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Chapter 967 The helplessness of troubled times

There must be no rush in a siege.

The more anxious you are, the greater your losses will be.

Since ancient times, the defender has always been able to cause great losses to the attacker with its complete fortifications.

Even though the Xia army's weapons were far more advanced than those of the Inchon defenders, Miao Guangxian and Zhao Xianbing always kept Zuo Menggeng's teachings in mind.

Be careful and you won't make a big mistake.

Anyway, Incheon cannot wait for any reinforcements, so it will be a matter of time before the city is captured.

In order to minimize casualties, Miao Guangxian and Zhao Xianbing even sent people to the city to persuade them to surrender.

"Jin Wensheng refused to surrender and even shot arrows at us. It seems that he is preparing to fight to the end."

The people sent to persuade them to surrender came back and reported the city's attitude.

After such a long time, the 1st Marine Regiment has figured out Jin Wensheng's identity.

"It seems that he is worried that if he surrenders, he will be liquidated by the Western People's Party."

Zhao Xianbing thought for a while and asked, "Should we give him a guarantee?"

Miao Guangxian did not agree.

"This is always an internal matter within North Korea, and we cannot get involved. We are soldiers, and we only do what soldiers do."

From a fundamental point of view, Miao Guangxian did not want Incheon to be resolved peacefully.

If that's the case, the military merits will be small.

After three days of excavation, the Xia army's trenches had reached the foot of Incheon City.

The distance between the top of the city and the nearest ditch is only less than thirty meters. If you charge at full speed, you can reach the bottom of the city wall in the blink of an eye.

Jin Wensheng and Guo Chengzai watched helplessly as Xia Jun approached step by step, but there was no good solution.

They once sent people out of the city to stop the attack, but were shot back by the Xia army.

Jin Wensheng saw with his own eyes the power of Xia Jun's firearms, and was no longer so confident in defending the city.

But his identity determines that he has no way to retreat and can only choose to resist to the end.

In the past three days, the heavy artillery supporting the battle in the southern mountains was mobilized again and deployed in the east of the city.

There is a hill inside the city wall here, which is the commanding height overlooking the city. The defenders' artillery is placed on it, which is the main threat to the Xia army's attack.

It must be suppressed with heavy artillery to ensure the success of the infantry attack.

"Everyone starts checking their watches. The attack will begin at eight o'clock tomorrow morning exactly after breakfast."

Nowadays, watches and pocket watches have become very popular in Xia. In the military, all officers above the company level will be issued with them.

Having a unified time calculation tool will be of great help to collaborative operations.

The next day, the sky was a little gloomy and the temperature was a little cold.

Xia Jun has been busy since early morning, and all camps are very lively.

Seeing the smoke and birds and the smell of rice filling the Xia army's side, the defenders knew that a battle was coming.

"Take out all the food, let the soldiers have a full meal, and guard the city."

At the critical moment, Jin Wensheng was also very generous and took out his treasured grain to reward the defenders.

If you want to make people sacrifice their lives, how can you not give them some benefits?

After enduring hunger for many days, they finally had a full meal. The soldiers guarding the city were not too happy.

Everyone knows what it means if Shangguan can feed them under such circumstances.

After breakfast, the bustle suddenly dissipated, and everything inside and outside the city fell into an eerie silence.

But everyone knows that after this tranquility there will be a shocking storm.

Miao Guangxian raised his wrist and watched the pointer move bit by bit, his face becoming more determined.

Finally the hour hand pointed to eight o'clock.

"Order all artillery to fire five salvos!"

The messenger was just outside the headquarters, waving the flag immediately and delivering the order to the artillery position.

In an instant, all the artillery of the Marine Regiment roared together, pouring firepower madly on the city of Incheon.

Large and small explosive air currents swept through every inch of the city wall.

As the earth quaked and the mountains shook, the bricks and stones were blown to pieces one after another, and the violent airflow turned into terrifying weapons.

The fragile flesh and blood body was torn to pieces on the spot, and there was no time to even scream.

The tall city gate building was hit by a cannonball and immediately began to collapse. Smoke and dust billowed above the city gate, blocking out the clouds and the sun, making it impossible to see anything.

Such a strong city wall also became scarred by artillery fire.

The soil inside is exposed in many places. I wonder how long it can last?

Jin Wensheng and Guo Chengzai were originally on the city wall. When the shells came, they were pulled away by the guards.

At this time, they saw that all the city walls in the east, west, north and south were engulfed in flames. The two of them were dumbfounded and finally realized how terrifying Xia's army was.

"Hurry up and get everyone on the city wall down first!"

Guo Chengzai reacted faster and responded immediately.

In fact, there was no need for him to give orders. Some clever soldiers had already started to flee. Those who were not clever would have been killed on the spot.

However, even if it is removed from the city wall, it does not mean that it is safe.

Many cannonballs crossed the city wall and fell into the city, razing houses one after another to the ground.

The whole city was in complete chaos, with people running around in confusion not knowing what was going on.

Whether they can survive the war depends on God's will.

When the fifth round of shelling just ended, the Xia army soldiers who had been hiding in the trenches immediately jumped out and ran towards the city wall.

There were no defenders on the city at this time, and they could not stop them.

The distance of more than thirty meters was quickly reached, ladders were set up, and the bravest soldiers began to climb up.

There were also engineering troops who moved away the rebel horses at the city gate, and then piled explosives in front of the city gate.

The power of dozens of kilograms of explosives detonating together is earth-shattering.

The ground shook violently, and after a thunderous roar penetrated, many people's ears could no longer receive any sound.

The already dilapidated city gate tower jumped upwards, and then disappeared in the billowing smoke.

When the smoke and dust calmed down a little, people suddenly discovered that not only the city gate tower had disappeared, but the entire city wall had also disappeared.

Seeing that the solid city wall was blown up at the beginning of the war, Jin Wensheng became anxious.

"Guo Yuhou, hurry up and seize the city wall. Don't let the Xia army attack."

Guo Chengzai's scalp was numb, but under the pressure of Jin Wensheng, he could only lead the army at hand towards the damaged area.

Xia Jun arrived almost at the same time as them.

The two sides immediately started fighting at the blown-up city gate.

The soldiers of the Xia army used grenades to clear the way and prevented the defenders from getting close to the city wall. Then the infantry, in groups of ten, rushed to the gap and fired a volley of shots.

Regardless of the hit effect, after firing, this group of soldiers will spread to both sides to make way for the following troops.

The same goes for subsequent groups.

Under the continuous firepower, the troops and horses led by Guo Chengzai were quickly wiped out. Even he himself was shot in the thigh and lay on the ground unable to move.

At the same time, the city walls everywhere were also occupied by Xia troops.

The defenders were trying very hard, but they were unable to attack as the muskets fired from high above.

In just ten minutes, a battalion of troops poured into Incheon City.

The Xia army's infantry artillery was also pushed up and fired continuously at the defenders from the gap.

The defenders originally planned to use private houses and streets for street fighting, but they dispersed before direct artillery fire.

Jin Wensheng retreated all the way, with fewer and fewer people around him. This made him finally understand how stupid his decision to defend the city was.

At this point, the loss of Inchon is inevitable.

He returned to the government office in despair, took off his belt, hung it from the beam, and finally kicked off his legs to end his life.

The defenders in the city were completely in chaos. Because they could not find the commander, they could only fight blindly on their own.

More and more people surrendered, and the resistance became weaker and weaker. In the end, only the government office was left.

Miao Guangxian and Zhao Xianbing also entered the city, and the injured and captured Guo Chengzai was escorted to them.

Guo Chengzai was frightened, not knowing how Xia Jun would deal with him.

However, Miao Guangxian and Zhao Xianbing showed little interest in this Incheon defender.

"Take him down and hand him over to the military doctor."

This chapter has been completed!
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