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Chapter 22 Leverage the power of the world

It's a pity... Lin doesn't like this kind of low-certainty thing.

The so-called luck and luck can often be broken by strength.

Then pass.

The next point of light came into view.


What the fuck?!

Immortal bloodline?!

If it were in his previous life, Lin Ke would definitely choose this without even thinking about it.

Immortality, isn’t this an alien version of immortality?

However, in this world, it is said that many professionals live long lives, and even reach a very high level and are close to immortality.

For example, Andrew, who founded the professional system, is still alive now, no matter how many years have passed.

So the so-called immortality is not necessary.

And literally speaking, even after a person dies, his body remains immortal.

If this bloodline is "immortal, immortal, undestructible, uninjured, and unsick, always mentally healthy and never lonely or depressed, and rich, powerful, and able to have everything he wants," then that's pretty much it. Lin Ke would definitely choose it instantly.

He felt slightly regretful and looked away.



OK, next one.


The meaning of this...should be a person who can have leadership qualities and charisma, that is, a domineering spirit?

Very suitable for being a commander, general, king, etc.

After thinking for a while, Lin Ke looked at the next one. He had to read it before choosing.

The next one is also the sixth one and the last one.



Lin Ke saw this spot of light and almost immediately made a decision in his heart.


Give me endless knowledge and I will move the world!

Before seeing knowledge, he thought about choosing strength, leadership, or luck. No matter how bad it was, he could still have immortality.

But with knowledge, nothing matters anymore.

You must know that knowledge is not only the knowledge in books, but also the ways to obtain knowledge and the methods to master knowledge.

If Lin Ke can acquire knowledge more quickly, understand knowledge more deeply, and use knowledge more flexibly, then this bloodline will be really powerful.

In addition, countless intelligent people on earth in previous lives have discovered that knowledge, no matter where it is, is always more important than pure force...

After thinking for a while in space, Lin Ke finally focused his consciousness on the bloodline representing "knowledge".




It seemed that Lin Ke's wishes were felt.

The sun-like light group that represented "knowledge" instantly shrank inwards, collapsed into an extremely concentrated light point, and then rushed into Lin Ke's body instantly.

Nothing to feel.


"Huh? Why are you still here?"

Lin Ke merged with the "knowledge" bloodline and thought he would come to the soul space, but he didn't expect that there would be no change.

Auf said before that after choosing a bloodline, you will escape from the darkness and form a true soul space.


After thinking for a while, Lin Ke suddenly thought of a possibility...

"Are you asking me to choose another one..." Lin Ke started to feel slightly excited.

He is Lin Ke, and after he was born, he became Lin Ke Azane.

But this is the soul of Blue Star in his previous life!

And what about this life?

You must know that the fertilized egg should have a soul after it begins to develop, right? When it was born, it was just coming out.

So, he can have two bloodlines?!

Lin Ke's plus Lin Ke Azane's?

Twin martial souls??


"No, calm down and make a good choice..."

Lin Ke forced himself to calm down and began to analyze other bloodlines.

Strength, luck, immortality, emotion, leadership.

First, take emotion out of the equation. Relationships maintained by emotion may be sincere, but they are not necessarily better than interests.

In previous lives, there were not many people who betrayed friendship for profit, betrayed love for lust, and betrayed family ties for profit and survival.

What's more, he prefers to exchange his sincerity for emotions instead of blood affinity.

The second is to rule out immortality.

It is true that some people are unable to break through when the deadline comes. At that time, time will become particularly precious. If you do not break through, you will die.

But Lin Ke also believes that "Ten thousand years is too long, seize the day and night."

A vegetative person can live ten thousand years, or an ordinary person can live a hundred years. Which one do you choose?

Instead of choosing immortality and then being captured and studied by a strong person for ten thousand years, it is better to be that strong person yourself.

Although it may not be immortal, it is at least wonderful.

The next three are more difficult to handle.

Strength, luck and leadership.

The power bloodline will definitely make his cultivation path smoother, and of course, it may also increase his physical strength.

The same is true for leaders. The master of a force will have more cultivation resources than a lonely person.

The role of luck is self-evident. Sometimes ninety-nine percent of hardships may not be as good as one percent of luck.

Although both are generally indispensable.

emmm...it's so hard to choose.

Lin Ke was a little worried and carefully analyzed the pros and cons.

"Well, you are quite important."

Finally, after much thought, he looked at the "lucky" bloodline.

With knowledge, luck is also important.

Scientists in previous lives, some conducted hundreds of experiments, and some lucky ones came up with it after just one experiment.

Not to mention that in battle, a slight deviation may mean the difference between life and death.

Luck is extremely important.

Lin Ke's consciousness focused on "luck".


The lucky light shrank violently, then rushed into Lin Ke's body, and then...


"Holy shit...how could it be...could it be possible to have six?!" Lin Ke was not excited this time, but terrified.

Are there other souls in my body?! How can I still choose?!

Lin Ke didn't feel happy, but felt a chill on his back.

There are three souls in the body? What the hell...



The reward from the first system mission was the light group that the King of Gods transformed into after his death!

Isn’t the King of the Gods dead?!

No, he should be dead already, that ball of light is something else, otherwise he would have been taken away from his body after so long...

So, this is the reward for the first system mission? One more bloodline?

Lin Ke was silent, then thought in silence, and then chose a leader in thinking.

In the end, what he expected "I want it as an adult" did not happen.

After choosing "knowledge", "luck" and "leader", the boundless darkness and light spots receded, an infinitely large and infinitely small light spot appeared, and his soul fell into it.

Soul space.

His soul space is like a small piece of yellow land, with three saplings just sprouting in the center.

These are his three bloodlines!

After taking a look at his own blood, he knelt down and touched it.

As soon as you touch it, three messages will appear separately.

"Knowledge", "Luck" and "Leadership"!

Lin Ke nodded with satisfaction. At the same time, he could feel that he could move in and out of the soul space freely, so he withdrew.

In the study.

Aofu was silently watching Lin Ke on the ground.

Behind Lin Ke, Nicks and John were lying on the ground with their eyes rolled white, already unconscious.

Lin Ke opened his eyes and saw Aofu with a smile on his face. Combined with Aofu's frown, it looked extremely strange.

"It took you one minute and five seconds to enlighten your bloodline." Auf frowned, but his smile remained unchanged.

Lin Ke didn't understand what it meant, but asked weakly: "Is it too long or too short?"

Aof shook his head: "My child, it's too long. Even the heirs of the great nobles who can choose their own bloodlines only have to wait for more than ten seconds."

He said, pointing to John and Nicks: "Most people's enlightenment bloodline, just like these two children, only comes out in an instant."

"And for those who can choose, they can only have one minute to think at most, but you have one minute and five seconds... Could it be that you awakened two bloodlines for the first time?"

Off speculated wildly.

That's right, it's just three... Lin Ke thought silently.

"Awakening two bloodlines...is it rare?" Lin Ke asked weakly again.

"Rare? More than rare?"

Layers of purple electric current appeared on Aof's body, scurrying around like small snakes. He was obviously a little excited: "Two bloodlines, there are really two bloodlines... Andrew's leg, the great pioneer really guessed


With that said, Aof stood up from his seat and paced back and forth in the room, but still did not approach Lin Ke, appearing to be excited.

After a while, Aof came back to his senses, stood still, and said seriously with a smile on his face: "Remember, don't tell anyone about this. No one can know the news except your father and me!"

Lin Ke realized the seriousness, but he didn't intend to tell too many people.

Originally, he planned to hide it from Ao Fu. After all, it would be better if one less person knew about this kind of thing.

Who knew that Aofu actually knew, but now it seems that Aofu has a good character and would warn him.

"In order to prevent those two children from knowing, I sent them to sweet dreams when they first opened their eyes. Next, next... right! Test your talent!"

Off was obviously too excited.

Then I saw him take out a crystal ball and place it on the ground.

Test talent.

ps: It’s the end of the month, why don’t you keep your monthly tickets and hand them over so that I can pray day and night to bless you all to pass the exams?


This chapter has been completed!
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