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Chapter 952 Backstab

Three thousand meters against the current is also three thousand meters of death.

Liu Lin realized for the first time in her life that the distance was so long.

Even if the North Korean navy tried its best, it took half an hour to advance only about one thousand meters.

Despite this, the Korean artillery was still unable to hit the Xia Navy, and they still passively endured the Xia Navy's crazy artillery fire.

At this moment, Liu Lin felt extremely regretful.

If we had known this, we should not have chosen this battlefield in the first place. As a result, our side was passively beaten.

Now, there are only two paths before the North Korean navy.

One is to keep moving forward;

One is to turn around and retreat through the opening of the strait.

But Liu Lin knew very well that she could never retreat.

This is where Yi Sun-shin showed his power. If he were to withdraw here, it would be a devastating disaster for the morale of the North Koreans.

Not to mention that the North Korean navy was already short of food and clothing before setting off, making it difficult to maintain itself. As long as it withdraws, not only will Yousu Camp be unable to hold, Jeolla Province, Chungcheong Province and even Gyeonggi Province will be surrendered.

There is no other way.

Even if the Xia Navy's artillery fire was so fierce, Liu Lin could only choose to attack. No matter how high the price was, as long as she won the battle, it would be worth it.

"Send orders to the left and right wings to follow at full speed. No one is allowed to take even half a step back."

The North Korean Navy began a desperate and helpless assault.

Closer, closer...

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they were desperately calculating when their own artillery would be able to enter the range.

However, along the way, their losses were simply horrific.

The Xia Navy's eight heavy artillery fired in an orderly manner, and almost every cannon would bring considerable results.

Although the Koreans have realized that they have begun to disperse, the strait is so wide and there are too many Korean warships. Where can they disperse?

In half an hour of fighting, the Koreans lost more than fifty warships, large and small, equivalent to a quarter of their combat strength.

Many North Koreans have already developed fear, their eyes are looking around wildly, and they are ready to run away at any time.

The Xia State's artillerymen have never been so full of energy. Even if the weather is cold, their upper bodies are still hot and sweating.

They no longer knew how many rounds of artillery shells they had carried and how many rounds they had fired. In short, they were exhausted and didn't have much strength left.

The observers on the sentry tower have been keeping a close eye on the trajectory of the North Korean Navy.

Finally, he reported the node again.

"Attention everyone, the enemy is 1,500 meters away and has entered the range of light naval guns."

Bai Dasheng was refreshed and quickly ordered.

"Heavy artillery stops attacking and enters a resting state. All light naval guns are ready to fire!"

Because of the characteristics of the Fu Ship, the number of light artillery on the ship is far more than that of heavy artillery. In terms of strike capability, the light artillery is even better.

The artillerymen of the light artillery, who had watched the show for a long time, were gearing up, and it was finally their turn to show off.

Liu Lin stared at the opposite side, and suddenly realized that Xia Jun's artillery had stopped, and she couldn't help but be ecstatic.

"The Xia bandits' artillery can't be fired. This is our chance. Keep marching and destroy these invaders!"

The North Korean navy also thought this was the case, and its morale, which had been at its lowest level, rose again.

However, what greeted them was an even bigger earthquake.

The scene of dozens of artillery bombarding together was extremely spectacular. The majestic smoke obscured the entire strait, and the falling points on the water were as dense as a heavy rainstorm.

Although each explosion was not as powerful as the heavy artillery, the damage effect on the Korean warship was the same.

Anyway, they are all wooden sailboats. In the face of high-explosive bombs, the caliber is larger or smaller, and the difference is very little.

The more violent artillery strikes caused heavy damage to the North Korean Navy. Visible to the naked eye, the warships in the front row disappeared out of thin air. Instead, there were piles of broken wood and waste on the water.

There is also a burning flag stuck in the water with its mast, just like the plight of the North Korean navy.

Although they had charged halfway, their artillery was still of no use.

Only by moving forward, moving forward, and rushing within a thousand meters is the time for them to fight back.

But the Xia Navy obviously did not intend to give them this opportunity.

"Launch fire ships, launch rocket launchers, and shield the sea."

Under the orders one after another, the Xia Navy's weapons were drawn out.

One after another, the boats were loaded with flammable materials. The raging fires that were ignited at this time rushed towards the Korean Navy along the rapid ocean currents.

It is impossible to tell how many fireships there are with the naked eye. At this time, they cover the sea surface and are as dazzling as a galaxy.

There is a river of stars on the sea, and there is also one in the sky.

The rocket trailed a beautiful tail flame, lighting up the gloomy sky, and then plunged into the camp of the North Korean Navy.

Amidst the carpet-like explosion, Liu Lin's main fleet instantly collapsed. The entire sea surface was on fire, and not many people could escape.

Liu Lin was trapped on her flagship, looking desperately at the scene around her. She had completely lost consciousness and didn't know how to command.

At the rear, Jin Zhongshu saw that the main force was in crisis, so he wanted to lead his army to rescue them.

But a person walked beside him.

"General, I'm afraid Liu Lin has become a traitor and wants to kill our entire army."

Uncle Jin Zhong turned around in shock, only to find that it was his subordinate Cui Guilin.

"Cui Yuhou, don't talk nonsense. You did evil first, and the commander punished you later. I didn't expect that you actually harbored a grudge and falsely accused the commander. Do you know that this is a capital crime?"

Cui Guilin quickly took out a letter from his arms and presented it to Jin Jongshu.

"General, there will eventually be evidence."

Jin Zhongshu was hesitant about the letter, but when he opened the letter, he was shocked on the spot.

"Where did you get this letter?"

Cui Guilin knew that the matter was of great importance and did not dare to hide it, so he spoke honestly.

Hearing that he had thought about assassinating Liu Lin, Kim Jong-soo couldn't help but be frightened. Although he knew that the assassination failed, he couldn't help but be deeply wary of Choi Gyu-lin's audacity.

But all of this is nothing in front of this letter.

Liu Lin was loyal on the surface, but secretly sent her family to Busan.

What this means is self-evident.

Jin Zhongshu hesitated.

Looking at the main force in front of him who was engaged in a bitter battle, he quietly ordered his troops to retreat toward the rear.

When he retreated, Cui Xia on the right wing was confused and quickly sent someone to inquire.

Jin Zhongshu informed the situation, and Cui Hazhi became suspicious.

There are really too many strange things about today's war situation, and the North Korean Navy is in a unilateral position of being passively beaten.

No matter how you look at Liu Lin, she looks very suspicious.

As a result, the North Korean naval forces on the left and right wings not only did not step forward to reinforce, but began to retreat.

This time, Liu Lin's strength became even weaker.

This chapter has been completed!
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