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Chapter 964

"It's too late for Gwanghae-kun to wake up."

Facing Li Hui's act of expressing loyalty, Zuo Mengeng was sarcastic.

This made Li Hui's face turn red and his body became even more stooped.

Apparently Zuo Menggeng already knew about his behavior of playing both sides of the fence between the Ming Dynasty and the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Although what he did was entirely in the interests of North Korea, from the perspective of the Han people, they were obviously quite dissatisfied with him.

This is also the reason why after the "Injo Anyway" incident, although Ming Dynasty felt that North Korea's actions were a bit treacherous, he still did not investigate in depth.

Later, in order to unite North Korea against the Manchus, Li Jie's status was recognized.

Speaking of which, since Seonjo, the two generations of Korean kings have not been favored by the Ming Dynasty, and the process of accepting the recognition of the Ming Dynasty is very difficult.

At the same time, it also reflected from the side that Ming Dynasty was too naive politically.

It was clear that North Korea was needed to fight against the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but it stubbornly adhered to the orthodoxy, which caused two generations of North Korean kings to become alienated and never tried their best to help the Ming Dynasty.

"It is precisely because of the great changes that have occurred to the guilty ministers that we have finally understood who is the master of Korea. From now on, we can only bow our heads until we die, and we will never dare to have second thoughts."

Li Hui knelt down again and confessed his intentions.

After being kicked off the stage and sitting in a cage for more than ten years, it is obvious that he has had a deep reflection and understood where he failed.

Zuo Mengeng sat still, looking at Li Hui who was extremely respectful, still undecided in his heart.

"Kwanghae-kun has really suffered over the past few years. Let's go down and get some rest first. We can take care of the funeral and wait for the situation to stabilize before we can worry about it."

Zuo Menggeng ordered people to take Li Hui down to take good care of him, but did not make any promises on the spot.

"This person seems to be submissive, but he is somber and reserved. He may be ambitious and difficult to control."

Zuo Yong hit the nail on the head and disliked Li Hui very much.

“It’s precisely because of this worry that I couldn’t make up my mind for a while!”

How to deal with Lord Guanghai requires extremely high political wisdom. Zuo Menggeng is also afraid that he will eventually raise a wolf and it will backfire on him.

He thought for a while and ordered Fu Xinyuan: "Invite Prime Minister Hou and Prime Minister Li to come over immediately."

Although in the minds of Xia people, Zuo Menggeng is omnipotent and like a god.

But he is self-aware.

Although he has grown rapidly over the years, he thinks that in terms of power and strategy, he is far from being able to compare with Hou Xun, Li Banghua and other official veterans.

When something like this happens, the best thing to do is consult an expert.

The matter of Lord Guanghai is just an episode for the current Xia Jun.

The focus now is still on combat.

Zuo Yong informed Zuo Menggeng of the combat plan of the First Marine Division.

"Now that the road is cut off, the situation in Hanyang cannot be known for a while. Therefore, we discussed it and decided to slow down the advance and put stability first."

Seeing that Zuo Mengeng was noncommittal, Zuo Yong explained in more detail.

"After the Second Marine Regiment captures Gimpo, it will move southward at most to occupy the Daepudong line and consolidate the current occupied area. After the First Marine Regiment has solved Incheon, it will gather the forces of the two regiments and then move eastward along the Han River."

According to this plan, in Incheon, the 1st Marine Division of Gimpo Frontline has more than 15,000 troops, which can ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Zuo Mengeng knew that there must be a reason why the 1st Marine Division was so cautious.

“What are the current difficulties?”

He watched the entire combat process, and it can be said that it went very smoothly. Since the First Marine Division did not dare to advance quickly, there must be some oversights.

Zuo Yong is a steady person who always seeks truth from facts and never shows off.

"The main reason is that we don't have enough troops. The place is too big. Even if we can defeat it with the First Marine Division alone, we have to divide our troops to occupy it. This will greatly dilute our troops. If we reach Hanyang, we can still

Five thousand usable mobile troops would be considered good."

Although the 1st Marine Division is powerful, in war, as long as we attack forward, we must have enough troops to garrison the rear.

Only in this way can the safety of the back road and logistics be ensured.

The total force of more than 40,000 people seemed to be a lot, but when spread out over such a large area, it immediately seemed sparse.

Especially so far, there has been no response from Hanyang. This makes the entire First Marine Division very worried, fearing that the Qing army might do something wrong.

Zuo Mengeng stared at the map, looking for anything abnormal.

However, he couldn't see through the fog of war and didn't know what the actual situation was.

"Then fight steadily and never advance rashly."

Seeing that Zuo Mengeng agreed, everyone in the First Marine Division breathed a sigh of relief.

Chief of Staff Chang Ying quickly made suggestions.

"To make up for the lack of troops, it is best to transfer the Korean rebels from Busan. They are indigenous people and can communicate with the local area more easily, which will help stabilize our rear."

In the battle in Korea, the Korean rebels played a great role.

This is recognized by everyone.

But Zuo Menggeng had a different view on how to use the Korean rebels.

"The North Korean rebels are only used to defend the place, so they are of little use. After they are mobilized, their forwards can be used to open the way."

This idea surprised Zuo Yong and others.

"The combat effectiveness of the Korean rebels..."

Well, in the eyes of these main forces, the Korean rebels are actually no different from the militia.

"No one's combat effectiveness is always there at the beginning. It must be tempered on the battlefield. In the future, if we want to control this place, we will definitely need enough troops. We cannot always mobilize troops from the country. If the Korean rebels are unable to be used, they will

It will slow down our actions."

Zuo Mengeng's meaning is very clear.

The purpose is to use the battlefield to temper these North Korean soldiers so that they can stand alone as soon as possible.

Although past history shows that the Koreans' war talents are very diverse, they do not seem to be worthy of trust.

Zuo Mengeng knew even better that this was actually not the case.

Just like the war in later generations.

At the beginning, the South Korean army could not even put up a little resistance. It dispersed as soon as it was attacked and collapsed as soon as it was charged. But after the war lasted for three years, the South Korean army had made great progress.

Although it is still not impressive in terms of combat effectiveness, it is as annoying as gummy candy and has caused a lot of trouble.

Not to mention that their brothers in the north are very impressive in terms of combat effectiveness.

This is enough to show that there is no completely divided nation.

As long as they are scientifically trained and armed, and undergo cruel training on the battlefield, they can develop combat effectiveness.

In Zuo Mengeng's mind, the Korean rebels will be of great use and cannot do without combat effectiveness.

Under his order, the Korean rebels still in Busan were divided into two parts.

The 4,000 men from one unit, plus the 6,000 men just recruited, will form the North Korean First Division and will be transported to the northern front to fight.

Another 4,000 men, plus the remaining recruits, formed the North Korean Second Division, which would follow the Fourth Division to take charge of the southern front.

In the future, the scale of the Korean rebels will continue to expand.

How many troops there will be will be determined based on the actual situation of the war.

This chapter has been completed!
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