the agreement reached is very unfavorable to Japan. Who knows what Tokugawa Iemitsu is thinking?

Strong force must be used to force the Tokugawa shogunate to recognize the reality and sign the agreement obediently.

Zuo Hua understood.

The entire Xia Navy was dispatched, divided into several parts, and appeared along the coast of Japan.

They also did not fire cannons or attack Japanese ships.

But when the warship appeared on the shore of Japan, it was impossible for the Japanese people not to be nervous.

Tokugawa Iemitsu received the text of the agreement and, as expected, was furious.

But this anger is limited.

Although on the surface it seems that this agreement caused Japan to suffer a big loss, for the Tokugawa shogunate, it made more money.

Especially those Western famous names who were duplicitous in appearance showed greater loyalty through this incident.

Not to mention that the Tokugawa Shogunate also took control of the Hyuga Kingdom from the Satsuma Domain.

From now on, the Tokugawa Shogunate has driven a nail into Kyushu Island and can interfere with the situation here at any time.

What politicians are best at is calculating.

Since he had earned the maximum profit and suffered a little loss of face, how could Tokugawa Iemitsu care about it?

He did not hesitate for too long, and signed the agreement directly without even consulting his staff.

In the dark dungeon, the space is very cramped.

There was a disgusting stench wafting everywhere, and dirty rats were crawling around, but they couldn't cause any movement.

Chen Zhibang was nestled in a place like this, with wounds all over his body and bloody flesh.

But the physical pain no longer had any effect on him.

All his thoughts were given to his hometown far away.

There are his parents, his brothers, and his lovely sister.

He knew that he might not be able to go back in this life.

He was an ordinary soldier in the Xia Navy. During the Battle of Tsushima, he followed squadron leader Huang Fei on a rampage and detected the location of the main force of the Japanese fleet.

Unfortunately, on the way back, the ship he was traveling on was besieged by the Japanese army.

At the last moment, the captain detonated the explosives brazenly and chose to die with the Japanese.

Chen Zhibang originally thought that his life would end at that moment, but he did not expect that the shock wave of the explosion knocked him unconscious and fell into the sea.

When he woke up, he had fallen into the hands of the Japanese.

These brutal Japanese pirates beat and insulted him endlessly and inflicted various tortures on him.

The tough guy didn't even frown, he responded calmly, and he kept yelling at the Japanese people.

Finally, he was taken to Japan and imprisoned.

Beside him, there were dozens of similarly unfortunate comrades.

Everyone looked miserable, but no one gave in.

In the dark years and the torture, faith was the only thing that supported them.

As soldiers of the Xia Kingdom, they have the utmost pride.

This pride prevents them from bowing to any difficulty.

I just miss my hometown and relatives that I miss so much. I will never see you again.

Rapid footsteps sounded in the distance, and a Japanese general rushed over with a large group of soldiers, and finally stopped in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Chen Zhibang thought that the last moment had arrived.

"Brothers, there are no cowards in our Xia army. Even if we die, we must die standing. We must not embarrass His Highness and the Xia army."

The others supported each other and slowly stood up. Their bodies seemed to be stooped, but they were able to stand upright.

"The scar on my head is no bigger than a bowl, but I will still be a good man after eighteen years."

"Are these dwarfs worthy of letting me bow my head?"

"When I get to hell, I have to take over the throne of the King of Hell and sit on it."

This chapter has been completed!
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