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Chapter 948

Liu Lin returned to her main tent exhausted.

Only when isolated from the outside world will he show his powerless side.

Nowadays, he is becoming less and less optimistic about the situation.

Although the rebels and the Xia army only occupied a corner of Busan, the Qing allied forces were besieging it from three sides. But for some reason, he always felt that there seemed to be some danger in the dark.

Li Jie had urged him to send troops many times, but turned a blind eye to his memorial requesting for food and fodder.

How should a hungry army fight?

Liu Lin knew that if she didn't take action, death would probably be waiting for him.

What should he do?

At a loss, the guard walked in.

"Sir, someone outside the camp asked to see you and said they had sent you a letter home."

Liu Lin came back to her senses and frowned.

Why do letters come from Hao Duan Duan's family?

They were all fine in their hometown in Jinzhou, so what could have happened?

"Let him in."

Not long after, a young man was brought in. Although he was wearing Korean clothes, Liu Lin noticed something.

"Who are you?"

Liu Lin naturally knows the people of the Liu family from top to bottom.

But the person standing in front of him at this time was strangely tight. The most important thing was that he stood tall and straight, neither humble nor arrogant, and had no sense of timidity like a servant.

The man didn't speak, he just looked at the guard next to him.

Liu Lin's hand couldn't help but touch the knife on the table, which gave him a little more confidence.

"You all go down."

The guard knew there was something fishy and quickly turned around and left.

There were no outsiders in the camp, so the visitors took off their disguises.

"We are Wei Zhen, the leader of the Quanzhou Group of the Korean Division of the Xiaxia National Intelligence Department."

They are from the Xia Kingdom again.

Liu Lin's eyes narrowed.

"I have nothing to say to you traitors of the Ming Dynasty. You still dare to come here today. Do you really think that I don't dare to kill people?"

Although Wei Zhen is only in his early twenties and has a handsome face, he has a resolute personality and does not care about his situation at all.

He calmly walked to the other side of Liu Lin and sat down.

"North Korea has already betrayed the Ming Dynasty, so why should it care about our identities? We are all the same anyway, so we can have a good talk."

Liu Lin groaned angrily.

"Your Xia Kingdom has blatantly invaded our Korean territory and aided the evildoers. Our relationship is that of enemies, not friends. What is there to talk about?"

It was a matter of morality, and Wei Zhen refused to give in.

"It's best to speak clearly. I also believe that Mr. Liu is not a person who doesn't know right from wrong. North Korea is known as Little China, and the benevolent religion, rituals and music are so prosperous. It was your king who chose to surrender and let North Korea fall.

For the sake of a paradise where barbarians are ravaging, are you willing to crawl at the feet of the barbarians and let them humiliate you like Lord Liu? Our Xia Kingdom is here just to help North Korea return to the right path, but we have never massacred the North Korean people wantonly.

Bullying and oppression. If Mr. Liu doesn’t believe it, you can send someone to Busan to have a look. Take a look at what kind of life the North Korean people are living today."

Wei Zhen said this with full confidence.

Of course, this is also true, don’t be afraid of being seen.

Those Koreans living in Busan have now been deeply influenced by the Xia Kingdom and have experienced the benefits of a new life. Even if they are asked to return to their previous situation in the future, they will not agree.

However, the more this happens, the greater the stimulation to Liu Lin.

"I only know how to be loyal to the king and the country, and I don't dare to say anything about other matters. You wait for the invasion first and insult my king later, what else is there to say?"

Wei Zhenyi's words are right.

"To die for a king who betrayed his country and his people is called foolish loyalty. Mr. Liu has read the books of sages, how can he not know that the people are the most important, the country is the second most important, and the king is the least important?"

How could Liu Lin not know these wise words?

For a scholar-official like him, it is the most uncomfortable thing to be criticized from the moral high ground.

After all, what others said was not wrong. What Li Zhu did could indeed be seen as betraying the country and the people just to preserve his own glory and wealth.

But now that the matter has come to this, what is the use of verbal debate?

Just when he was about to issue an order to expel the guest, Wei Zhen took out a letter from his arms and handed it over.

"I came here just to convey a message. Mr. Liu will understand the details after reading them."

After finishing what he had to do, Wei Zhen said goodbye and left.

Liu Lin was the only one left, holding the letter and couldn't help but be stunned.

He could definitely read the handwriting on it, it belonged to his eldest son Liu Zhifa. Especially at the end of the letter there was Liu Zhifa's unique stamp, which was absolutely impossible to forge.

In the letter, Liu Zhifa said that he had followed his order, took all his family members aboard the Xia Navy's warship, and headed for Busan, looking forward to reuniting with him as soon as possible.

Liu Lin was trembling all over, feeling that the boundless darkness was slowly swallowing her up.

No matter how hard it was, I didn't expect that Xia Guo would do such a trick and actually kidnap his own family.

"Despicable! Shameless!"

When things got to this point, Liu Lin had no choice but to scold helplessly.

He is not stupid, of course he knows the serious consequences of Xia Guo's doing this.

Once the court knew that his family had gone to Busan, the only thing waiting for him would be death.

He doesn't have much choice anymore.

On one side is the safety of his family, on the other side is his own life and death, honor and disgrace.

Forced into a desperate situation, Liu Lin completely exploded.

"Come here and summon the generals to discuss matters."

Xia Guo thought that he could be coerced by this method, but he underestimated Liu Lin.

So what if one person lives or dies?

So what if the entire clan is wiped out?

A true man will die when he dies. As long as he is loyal to the emperor and serves the country, he will surely leave his name throughout the ages.

Liu Lin walked into the military tent with her head held high, and made a decisive decision in the face of the confused generals.

"Order all the troops to pack their bags quickly. The whole army will set off tomorrow and march to Busan."

Everyone was shocked when they heard that they were going to fight.

Zheng Liangtai, the left envoy of the Quannan Navy, quickly dissuaded him.

"Master Commander, there is not enough food and grass now. If we go to war rashly, the morale of the army will be unstable."

Liu Lin immediately drew her knife and chopped it on the table.

"The Lord has urged me many times, and each day becomes more severe. If there is any further delay, you and I will be punished by death. The only solution for now is to fight quickly and solve the rebellion in Busan as soon as possible. If anyone has any objections again, military law will be engaged!"

Liu Lin finally showed her dignity as a coach and suppressed the voices of dissatisfaction.

Under the murderous strict order, no one dared to question it.

All the generals resigned one after another and went back to prepare.

Liu Lin didn't know that at this moment, an uninvited guest was lurking in her tent.

Cui Guilin put on a black suit, held a dagger, and entered Liu Lin's main tent while avoiding the eyes and ears.

Since Liu Lin was unfair to him, he just wanted to pay with blood.

Cui Guilin stabbed the pillow with his knife, but nothing happened.

He was startled and opened the quilt, only to find that there was no one on the bed.

But because of his action, the pillow flew out, and a letter was revealed.

When Cui Guilin opened it, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he couldn't help but reveal a wanton, silent, and extremely cruel smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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