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Chapter 241 Requirements for Distinguished Members

Chapter 241 Requirements of Distinguished Members

"Publish a task?"

The maid took a deep look at Lin Ke, and seemed to warn her because of Lin Ke's unfamiliar face:

"If you publish a task, you need to take 5% of the task reward and deliver it directly to Scarlet Wilderness. Scarlet Wilderness will then hand it over to the person who takes the task. If no one takes the task within a month, it will be returned and a contract will have to be signed."

Commission, fund guarantee, return, contract.

This is a method to ensure the interests of the three stakeholders: the task publisher, the task recipient and the Scarlet Wilderness.

"You understand quite well." Lin Ke's expression remained unchanged: "Take me there. After the mission is released, I need to drink some juice."

"As you wish." The maid immediately led Lin Ke into the restaurant, her footsteps quick and light.

Only then did Lin Ke realize that this maid was actually a first-level [maid]!

Green Leaf Juice Bar is well-known for its good service, good food, and good decoration.

It looks really good now.

But Lin Ke didn't come here to enjoy it. He kept his ears open and listened to all kinds of information.

Of course, no one talked in the quiet drinking area, but in the novel area and the newly opened comic area, there were people discussing the plot, drinking juice, reading novels and comics.

However, the sound insulation is very good. Unless Lin Ke goes in, he can't hear the people inside.

It was brunch time in the morning, and some noble ladies were quietly reading newspapers and sipping juice in the hall.

When Lin Ke walked, his voice and presence seemed to be "absorbed" by the [Maid] in front of him. No one looked up to look at him. It must have been because of the use of skills.

After walking through several areas, we finally came to a place similar to a bar. A middle-aged man in a tuxedo was standing politely at the bar counting accounts.

"Store manager, this gentleman wants to issue a mission." The maid pointed at Lin Ke, who was dressed as a poet.

The man raised his head and glanced at Lin Ke, put down the account book in his hand very ably, and motioned to Lin Ke: "Come with me."

He opened a door next to him, and there seemed to be a small space behind the door.

Lin Ke knew that Madam Montenegro had previously distributed small spaces to many major Scarlet Wilderness contact points, so it was not surprising.

He followed closely with his guitar in his arms and entered the small space, while the [maid] went out.

As soon as he entered the small space, Lin Ke was overwhelmed by the noise.

"Thugs! A small group of human thugs appeared in the north to attack the village. A medium-sized team is needed. Temporary team formation is acceptable. The professional level must be no less than level four!"

"The reward is great! Help the beautiful Miss Bickley deliver a letter to the second son of Viscount Sparks! She is willing to pay a second-level magic sapphire."

"Buy the information. Buy the news. If you have any news about the kobold tribe in the west, come to the "Announcement Office" to get the task. Ms. Kodo, Level 11 [Hound Warlock] needs a lot of kobolds!"

This is a tiny space the size of a football field. Not far away there is a huge projection made of photographic stones, on which a lot of information is densely recorded.

These are all tasks!

In the past month, all the tasks in the Gula Kingdom have been listed on it, as well as the introduction of the tasks, rewards, etc., while the people who posted the tasks and received the tasks are hidden.

Once a task is accepted, someone will come and delete that message.

Some people have more urgent tasks and will shout directly in the hall to attract attention.


Lin is not really here to issue tasks.

He waved to the store manager just now and said, "Thank you very much. I'll be able to do it by myself next." Then he walked to the big screen in a gentle and familiar manner.

The store manager looked so familiar to Lin Ke and walked back the same way thoughtfully. He didn't look like Lin Ke was here for the first time, so he guessed that maybe he was someone who had completed the task?

He returned the same way, and Lin Ke was already under the big screen.

There is also a bar here, but there are a dozen people in the bar, writing, drawing, and recording a lot of things.

In front of them were people who were going to submit or receive tasks, lining up one by one.

"Hurry up! Time is skill, time is level!"

"Yeah, why so slow!"

"Oh, damn it, if it weren't for the fact that we couldn't fight here, I would have blasted that thin bamboo pole."

"The mission I wanted to take was taken over?!"

The current task panel cannot be updated in real time, so many tasks are oriented.

For example, if there is an Autumn Harvest mission in Azane territory, you can start the mission directly by going there within a month.

Most of the quests that can be accepted here are local to the Abyss.

However, many people don’t know that the most important and central task of the Scarlet Wilderness is to collect information!

Lin Ke spends millions every year on the Scarlet Wilderness just to train the [Secretaries] at the front desk and to collect information on the entire continent.

So Lin Ke came to the bar and looked at a busy young man in front of him.

"I'm sorry, please wait in line." The young man was so busy that he was sweating. He was a first-level [Secretary], and he was looking at the Minotaur's mission information in front of him.

"Go back and queue up, or I will tear you to pieces!" The tauren also roared angrily, staring at Lin Ke angrily with his eyes as big as copper bells.

"Sorry." Lin Ke hammered his chest apologetically, and then took out a square card from the space ring, just like the bank card in Lin Ke's previous life.

He waved the card to the young man in front of him and said, "Let your supervisor come to see me."

The young man was a little resentful at first. After all, he was already busy enough, but someone who didn't know anything came to jump in the queue.

You must know that Young Master Lin Ke has said that even if he goes to do things, he has to queue up, and even when Emperor Wu Mian comes, he has to queue up. No one can be an exception.

But when the young man saw the flash of the card in Lin Ke's hand and the magic power aroused in his body, he immediately remembered a certain business.

He immediately knew that the poet in front of him was not here to jump in line, but was coming from his superiors!

"No matter who you call, don't jump in line!" The tauren still roared angrily.

"That's right! Don't cut in line!"

"Blow your dog eyes out!"

"Did we kobolds provoke you?"

Other people in line behind the minotaur also shouted angrily, cutting in line or something, it was really annoying.

"Sir, I will call the supervisor right now." The young man nodded to Lin Ke first, and then looked at the tauren: "Sorry, this gentleman is our distinguished member and has certain priority."

"Venerable member?! What is that!"

"Bullshit member! Don't jump in line!"

"roll roll roll!"

A group of people roared and yelled, and some nobles were mixed in, and their faces were not good-looking.

Until the young man stood up and said with a loudspeaker: "As a distinguished member of the Scarlet Wilderness, as long as you spend 100 million gold coins in the Scarlet Wilderness, you will be given out! You are welcome to apply for a membership card!"

Suddenly, there was silence.

This chapter has been completed!
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