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Chapter 20 [Researcher of Truth] Auf

"Dong dong dong!"

Lin Ke knocked on the door gently.

"Little guy, come in."

From the sound of his voice, I would never have known that this gentle man was actually a social terror.

Lin Ke opened the door gently and took John and Nick in.

He came here to see that bastard father's study.

There is currently no glass in this world, or in Azan's territory, but the windows are made of wooden doors that can be opened and closed, so they are extremely bright when opened.

However... Teacher Aofu closed the window tightly, then lit the oil lamp, and the firelight illuminated the entire large study room brightly.

He looks very much like the fat young man who closes the curtains and turns on the lights in broad daylight.

Lin Ke didn't say much, and bowed as soon as he entered: "Hello, teacher, I am Lin Ke Azan. It is an honor for you to come to our castle."

Then, Nicks and John also gave a brief salute.

However, Aofu did not speak. Lin Ke, who was concentrating at this moment, vaguely heard Aofu talking to himself:

"It's okay...it's okay...it's just a kid..."

"Yes, there are three people. That's right, Auf. Although it was said to be two people at the beginning, it's okay to have one more. Well, it's okay..."

"Strange, why do I want to use 'Thunder to Destroy the World' now? No, it is against the laws of the kingdom for high-level professionals to kill ordinary people. Well, and this is that boy's child..."

Thunder destroys the world?!?

Lin Ke, who was listening intently, felt horrified for a moment.

Damn it! Speak quickly! Otherwise, you will die!

"Ahem, um... Teacher Aofu, why don't you come and see if I can be enlightened? I know Butler Billy sent you a message using the Kuku bird to tell you about the situation."

Lin Ke smiled and gestured at the same time to tell the two people behind him to stay still and try to turn into statues, no, into air.

This club is probably too deep.

"Yes, I said, come here... No, just stop there, okay, good, good boy, stand still." Aof's voice was still gentle, but he just asked Lin Ke to stand ten meters away.


Ten meters!

Lin Ke's heart was filled with excitement.

How can people stay in such an old company?! It’s still five months...

Money, beauty, feelings...

Hmm... why don't you just throw it into the dungeon? I feel like Auf would really like the dungeon environment.

"Children, let me also introduce you. I am Auf, a Level 19 [Truth Researcher], and I work part-time as an [Enlightenment Teacher] at Level 11."

Aofu was still smiling as before, but Lin Ke realized that Aofu's smile was a bit fake, as if he was stiff and awkward.

What the fuck?!

A level 19 professional?!

Lin Ke's heartbeat slowed down by half a beat and he didn't notice Aofu's smile at all. He was just shocked when he heard the level.

They can't defeat two second-level tigers, and they need 300 guards.

Level 19...

No wonder their magic is to use thunder to destroy the world instead of thunder to destroy the castle.

"Then, let me arrange a quiet environment first."

At this time, Auf stood up and stamped his staff on the ground.


A soft sound.

Immediately afterwards, countless "sizzling" electric snakes emerged from the bottom and top of his staff, quickly spreading to all sides and wrapping around the entire study.

Lin Ke was startled, a little afraid of being electrocuted, but he resisted and did not move.

"Don't be afraid, I am creating a relatively comfortable space, which will be more conducive to your enlightenment."

Aof's gentle voice echoed in the space: "Of course, it is silent here, and it can also block some prying eyes."


Lin Ke looked at this magical scene and felt a little excited.

Sure enough! The power of magic!

Not a flame! Not a generator!


Aof stood ten meters away and did not step forward. Instead, he pointed at Lin Ke with his staff: "Child, let me first see if your body is suitable for enlightenment."

Lin Ke nodded.

The top of Auf's staff suddenly shot out a small line of soft, water-like purple electricity, only the size of a thumb, like a living thing.

The electric current hit Lin Ke's face all at once before Lin Ke could react.


The sound of electric current sounded, but Lin Ke didn't feel any numbness at all. Instead, he felt ice cold.

The electric current traveled rapidly through his body and stayed for a long time in places such as his heart, waist and head.

After dozens of seconds, the electric current rushed back towards Auf's staff.


After the current returned, Aof seemed to be feeling and listening, with a smile still on his face.

After more than ten seconds, he said: "Very good, you can already enlighten your bloodline."

After saying that, he tested John and Nicks who were motionless again, and they got the same answer.

"I'll first explain to you about the enlightenment of bloodline, and then I can enlighten you."

Auf smiled, waved his staff gently, and a human figure made of purple light spots appeared in the air, and then said softly: "Concentrate!"

In an instant, a force spread out.

[Enlightenment Teacher] Skills-Concentration!

Lin Ke felt that all his mind was being drawn towards him, and subconsciously he began to look at Aofu attentively and listen to Aofu's speech.

This is also extraordinary power!

"Bloodline, this is something accumulated and passed down from generation to generation..." Auf began to tell.

Simply put, bloodline is similar to a kind of discovery and inheritance.

It is no longer known who discovered and excavated the original bloodline, but it may be traced back to ancient times.

However, the subsequent inheritance path is very obvious. The son inherits the father's legacy, the father inherits the father's legacy, and so on.

As for the role of bloodline...

For example, if a person has the "Thunder and Lightning" bloodline, he will have a special affinity for thunder and lightning, and this affinity will increase or decrease with the talent strength of the bloodline.

The better the talent, the stronger the affinity, and there may even be some special bonuses.

At the same time, the difference between the "Thunder and Lightning Control" bloodline and the "Thunder and Lightning Fury" bloodline may be the different emphasis on control and explosion.

And when a person is enlightened by the bloodline, he can work in one or more professions based on the bloodline.

For example, for a person with "Thunder and Lightning" bloodline, suitable professions include [Thunder Warrior], [Thunder and Lightning Priest], etc.

However, you can also take up the position of [Water Assassin] and [Ice Warlock], but after taking office, the bloodline is almost useless.

The bloodline is like a bracket, on which professions can be placed, but if too many brackets are placed, the bracket will not be able to hold it.

Generally speaking, you can work in 1-3 professions, depending on your personal bloodline.

According to Lin Ke's understanding, the relationship between bloodline and profession is the relationship between charger and battery.

Chargers are blood, batteries are careers.

Blood vessels absorb, transform, and store various energies in the air into the profession, which then releases the energy at the appropriate time.

Free energy→blood energy→professional energy!

As for the various magics, they are like software that releases electricity to the mobile phone and displays different functions.

As long as these softwares with different functions are built in advance, when the time comes to flood the software with electricity, various functions can be formed, that is, various magics can be formed.

"...Of course, magic is an ancient thing, and what we generally use now are 'skills'."

Aofu explained softly, and the three of them, Lin Ke, listened attentively.

It turns out that this is the magical system of this world!

Lin Ke felt that it was right to wait for Aofu to tell the story. The teacher Aofu explained this matter clearly and clearly in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.

Even the two children behind him understood it.

"...Generally speaking, whenever you reach a certain level, you can add one more skill slot to your profession. For example, you can add one more skill slot every two levels."

Aof continued: "When you have more skills, you can also try to combine them. The power may be greater or less."

In addition, the skills of the ancestors may also become the bloodline of future generations!

For example, a certain ancestor's bloodline is "Thunder and Lightning", and a certain skill inscribed on his profession is "Thunder and Lightning Explosion".

Then maybe his "thunder explosion" skill will be passed on to future generations.

When future generations enlighten their bloodline, they may be enlightened to the "Thunder and Lightning Explosion" bloodline!

By analogy, it's like Lin Ke's mother was an accountant in his previous life, so his bloodline may have awakened the "accountant" bloodline.

In addition, bloodline is not a substantial thing, but should be the embodiment of some information.

According to Off, a career is a combination of traits.

For example, the characteristics of [Shield Warrior] are "shield", "defense", "hold", and "fight". These are some information.

As long as these information characteristics of [Shield Warrior] are engraved on the blood and these characteristics are integrated together, it becomes the [Shield Warrior] profession!

Even these traits may be passed on to future generations, and future generations may also be inspired by the bloodline of "shield", "defense", and "persistence"!

Ancestors’ skills, occupations, and professional traits may be passed on to future generations.

This is also the foundation for the nobles of this world to settle down and live their lives, the inheritance of blood.

After all, there are many farmers who have not had the blood of enlightenment for generations, let alone being employed. It is possible for generations of people to have the same blood.


"This is such a colorful world..." Lin Ke admired slightly in his heart.

If such a world existed in the previous life, it would have been a world of professional explosion, and maybe it would have entered a global professional era.

"Now that you know your bloodline and profession, I will tell you in detail what you should pay attention to when you are enlightened..."

ps: Yesterday, there were many friends who gave rewards and voted. I won’t say much to express my gratitude. I will express my gratitude with an update after it is put on the shelves!!

This chapter has been completed!
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