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Chapter 180 Awakening

Chapter 180 Awakening

Lin Ke only felt...no feeling.

Death may not be pain, numbness, depth, fear, or darkness.

In the face of death, pain also represents a kind of kindness and represents the ability to feel pain.

After death, there should be nothingness.

In the previous life, death represented the death of physical vitality. Changes in matter led to the death of the brain, that is, the loss of consciousness after the loss of brain signal transmission.

But here, it's not far different.

Lin Ke felt his own soul.

Apart from nothingness, he couldn't even feel the darkness. He could only feel the weak state of his soul, not even his thoughts.


What is nothingness?

Open one eye, close one eye, then cover the closed eye with your hand, and use that closed eye to feel and see.

It's not darkness, there's no light, it's just nothingness.

If there are no accidents, people who die in Nasenge will be in this state, becoming souls floating in nothingness.

It may be torn apart by mysterious storms, turbulences, explosions, etc. in the void, or it may be swallowed by unique creatures in the void.

Or, their former bodies may become [Necromancers], [Soul Masters] and other spell-casting media to bring their souls back.

After retrieving it, it is made into an undead creature, or it is swallowed and used as snacks, or it is released and returned to the body.

But most other souls still cannot avoid the fate of dissipation.

However, at this moment, Lin Ke, who was in the void, suddenly felt a powerful force pulling him out in an instant.

There were waves of huge tearing sensations, as if his body had turned into a lump of pork belly in a meat grinder, being stirred, torn into pieces, and crushed.


too painful!

However, it was precisely because of this pain that Lin Ke's consciousness suddenly returned!

Severe pain!

It hurts to the bone!

The common fate put Lin Ke's six-year-old body under tremendous pressure.

Every drop of blood from Azan's benefactor traveled in the opposite direction in the blood vessels while being absorbed by Lin Ke, cutting through his flesh, meridians, and internal organs, thus giving him super strength.

However, the price of power is fragmentation.

In severe pain, Lin Ke took a deep breath.

Then he immediately felt sharp pains coming from his broken lungs, and his trachea was filled with dust and blood. He was so sad that he coughed, and he coughed out some liver fragments along with the blood.

In pain, he opened his eyes and tried to raise his right hand.

Even when he thought he was unconscious, the Staff of Annihilation did not leave his hand!

I want to...protect Azan... Lin Ke vaguely remembered that before he fell into coma, it seemed that the moon goddess was going to kill them all.

Now, he wants to activate the second power of the Staff of Annihilation to protect all Azan's benefactors!

The three bloodlines in the soul space were dying, and they couldn't provide any power to Lin Ke.

The three saplings are the embodiment of Lin Ke's bloodline. However, now that the blood vessels and internal organs in Lin Ke's body are all rotten into a ball, how can the bloodline still function?

However, Lin Ke raised the Staff of Annihilation in his right hand just by relying on his willpower!

"Shou... guard... A... Azan..." Blood was pouring out of Lin Ke's mouth, causing him to speak unclearly.

But the words "Guard Azan" were still "roared" by him in a weak whisper.

Protect Azane!

Lin Ke's eyes widened in anger, and his originally childish and delicate face became extremely determined because of his eyes.

He wants to...protect Azan!

However, what caught the eye was not the dark night sky and the full moon, but a middle-aged man with two mustaches on his upper lip.

Lin Ke's ears had been deafened by the previous battle, and he could only vaguely see the man's lips moving, as if he was calling his name.

However, as he coughed violently, waves of dizziness filled his brain, which made him almost faint again, and his arm dropped for a moment, but he still held the Staff of Annihilation tightly.

He used a strong willpower to force open his eyes and saw the people around him.

Furlong, Antova, Of...

Almost all of his relatives, his teachers, and his followers are here!

And the Azanes! They are all here!

The sky is already clear!

Especially...this man!

Lin Ke felt that he was lying in a broad and majestic chest, safe and comfortable.

He couldn't help but feel relieved and lost consciousness again.

Warmth, kindness, softness...

Lin Ke seemed to have returned to his infancy, lying in swaddling clothes, being gently rocked by Furlong, and speaking words full of maternal love.

He didn't know how long it took, but he only felt that his body seemed to have regained strength, and then he had a feeling that he was about to wake up from a big dream.


Consciousness suddenly returned, Lin Ke suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.


who I am?

Where am I?

He looked around. He seemed to be lying in a water tank like a coffin without a lid. An unpleasant and pungent smell came from the water.

Just like the taste of Chinese medicine!

traditional Chinese medicine!!

Lin Ke's memory suddenly returned, and he opened his mouth and shouted: "Garose, be careful of the Moon Goddess!"

It was only after I shouted that I realized something was wrong.


Only then did he see clearly where he was.

This is a strange room. His "coffin" is placed in the middle, surrounded by various herbs, and two servants are guarding it with hot water, apparently to add water to his coffin.

When the two servants saw Lin Ke sitting up, they were stunned for a few seconds, and then they shouted in surprise:

"Master, are you awake?!"

"Great, the young master is alive!"

One of them shouted excitedly with a voice that broke his throat: "The young master is awake! The young master is awake!"

He opened the door and ran out while shouting and cheering. His excited shouts could be faintly heard outside the door.

"Where am I?" Lin Ke asked another servant with some confusion.

"Master, this is our Azane Castle!" The remaining servant blushed with excitement.

"Azan Castle?" Lin Ke sounded a little confused.

The servant's expression changed: "Master, have you lost your memory?!"

Then he shouted in horror: "Young Master...Young Master has lost his memory!!"

"Shut up!" Lin Ke stopped the servant speechlessly: "I mean whose room is this? I've never seen it before."

The servant who thought Lin Ke had lost his memory turned pale with fright. He breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Lin Ke's words, and then explained: "This is the new room built by the master, just to treat you, young master!"

As soon as the servant finished speaking, a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared from the window and appeared in the room.

The person coming is none other than Off!

At the same time, auras of professionals rose up and rushed toward Lin Ke's room.

Lin Ke finally woke up!

This chapter has been completed!
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