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Chapter 980 The Fifth Division Dispatches

Can the Xia Kingdom unify the world?

On this issue, everyone within the regime has reached a consensus.

The strength is sufficient, but the troops are insufficient.

The regime has made internal calculations. If it wants to take over all the territory of the Ming Dynasty, it will need at least two million troops.

If we add in external expansion, then our military strength will at least double.

However, training soldiers not only requires time, but also requires sufficient weapons and equipment. Just building these is definitely not enough with the resources Xia State currently has.

Of course, if the standards are lowered and the army is built like the Ming and Manchu Qing armies, the Xia Kingdom can easily afford it.

And even that kind of army, based on the existing force, is enough to unify the world.

But the Xia Kingdom's goal is far from simply taking over the Ming Dynasty. Their eyes are on the whole world.

If you want to compete with other countries around the world, you have to consider the quality of your military.

This resulted in Xia's military expansion being very slow.

Since the troops are insufficient, quickly defeating existing opponents is not the optimal solution for Xia.

"If we defeat the Manchus too quickly, once Korea is unified, we will not have enough reason to interfere in the affairs here and incorporate this land into the name of China. Now the Manchus are left to create divisions within Korea, but it will be detrimental to us.

More advantageous."

Zuo Hua expressed his opinion.

This new angle made everyone think.

Regarding how to deal with North Korea's affairs, everyone's ideas are actually changing all the time.

After all, this is the first time that Xia has participated in international affairs, and it is still exerting influence on an independent country. How to do it and to what extent it can be done will test everyone's wisdom and means.

In this regard, Zuo Mengeng is definitely not an expert, so it is necessary to pool everyone's wisdom.

Now Zuo Hua re-analyzed the North Korean affairs, and Zuo Mengeng immediately cleared away the fog and his ideas became clear.

"A stable North Korea is definitely not what we need. In that case, this country will still be a vassal state of China at most, and it can still enjoy itself, and cannot become the cornerstone for us to step into the ocean. Maintaining a divided North Korea will increase their internal conflicts, and ultimately

Completing qualitative change is our goal.”

Based on the current battlefield situation, if the Xia army maintains its offensive momentum, it will not be difficult to completely expel the Manchus from the Korean Peninsula.

But in that case, North Korea returned to a stable situation, and the people who controlled the power were just replaced by Kim Sang-hyun, Shen Ji-won and others from Ri Zhu.

Now that North Korea has regained stability, what reason does Xia Guo have to stay here?

What's more, after these days of contact, everyone has already discovered that traditional scholar-bureaucrats such as Jin Sangxian and Shen Qiyuan all have deep-rooted interests.

Allowing them to hold power will only bring North Korea back to its original track, and all Xia's efforts will be in vain.

If the threat of the Manchus remained, North Korea would have to always rely on Xia Guo's wings and follow Xia Guo's baton.

When the time is right and the public's expectations are met, it will be extremely smooth for Xia Guo to become the master of this place.

If you want to create this situation, you must not cause too big a blow to the Qing coalition forces. Otherwise, the balance of strength will tilt and the situation will be out of control.

Zuo Menggeng's thoughts surged, and the layout of the Korean Peninsula in later generations appeared in his mind.

The Korean peninsula, divided between the north and the south, has become a gambling table for great powers to express their will, but it has maintained a delicate balance.

The purpose of the Xia Kingdom was of course different from the situation of later generations, and the Manchu Qing was not a qualified opponent.

But this does not prevent him from learning from it and applying it to the current situation.

"If everyone has no objections, then we will slow down the attack speed. Fight slowly and take your time."

Those present here are all senior officials of Xia Jun. Since the strategy has been unified, there is no objection.

This private internal meeting changed Xia Jun's original combat plan.

The Qing coalition forces, who were still trudging through the high mountains, did not know that they had escaped due to the Xia army's change of strategy.

Looking at the arduous march of the army, Dorgon and Hauge were worried and thinking hard about how to solve the problem.

After the Northern Line reached unity, the plan was immediately notified to the East Point and Southern Line.

Liu Yiyuan, Bai Xiaoqi and others understood this and immediately relaxed, no longer as aggressive as before.

At the same time, the transfer order was conveyed back to Shandong and officially delivered to the hands of the Fifth Division.

"After all, the number of troops is still too small. According to my prediction, I am afraid that it will not be able to stop the retreat of the Qing coalition forces. In the future, the war will definitely be a stalemate."

In the headquarters of the Fifth Division, the discussion was lively.

This is also Xia Jun's tradition.

Although they did not participate in the Korean battlefield, the troops on the front line have always summarized battle reports and passed them on to their brother troops for analysis and summary.

In this way, all troops can form a unified understanding. Once a troop is mobilized to join the battlefield, there will be no need to adapt on the spot.

Moreover, since the brother troops are on the outside, many times the analysis can be clearly understood by onlookers and can be an inspiration to the troops participating in the war.

All the senior generals of the Fifth Division gathered together and discussed using the Korean battlefield.

The most regrettable person among them is political commissar Hui Shanhui.

But there is no way, who calls the Fifth Division the younger brother? It has just been formed into the army, and we can only watch the brothers' troops have great glory.

The messenger rushed in and spoke much louder than usual.

"Report, transfer order from the headquarters!"

Division Commander Lou Fu was thinking about the situation on the Korean battlefield. When he suddenly heard this, he couldn't help but be startled. But after receiving the order, he laughed on the spot.

"Everyone, there is no need to talk on paper. Get ready. We are going to North Korea to show off our skills."

When everyone heard this, they were all surprised.

"I just said that our fifth division has just been established. How could the headquarters not let us go through the training of the battlefield?"

Chief of Staff Zha Shubing tasted the connotation of the transfer order.

"According to the order of the East Command, our combat areas are Jeolla Province and Chungcheong Province. There are no Qing troops here, only some remaining troops from the North Korean puppet court. These remnants are not very effective in combat, so they can be used as training for us."

Lou Fu is a veteran general, how could he not understand this truth?

"Don't underestimate the enemy just because the opponent is the North Korean army. They are fighting on their own soil and they are more familiar with every plant and tree than we are. After arriving in North Korea, everyone must be cautious. It is better to fight slowly than to disrupt. Everyone understands this.


Being able to step onto the battlefield, the fighting spirit of the entire Fifth Division was high.


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