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Chapter 214 The meaning of the nobility reading comprehension method was born!

Chapter 214 The meaning of nobility! The birth of reading comprehension method!

[Mathematicians], stay.

Lin Ke found a group of treasures, so naturally he had to arrange accommodation for these mathematicians, but they were all single apartments.

Many of the houses now are empty. After all, Lin Ke built a million-dollar metropolis, but the population did not increase so quickly.

If it is full after one million, if the population increases, you can only move up the floors, or open another city, or go outside the city.

But Lin Ke estimates that it won't happen in a short time. It will still take some time for Dahuang City to operate at full capacity.

After Lin Ke settled the [mathematician], he began to solve the matter of Mr. Noble.

The most fundamental problem with Mr. Noble is that he became a god based on the difference between nobility and common people. He is the god of nobility, not the god of common people.

But what Lin Ke is doing now directly destroys Mr. Noble's foundation.

What is Lin Ke doing?

Nobles, commoners and even slaves were equalized!

Although it was just a deserted city, the noble gentleman saw endless terror in it.

If this thing takes the world by storm...

Therefore, the noble gentleman only thought of obstructing Lin Ke from the beginning, otherwise with his cowardly style, he would not have done so at all.

But now...

The noble gentleman looked at the sleeping Lin Ke in front of him, his eyes full of expectation.

During those three days, Lin Ke's exchanges with mathematicians opened his eyes.

I originally thought mathematics was useless.

But when he started thinking, he discovered that his godhead-driven brain was not enough!

The equation doesn’t work out!

Analytical geometry can’t figure it out!

Still can’t figure out calculus!

Andrew's Leg, this was the first time he felt that his godhead was so useless.

Of course, it was just a momentary thought. After all, his godhead does not include logic, numbers and other divine functions.

"Mr. Lin Ke, can you teach me?" Mr. Noble didn't realize it himself, and he used "you" which means respect in the common language of Naseng instead of "you".

"What should I teach you?" Lin Ke was sleepy-eyed. He had just woken up! The noble gentleman noticed that he had woken up.

"Mr. Lin Ke!" The noble gentleman's expression changed slightly, thinking that Lin Ke was going to default on his debt: "Teach me how to change the priesthood!"

Change priesthood!

The noble gentleman was slightly excited.

Countless gods!

Countless gods didn't know whether they were suitable for this priesthood when they first chose it!

But later on, I gradually discovered the weakness, but it was too late to replace it.

If, if there was a magical way to change the priesthood, Lin Ke might become the most popular person among the gods!

"Oh, changing the priesthood? It's very simple. I have a method of my own creation, but you must sign a contract with me." Lin Qie smiled, no longer sleepy, and then took out a card from the space ring that he had prepared for a long time.

Good contract.

"Confidentiality contract? Okay." In just a moment, the noble gentleman scanned the contract, confirmed that it was a normal contract, and then signed his real name.

Lin Ke also signed.

"Can you tell me? Count Lin Ke." The noble gentleman's eyes were full of longing.

Anyone who has wanted to pursue something for a long time but cannot get it will be impatient when he is about to get it.

"To put it simply, my method is reading comprehension." Lin Ke came to sit on the sofa and motioned for the noble gentleman to sit down as well.

"This thing, you call it furniture, is quite comfortable." Mr. Noble praised, and then sat next to Lin Ke: "What is reading comprehension?"

"The reading comprehension method means taking a common word and giving it a different meaning." Lin Ke took out a piece of paper and wrote "noble" on it.

"What do you understand by the term aristocrat?"

Lin Ke looked directly into Mr. Noble's eyes.

"A noble is a person who is born noble and distinguished from the common people." Mr. Noble replied: "This kind of born noble is due to the efforts of their fathers."

It seems that the noble gentleman also knows this truth. Nobility is not nobility without reason.

"Can I see your teachings?" Lin Ke asked.

Gods like Mr. Noble all have teachings, but most of the gods' beliefs do not come from Nasung but from secondary planes.

After all, everyone looks down on the gods of Nasenge. What they look up to more is legends, but it's not about belief but becoming legends.

If these gods want to spread their faith in the secondary plane, they need to establish temples and then let the temple personnel write down the teachings for easy dissemination.

In those places, the upper limit is often level 10, and level 10 means tight wrinkles.

"Bring it with you." The noble gentleman took out a thin book of teachings with a thin layer of gold powder on it, which looked luxurious and mysterious.

Lin Ke took it and looked through it slowly.

Generally speaking, this doctrine is very simple. It warns believers that all your noble status comes from noble gentlemen, whether it is status, power or wealth.

Therefore, if you believe in a noble gentleman, the more devout your faith is, the more likely you are to improve your status or power and gain more wealth.

What the hell logic!

After Lin Ke finished browsing this small book of teachings, he shook his head: "Wrong, your starting point is wrong."

"Wrong?" The noble gentleman raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?" He became a god if he was wrong? He has countless beliefs?

"This is about my reading comprehension method. The first thing is the word 'noble'. You have to understand this word. For example, does nobleness have to be status? Doesn't noble character, morality, and soul..."

Lin Ke began his story.

In fact, in his view, whether they are material gods or non-material gods, they all have certain characteristics in common.

For example, the gods of matter, gods of fire and water, etc., at their strongest, can burn time and space, drown the world and so on.

As for non-material gods, such as concept gods, the river god in his previous life shocked a lot of people with his phrase "the Milky Way is also a river".

So, it’s not about what it is, but how to interpret it.

Nobility may point to spiritual nobility.

When believers find that the gods they believe in require them to be truly noble nobles with noble character, their faith may become purer.

As Lin Ke explained, the noble gentleman's eyes changed from curiosity to shock to gleaming.

it turns out!

There is such a method!

The noble gentleman can imagine that if he changes the interpretation of his priesthood, the scope of his priesthood will be combined with the beautiful qualities of human existence.

Why do you believe in Mr. Noble? Because he teaches us that noble character is the basis for obtaining status.

Why do you believe in Mr. Noble? Because he said that a person's wealth or status is not due to his origin, but to his direction, level of effort, level of self-discipline and character.

Continue like this……

Mr. Noble saw a bright road!

This chapter has been completed!
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