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Chapter 990 Surrender

"There is news from the north that the false king Li Zhu has listed you as a traitor. The king you swear to be loyal to the death does not believe in your loyalty."

Shen Qiyuan conveyed the latest news to Liu Lin.

After the failure of the Myeongryang naval battle, Kim Jong-soo and Choi Gyu-rin fled all the way, and finally reached the north.

Just when Huang Taiji and Li Zhu were about to punish them, Cui Guilin took out the family letter written by Liu Zhifang to his father.

Faced with such evidence, Liu Lin immediately became the target of public criticism.

In anger, Li Zhu listed Liu Lin as the leader of rebels and traitors, along with Jin Shangxian and Shen Qiyuan, who would never be pardoned.

As soon as Liu Lin woke up, she received such a huge shock that she was stunned.

He couldn't understand at all why Li Zhu treated him like this?

Is he not loyal enough?

Was he not brave enough to fight?

Anyone who has a little understanding of the Mingliang Sea Battle will understand that his failure was a crime other than war.

"You have seen what that false king did with your own eyes. Are you still not aware of it now? Following such a king, there is no way to govern the country well and protect the people."

Liu Lin was confused and lost her mind, and she didn't have much strength to stay awake.

"Is North Korea going to be destroyed like this?"

Shen Qiyuan's voice rose a little higher.

"You and I are here. As long as a new king is elected, North Korea will continue to exist. Don't be so pessimistic."

Liu Lin raised her head suddenly and finally revealed her inner feelings.

"Does the Xia Kingdom have nothing to ask for when they come here? Will the Xia Kingdom allow North Korea to continue to exist?"

Regarding his doubts, in fact, all Korean scholar-officials have them.

After all, they are all old men in the officialdom. They are used to seeing the darkest side of the world. They are by no means innocent children. In their minds, they must also have doubts about Xia Guo's interference.

But at this moment, Shen Qiyuan was full of confidence.

"Xia Guo even stayed out of the matter of who would become the new king and left the matter completely to us. This can be proved by his thoughtfulness."

Liu Lin's face was full of astonishment.

If these words had not come from Shen Qiyuan's mouth, it would be extremely difficult for him to believe them.

Although North Korea is small, it is still a country. Is it so unimportant in the eyes of others?

But no matter what, Shen Qiyuan's words caused a qualitative change in his thoughts.

One of the most important reasons why he chose to follow Li Zhu and fight against Xia was actually because he was worried that Xia would annex North Korea.

Since Xia Guo has no such intention, North Korea can still maintain its independence, which is undoubtedly the best outcome.

From a fundamental point of view, I believe that no Korean would hesitate to choose between being a vassal state of the Central Plains and a vassal state of the Liaodong barbarians.

"Where is my family?"

This was Liu Lin's last worry.

At the beginning, Xia Guo used various tricks to trick his family into going to Busan. After so long, he was very worried that his family would be in trouble.

If this were the case, he would rather die than surrender if the hatred of the country and the family were superimposed.

Fortunately, Shen Qi was well prepared.

"Your family has been properly accommodated and is now on their way. You will be reunited in more than ten days at most."

Knowing that her family was safe and sound, Liu Lin's last trace of resistance completely dissipated.

"Where is His Highness King Xia? I should go and pay my respects."

Seeing that he finally figured it out, Shen Qiyuan was very happy.

Liu Lin is not only his in-law, but also has many similarities with his political philosophy.

Now that Li Ji has been assassinated and his faction is weak, Shen Qiyuan has been planning how to reverse the situation.

With Liu Lin's help, Shen's system will surely become famous.

After another three days of recuperation, Liu Lin's injuries were almost healed. After getting Zuo Mengeng's permission, Shen Qiyuan took him to visit him.

However, Liu Lin was quite surprised when he saw the path Shen Qiyuan took him along.

"Isn't His Royal Highness King Ha living in Gyeongbokgung Palace?"

Speaking of this, Shen Qiyuan couldn't help but smile.

"His Royal Highness King Ha has said that Gyeongbokgung Palace is the place where the Lord of Korea governs the country. He is a guest from afar, and it is inconvenient for him to occupy it. Therefore, he has been living in a military camp outside the city and has never set foot in Gyeongbokgung Palace."

Despite Liu Lin's calmness, she couldn't help but be shocked when she heard this.

According to the etiquette system, since North Korea is now a vassal state of the Xia Kingdom, it can even be regarded as an honor for North Korea for Zuo Menggeng, the king of the previous country, to live in Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Even if the king of North Korea does not think so in his heart, there is nothing he can do.

This is what Huang Taiji did back then, forcing Li Zhu to give up his home.

Who would have thought that Zuo Menggeng, who was also the monarch of the previous country, took care of the feelings of the Korean people and did not do any bullying.

This comparison alone made Liu Lin's blood boil, and she became even more curious about the world-famous His Highness, King Xia.

Just when the two of them arrived at the military camp outside the city, they happened to meet Tang Wenhuan who was rushing over.

"Urgent report from Jeolla Province, Lee Si-bang has officially surrendered. Jeolla Province and Chungcheong Province have all been recovered, and we no longer have any worries."

After hearing the military situation reported by Tang Wenhuan, Shen Qiyuan and Liu Lin were both overjoyed.

Now Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheong-do, Jeolla-do, and Gyeongsang-do have all been recovered, and only the land in the north is left.

They seemed to have seen North Korea see the light of day again.

At the foot of Quanzhou City, the city gate is open.

All the defenders put down their weapons and lined up obediently outside the city.

Li Shifang stood in front, looking particularly forlorn.

Facing today's situation, he couldn't help but smile when he thought about his original plan with Li Shibai.

What does it mean to sit in a well and look at the sky, being blind and arrogant? This is his true portrayal.

Smoke and dust were billowing on the horizon in the distance, rolling like a dragon. Soon when they got closer, they discovered that there were flags fluttering and a powerful army.

This was Li Shifang's first close contact with Xia Jun.

In his eyes, thousands of people were coming from far away, but their queues were extremely strict.

What struck him most was that all the soldiers were walking in unison.

Thousands of people stepped as if they were one person, and the sound of uniform footsteps caused the earth to tremble, beating like a giant drum in the hearts of the defenders.

Looking at these Xia army soldiers, each of them is wearing a steel helmet and holding a musket in his hand, with the bayonet on it shining coldly.

If the weapons were already the envy of the defenders, the Xia army's equipment was even more different.

Compared with the tattered cloth shoes of the defenders, Xia Jun's leather military boots were shiny and reflective, making every strike on the ground feel very heavy and powerful.

Moreover, the soldiers of the Xia army were full of energy, tall and burly, which formed a sharp contrast with the fat, skinny and short defenders.

Just one contact made the defenders completely understand where they lost.

Group after group of Xia troops arrived one after another, forming an endless array outside Quanzhou City.

Especially the countless artillery pieces put great pressure on the defenders.

The only thing that made them happy was that the commander-in-chief Li Shifang wisely chose to surrender.

Otherwise, standing on the city wall and being bombarded by so many artillery pieces, their bodies would definitely be gone.

The sound of majestic horse hooves rushed forward, and then the senior generals of the Fifth Division came out, riding on tall horses with incomparable pressure.

Li Shifang stood on the ground and could only raise his head to look at Lou Fu and others.

The loser can only accept this humiliation.

This chapter has been completed!
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