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Chapter 201: A City Like God's Kingdom (4k) 7)

Chapter 201: A city like the Kingdom of God... (4k) (Additional update 7)

five days.

Five days in a row!

For five consecutive days, Xiao Guoren spent his time worried and nervous.

She is a cat person from the Council of Permafrost.

He was originally a person from a lower plane subordinate to a nobleman in the Eternal Frozen Council. He was later captured by that nobleman and made into a slave, and sold to the chief of the Gnoll tribe of the Holy Life Alliance.

Her dark five years began.

The cruel jackal would only play with her crazily and eat the twelve children she gave birth to in five years, because the blood of the jackal must not be impure.

When her youngest daughter was two months old, she was decomposed by the Gnoll Chief and given to the rest of the tribe to eat. She killed the Gnoll Chief with a strawberry one night.

And when she thought she would be humiliated and eaten to death by the jackals the next day, a priest rescued her and took her back.

This is the human god—the priest at the beginning of hope.

"There is a strong hope in you, but it is a pity that you are not a virgin, otherwise you can serve our Lord together." The young priest said this.

So Xiao Guoren stayed and worked for the priest in the Temple of Hope located in the abyss.

Fortunately, this priest is very powerful and can protect her.

But unfortunately, they fell in love.

At the beginning of hope, human gods were essentially "gods of children", but the scope of their priesthood was modified thousands of years ago in order to understand more laws.

The teachings of the Beginning of Hope are to make people full of hope like children. The most fundamental commandment is to keep one's body as pure as jade.

Their minds should be used where children use them.

Their power should be used to protect hearts as pure as children.

Therefore, when the priest's heart already possessed such a thing as love, his divine power was directly blocked.

It doesn't matter. The priest has been captured by love, so it doesn't matter if he can't advance.

However, just as they were holding hands and kissing, the high priest discovered them and ordered the priest to be executed.


Anyone who dares to do this in the abyss, under the eyes of the gods, must be put to death!

However, as Xiao Guoren was not a member of the temple, the high priest had no right to target her and just expelled her from the temple.

This is already reasonable. In the plane she was in, not only would the priest die, she would definitely be buried with him, and the family would also be implicated.

This is the superiority of Nasung.

However, she is not happy.

"Live well."

This is what the priest said when he met her for the last time.

On the first day after the priest died, she was heartbroken, on the 100th day she was depressed, on the fifth year she lost all hope in life and was like a walking corpse.

Then, she saw the newspaper.

Prosperity, civilization, harmony, democracy.

Equality, freedom, rule of law, justice.

Respect, dedication, integrity, and friendliness.

Twenty-four characters, twelve phrases, three aspects.

Condensed from the three levels of power, society and individuals, it is the best portrayal of Dahuang City.

In the newspaper, there is also a description of the core ideas of Dahuang City:

Dahuang City is a wealthy and powerful city, a civilized and harmonious force, and the people here have a certain degree of autonomy.

In it, everyone is born equal, there is no superiority or inferiority, everyone can have freedom under the rule of law, and law enforcers are fair.

People living in Dahuang City respect each other and all walks of life, and are honest and friendly.

Xiao Guoren was shocked when he saw the description of the wilderness in the newspaper.

She had never heard of such a place!

Even the most benevolent lord cannot do these things, right?!

Those hypocritical gods can’t do it even more!

It is Xiao Guoren's hometown. In that secondary plane, the most beautiful kingdom of God described by those low-level gods cannot compare.

However, if this is Count Linke who can fight against the eldest prince at the age of six, Count Linke who is so smart that even His Majesty Wu Mian is full of praise, then it is somewhat possible...

Sitting in the tavern and drinking ale, Xiao Nuoren's heart moved.

She doesn't want to live in confusion anymore!

She wants to live a good life with the priest's legacy!

Therefore, she bought a newspaper almost every month, and after reading the news about Dahuang City on the spot, she sold the newspaper at the door of the newspaper seller at a price of one silver coin cheaper.

She is saving money!

Xiao Guoren has made up his mind to save money and wait until that day comes!

Because it was written in the newspaper that only Azan coins can be used in Dahuang City, and those Azan coins need to be exchanged at a certain exchange rate.

There, you need to pay for anything you buy there, even for Earl Linco, who is the lord.

Houses like those there also cost money to buy!

But for some civilians who have no money, Dahuang Bank in Dahuang City also provides lending services. You can use interest-free loans to buy houses, and then just pay back part of the money every month.

These measures are similar to the Temple of Wealth, but there are some subtle and essential differences.

But Xiao Guoren didn't want to borrow money, so she decided to save money! Then she would buy a home of her own, work and live well there, and leave this sad abyss.

So she took on tasks crazily and made money crazily.

She is [Killer]!

Level 3 [Assassin]!

After receiving missions from the mercenary guild, she joined an organization called "Scarlet Wilderness" a few years ago. While receiving missions, she also sold information.

Therefore, she saves money very quickly.

Especially when she heard her colleagues in the Scarlet Wilderness say that the Scarlet Wilderness organization she joined, and the legendary "Crow" at the top of her head, was one of the twin legends of the Scarlet Wilderness City, Xiao Guoren was even more excited.

She directly gave up the mission of the Mercenary Guild and focused on the mission of the Scarlet Wilderness.

And just a year later, the news that Dahuang City was recruiting citizens was finally published in the newspaper!

"You're nervous."

When Xiao Guoren was secretly nervous, a gentle voice suddenly came from beside him.

Xiao Guoren frowned, put down the newspaper in his hand and read over it.

The place she was sitting at this time was the expanded street of Parrot City. There were also some seats on the street, which were built by Count Linke to provide rest for pedestrians.

She has a beautiful figure, delicate skin, and her body is 99% human-like. Only her furry ears and tail make her unique.

Therefore, after the priest was executed, Xiao Guoren also caused a lot of trouble, and then he got some opportunities later, enlightened and took up the position of [Assassin].

"Are you alright?"

Xiao Guoren looked at the person in front of him. His appearance was ordinary, he had no professional power, his eyes were cloudy, and he seemed to have never been enlightened.

"It's okay, I just want to meet you. My name is Lao Ren. I was once a member of Azan's defense team, and was a soldier who was resurrected by His Majesty Wu Mian after his death."

The man named Lao Ren introduced himself, and then said politely: "I can see that you are very nervous. Have you also applied for an ID card from Dahuang City?"

Xiao Guoren didn't want to speak at first, but she suddenly felt that the man was also nervous, and maybe even more nervous than she was.

The man sat down just to find someone to talk to and relieve his tension.

Who knew that Xiao Guoren's avoidance prevented Lao Ren from taking a step forward to ask and talk.

This is the "gender relationship", "gentlemanly manner" and "ladylike manner" that Master Lin Ke proposed in the newspaper.

But Xiao Guoren's eyes changed.

This man was once a soldier of Azan!

I also applied for a Dahuang City ID card!

He sure knows a lot of things!

Xiao Guoren instantly became very interested and looked at the man named Lao Ren: "Have you ever participated in the defense of Azan before?"

Defense of Azane!

This is Count Linco's description of the war.

From the outside, this refers to the war that Earl Linco had to fight in order to defend Azane.

In Lin Ke's opinion, this refers to the Azane people fighting to defend their homeland under his leadership.

As for Xiao Guoren, his view is actually the same as that of most people outside. Lin Ke is fighting to defend his territory.

"Yes!" Speaking of the Azan defense battle, the man named Lao Ren in front of him couldn't help but touch his cheek, where he could still vaguely see three marks captured by the monster.

"Can you talk to me?"

Xiao Guoren is actually a crazy admirer of Count Lin Ke. She saw some of Lin Ke's descriptions of the Great Desert City in the newspaper, and she only felt that Lin Ke was the most benevolent god in the world.

She knew that those nobles, those who had never been slaves or civilians, could not understand the kind of home that Lin Ke described.

She had some doubts in her mind before, but when she went all the way to Azane and found that the place had been almost transformed by Count Linke, she finally believed it.

It is not the outside that is transformed, but the inside!

The appearance of Azan is almost the same as before, although various cities have been expanded a lot.

But inside...

First of all, Azan's current barons, lords and other noble lords have no legislative or law enforcement power, and can only participate in political power.

Ultimately, the legislative and enforcement powers are executed by the Family Council, and everyone who knows the Family Council has the final say.

In addition, the tax system for farmers has indeed been reformed, and the scope of Azan's farmland has increased several times!

Under the premise that private property was sacrosanct, farmers worked vigorously to open up wasteland, which also resulted in Azan having more food than he could eat.

Of course, during this process, Earl Linco also asked people to make the excess grain into wine, alcohol and other things, and sell it directly to the outside world, making the farmers of Azane live very rich.

In addition to these, there are actually changes in various aspects, and these changes make Xiaoguoren feel like it.

That is, Azan seems to be more "fashionable" than Abyss, the capital of the Kingdom of Gula.

The most fashionable place in Azane in the future, or in Xiaoguoren’s heart, the most fashionable place in Nasung in the future, will be the Great Desert City!

Therefore, Xiao Guoren is actually a crazy admirer of Lin Ke. She often thinks that when she and the priest worked under Lin Ke, Count Lin Ke, who advocates freedom of love, will definitely bless them, right?

"Master Lin Ke, you are such a great person!" Hearing that Xiao Guoren wanted to know about the Azan defense battle, Lao Ren was still very interested even though he had already talked to countless outsiders.

Young Master Lin Ke felt that he was mediocre and even felt in newspapers countless times that what he did was not good enough and that he had many shortcomings.

But the Azan people have a different view.

But they all have a kind of fanatical worship of Lin Ke, even more fanatical than the believers praying at the Temple of Fortune.

"Master Lin Ke, his teacher is a powerful legend. Mr. Auf, you know, the young master could have fled and evaded like many nobles, but he stayed for the sake of us..."

When talking about Lin Ke, there is a special light in Lao Ren's eyes.

Xiao Guoren listened carefully to what Lao Ren said.

This benefactor of Azan named Lao Ren was actually a squad leader before?

Ordinary people become squad leaders?

However, in Xiao Guoren's opinion, although this old man is not a professional, he has tight muscles and should be very skilled.

Lao Ren talked to him about various things, his tone full of admiration for Lin Ke.

Xiao Guoren became more and more curious about Lin Ke.

Later, Lao Ren talked about Dahuang City.

"...The Great Desolate City, Master Lin Ke's country! I bet that even the kingdom of gods, even the abyss, is not as good as the Great Desolate City!"

Lao Ren's tone was full of pride, or in other words, every Azan benefactor would be very proud when talking about this!

Abyss? Xiao Guoren glanced at Lao Ren.

Although she also thinks that Great Desert City is very good, as someone who has been in the abyss, she still knows the horror of the abyss.

But she also knew that Great Desert City was different from the Abyss, otherwise she wouldn't have to spend all her savings rushing here.

"Then do you also need to apply? Apply for an ID card?" After saying so much, Xiao Guoren was a little curious.

"Yes, I want to apply too." Lao Ren smiled: "The young master has given us a lot of pensions, pensions, and retirement benefits, which are enough for us to buy a lot of things."

As he said that, Lao Ren shook his head: "However, I still want to follow the young master. At least next time there is a battle, I can see the young master's back again."

"Am I going to take the lead in the charge?" Xiao Guoren showed her girlish mentality for the first time in a long time.

"Yes, I want to follow the young master's back." Lao Ren nodded firmly, with an inexplicable brilliance shining in his eyes.

Xiao Guoren knows that this brilliance is just like when the priest prayed in the Temple of Hope!

This is the light of faith!

"Dahuang City, a great city..." Xiao Guoren couldn't help but whisper, and then became more nervous and looked forward to being included in the screening.

"Dahuang City is destined to become a great country!" Lao Ren said with firm arms.

While they were chatting, they heard a large group of people coming out of the city gate.

There were secretaries, servants and other staff in a hurry!

Lao Ren and Xiao Guoren looked at each other, then immediately stood up and walked over very quickly.

The results are out!

The list of the first batch of citizens to be recruited is out!

I saw the leader of the scribes stretching out his hand, and under his power, pieces of Azan paper were pasted around the wall of Parrot City before its expansion, that is, the wall of the inner city.

What is recorded on this paper is the list!

Because it was said at noon that there were no updates today, and now there are updates, does this count as a surprise???

We are not straight men, but we are romantic hehe~


This chapter has been completed!
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