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Chapter 247 Shocking Nassenger! The name of Lin Ke!

Chapter 247 Shocking the powerful people of Nasunge! Lin Ke’s name! (6k monthly votes requested)

The bottom floor was not as vast as Lin Ke imagined, but rather there was not much space.

However, the palace between the mountains made Lin Ke, who came here for the first time, feel an unparalleled pressure.

The appearance of the palace shocked Lin Ke.

It was an unpretentious boulder, square, cylindrical, spherical...

Stone pieces of various shapes are crookedly built into one "palace" after another.

If he didn't know better, Lin Ke would have thought he was at Stonehenge!

This is simply where savages live!

However, in this "palace", there are countless powerful people, each of whom is at least a legend or a god.

The laws and elements outside that are harder to perceive than the air are as thick as the slurry made by pounding the godhead.

The sun, sea, stars, moon, five colors, flames, frost, killing, fear...

All kinds of visions are released without any concealment. In the outside world, the world can easily fall apart. It requires great control to avoid causing damage to Nasenger. But here, their visions can't even cause a small splash.

And within it, a powerful aura constantly suppresses everything, it is the most extreme black and the most dazzling white.

The sun is under the sun, the moon is looming, the stars dare not twinkle, and the sea is calm and calm.

Suppress contemporary, invincible and nasenger.

Sleepless Emperor!

"The Sleepless Emperor likes to be in the limelight." Garrosi pointed at the anomaly that only professionals could sense, and curled his lips.

"My mother also said this." Princess Lika believed deeply, and then released her aura without hesitation.

In Lin Ke's perception, it was like a small sprout suddenly appearing in the boundless universe with a "pop" sound.

This is the aura that belongs to Lika, the blood of the Tree Banshee!

However, just such an insignificant breath actually caused the void to tremble.

"She's back! She's back!"

"The little princess is back! She misses me so much, my little sister!"

"Devil, the devil is approaching! It seems that I need to go out and kill the star beasts, well, until the devil leaves."

"Hey, you brought a little lover?"

"I just got feedback recently that I need to retreat and meditate for a period of time. If I pass on the order, I won't see my father even if he comes in person."

"Oh! My favorite little niece! Hug!"

The auras of each legend shook, and Lin Ke and Garrosi couldn't help but take two steps back.

This is a form of intimidation and oppression!

Some people are unhappy with Lin Ke and Garrosi, and want to make them suffer a hidden loss and give them power!


Garrosi snorted coldly, his breath surged, and a huge sound of turbulent waves sounded behind him.


Although it is only a small area, after all, the Garosei level compared to the Legendary is like the Bunnyman compared to the Mammoth Tribe.

But their essence is that they are neither good nor bad!

"Hey, a familiar smell."

"Ancient Azane? Haha, it's so lonely..."

“It is said that Azan resurrected a ‘Raven’ Swain. Who is Azan’s old friend?”

"Huh, disgusting smell of torrent."

Affected by Garose's aura, some ancient beings revived, including human beings and some ancient beings who came to participate in the noble review.

However, Rika and Garose can only slightly resist the oppression of those legendary visions. Rika is imprisoned by the aura in the name of love, and Garose is suppressed by the aura of temptation.

Neither of them expected that these people would do this!

You must know that Rika comes back relaxed every time. The last time Garrosi was evaluated by the nobles, he was still a little baron.

However, now, Dahuang and Azan are famous in Gula, and even many intelligent beings in the entire Naseng are aware of the new star of the Gula Kingdom - Earl Linke.

In the eyes of these ancient and powerful legends, not to mention Lin Ke, even Garose can only be regarded as a newborn baby.

A baby actually became famous in mainland China?

Then you have to test it carefully.

Therefore, in addition to those relatives of Lika who took action, many people who were curious about Lin Ke also took action.

Of course, it is definitely not possible to take action boldly. The black and white that suppresses everything is still floating above their heads!

However, it is still okay to test within the rules and out of the lesson of loving your sister.

But at this time...

Lin Ke saw those visions and thought of Auf's vision.

Teacher Aofu's potential is more than just a legend.

However, the teacher...

There must be a murderer among these people!

A person who can manipulate and dominate the legendary [Great Shaman] is definitely not an unknown existence.


In Lin Ke's perception, the visions in front of him were only a little separated, but they swept over like an overwhelming tsunami, and they were drowned before they had time to distinguish who was kind and who was malicious.

In the torrent, Lin Ke's consciousness seemed to be thrown into a meat grinder, being severely ravaged and crushed into slag. The air pressure shield and the knight's charge were all burned up like pieces of paper under the flames.

However, there are only three light spots standing in it, like the three diamonds left in the burning fire, emitting a dazzling luster. The stronger the fire, the brighter the light.

in reality……

Lin Ke, who was struggling to stand and almost fell down, had a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth and his eyes were closed tightly.

"Haha, you cowardly boy, you dare not open your eyes? You still want to get my little sister!"

"It's just a human race... huh, it's just Azan."

"...Well, it's better to hear rumors."

Those strong foreigners laughed separately, but they did not dare to curse randomly, they only dared to curse on the sidelines.

But when they discovered that Emperor Wumian and others did not end up, it seemed that after observing.

Their scoldings became even worse.

"Is this the person who led the charge? Gula has declined, right... ahem, I mean the nobles except the emperor."

"The human race, I really think it's ridiculous... Well, no, the human race is very strong, but what the hell are these nobles?"


"A weak stream, a lowly pariah, gives birth to a waste, and dares to claim to be the one who leads the charge?"

"I heard that a legend died a few days ago? Ha, he is so weak!"

At this moment, Lin Ke didn't know what words touched him, and he suddenly opened his eyes, which were dark red.


In an instant, a burst of dazzling and terrifying red was rendered with Lin Ke as the center, like a spark on the prairie, eventually sweeping into a prairie fire.


Lin Ke's face was serious, and between opening and closing his lips, two words came out. The red color in his eyes became more and more intense, and his voice was like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

He clenched his fist, which was stained with a wisp of red, and the three light spots formed the most stable triangle shape.

"Knowledge", "Luck", "Leadership".

Knowledge is the "inheritance" formed by countless ancestors through slash-and-burn cultivation, records on stone tablets, and oral transmission.

There is no inborn wisdom, only experience passed down from generation to generation.

No one knows how to make a fire or make iron, but rice cookers and liquefied stoves have become household essentials.

Cangjie coined characters, Shennong Baicao, hundreds of schools of thought saved the world...

Knowledge is inheritance.

And lucky.

That is the "self-improvement" summed up by countless struggles, countless days and nights, and countless losers who come one after another.

All the flashes of inspiration need to stand on the shoulders of the forerunners.

Newton did not build the physics building from addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but he learned lessons from countless physicists and became the lucky one who was hit by an apple.

Some people say that the Rice God is a lucky man because he discovered that perfect rice plant.

But no one sees that behind this so-called "lucky" is working day and night, living every year like day, working tirelessly, and firm belief.

The so-called luck is not necessarily lucky.


A leader is not a lord, but a sacrifice, a responsibility, a self-consciousness, and undivided sincerity.

Not a noble, not a king, not an emperor, not a god...

Leaders are the people!


The air began to vibrate, and a red phenomenon centered on Lin Ke was overwhelming. Countless Nasenge slaves were roaring, and countless Nasenge bottom members were shouting!

Rather than saying this is Lin Ke's power, it is better to say it is the power of those two words.

The sun was shot down by arrows, the moon was shattered by straw sandals, and the stars were pierced by eyes.

The light of fire illuminates the darkness, the wall of unity resists the waves of floods, and words and books tame the five-color elements...

Sun God, Moon Goddess, Five-Colored Dragon Mother, Star Prince, Storm Eye Holy King, Holy Life Emperor, Lord of Frost, Astrologer, Grand Duke of the Mountains...

Countless visions were exaggerated under the sweep of red, each one faintly revealing the meaning of red, and even the red skyrocketed, trying to compete with black and white!

"Damn! What is this!"

"Terror! Great terror!"

"No way, no one can withstand the storm!"

"My waves crush everything!"

Those beings shouted in disbelief.

However, as if he felt the power called "ancient" but actually "conservative", Lin Ke's inner strength was stirred again.

"I am the people."

Lin Ke's eyes shed two lines of bloody tears, his ear drums were about to burst, and the blood on his nose and corners of his mouth was extremely bright red.

"I am the storm!"

"I am the torrent!"

Lin Kede swung his right fist forward slowly and quickly, carrying the will of the people.

Under those red iron fists, gods, legends, masters, emperors, monarchs, kings, chiefs, chiefs, nobles, lords...

Everything is like a bubble, shattering at the touch of a finger.

Even the essence of red almost surpasses the boundless black and white.

The iron fist moves forward, overwhelming everything unstoppably.

Those visions were nearly crushed.


However, at this moment, there was just a soft shout, with great majesty.

Suddenly, all the visions in the sky were clear, and countless muffled hums could be heard in the "simple" palaces built of huge rocks.

"Lin Ke, your body is too weak, you can't force it." A majestic and gentle voice sounded in Lin Ke's ears, and it used extremely strong force to press the red sky back into Lin Ke's body: "This

The upper limit of this power...even I can't see through it, so grasp it carefully."

After saying this, Lin Ke's body recovered as before, and his condition was even better than when he first arrived.

If it weren't for the fresh blood in the corners of his eyes and mouth, no one would be able to tell what happened here.

Sleepless Emperor!

"Great Emperor..." Lin Ke's red eyes suddenly returned to clarity, and his heart was shocked.

In his soul space, the three bloodlines were originally growing vigorously, but now they were weak, as if they had been drained of water.

"That power just now..." Lin Ke looked at his right hand. It seemed that a very powerful force had been aroused by him just now. This force was essentially the same as the force aroused by him when he was six years ago.

Sure enough, even if it was Nasenger, that power should be correct... Lin Ke had a vague understanding in his heart.

Moreover, he also heard shouts!

What are those shouts saying?

In fact, there wasn't much difference between his previous life and here.

In ancient times, the life and death of common people could also be decided by the nobles.

And in Nasenge, the same is true for the nobles.

But you must know that no one is born to be the strongest, and the strongest may also come from ordinary people.

Just like Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, just like the human race of Nasenger.

Being born in the previous life can save you a lot of effort, but it is undeniable that there are people with extraordinary talents who can overwhelm the demons and demons, as was the case with Taizu.

Nasenger's bloodline can also save a lot of effort, such as the Andrew-level bloodline, but it is undeniable that Auf, who is moderately talented, has become a legend on his own.

Cowardly people will only look for external reasons, because of the environment, because of policies, because of parents, because of this or that...

Others have noble parents, others have high IQs, others have good lives, others can get equal rewards if they work hard, there is no injustice to others, everyone they meet is a noble person, others have a higher starting point than their ending point...

But is this really the case?

In the previous life, there was a road to heaven called "College Entrance Examination".

Just like now, Lin Ke's original war recruited talented people, most of whom were civilians in Azane.

Among them, those who worked hard joined the People's Knights, jumped from abject poverty to salary, and moved towards becoming his followers and becoming the class closest to the existence of nobility.

Among them, the lazy ones will go home after suffering for two months and continue to feel sorry for themselves. While complaining about the unfair fate and misfortune, they play chess, drink wine and have fun.

Compared with Nasenger, the college entrance examination is much easier.

There is no need to fight to the death with Warcraft, no need to worry about starvation and thirst...

But let me ask, who has achieved the most basic self-discipline and hard work?

The college entrance examination is a road to heaven and a channel for advancement.

It is the ladder of those who are "pretentious" and the grave of those who feel sorry for themselves.

But, it’s a must-have!

Nassenger, we need a road that everyone can see now!

After thinking about it, Lin Ke made a certain decision about what he wanted to do next.

Although he opened a school and was responsible for basic general education, as a city with a population of one million, the school in Dahuang was about to be overcrowded!

Education is the foundation of all things and where hope lies!

Although he paid enough attention to it, but now thinking about it, the wilderness alone is not enough.

Just basic general knowledge is not enough. There needs to be transition, advancement, and finality.

The ultimate power here is professionals, so a "professional university" is needed to cultivate the power of professionals, the broadest mainstay of society.

Before going to college, professionals need to enlighten people and make it clear what career they want and what career they are suitable for. This should be middle school, an education that accompanies people to mature mentally.

In order to understand these things and understand one's mind and nature, one needs to give people a general understanding so that they know what this world is and what it has, which is the first knowledge.

First-time education, secondary education, university education.

The three must form Nasenger's "road to heaven" so that all those who are unwilling to accept their fate can have a ladder to hope.

Perhaps, we need to talk to His Majesty Wu Mian...

However, at this moment, Lin Ke, who was thinking, was stopped by Lika and Garose.

"...Are you okay? Lin Ke! Lin Ke!"

"...Xiao Linke!"

The two of them were now next to Lin Ke, looking at Lin Ke worriedly.

At that moment, the two of them felt like grass in the impact of two huge waves, unable to do anything at all.

"Huh? I'm fine." Lin Ke woke up at this time and gave a look to make the two of them relax.

Seeing that Lin Ke was fine, Garrosi immediately spat: "Damn, this group of people, wait until you and I become a legend, pick them one by one!"

Lika also breathed a sigh of relief, then raised her eyebrows and shouted: "Humph! Big brother, second brother, big sister, fourth brother, sixth brother, dark brother, seventh brother and eighth brother, please remember this!"

Suddenly, Lin Ke felt several vague visions trembling.

He remembered that after the dark girl took Lika away, Lika almost destroyed the dark girl's kingdom.


Lin Ke was a little embarrassed. He felt that his brother-in-law and sister-in-law would be a bit difficult to deal with in the future. They were all legends...


At this time, a kind and gentle voice sounded: "Come quickly!"

Suddenly, a five-color rainbow light flew out from the smallest and most dilapidated palace made of stone pieces, and came to the feet of Lin Ke and the others, forming a rainbow bridge.

"Okay mother! Obey mother!"

Lika couldn't even control the Wumian Emperor, but she was just afraid of his mother.

Five-color dragon mother!

So Lin Ke and the others stepped onto the Hongqiao Bridge and were carried to the palace complex.

In the main hall.

The Wumian Emperor closed his eyes, the entire hall was shrouded in extreme darkness, and there were two swords, one black and one white, stuck on the ground below.

Behind the Wumian Emperor, the blood-stained body of the five-color dragon mother sat upright on her left hand, with a kind face and a smile as she wiped the machete on her leg, with a few traces of the internal organs of an unknown creature on it.

The five-color dragon mother just came back from the void!

On the other side behind Wumian, the Moon Goddess closed her eyes as peaceful as the moon, and two lines of pale golden blood so thin that they were almost invisible flowed from the corners of her eyes.

After that, there was Mrs. Gardener, who looked like an old woman, gentle and kind, with a face as usual, white and rosy.

Behind Mrs. Gardener are princes and princesses with different auras.

Each of them looked pale and suffered varying degrees of internal injuries.

And under the sleepless body, there are the Nasenge gods, legends and other strong men from various races, and their auras are dim at this time.

The battle between ideas and will is the most dangerous!

The few people with malicious intentions just now even felt that their understanding of laws, professional traits, priesthood, etc. were a little impure and stained with a hint of red.

They all looked ugly, but when they saw the two rusty swords stuck in the center of the hall, their expressions had to change to look good.


At this time, Lin Ke's power had just been suppressed by Wu Mian.

Everyone was affected to varying degrees as if they were struck by lightning.

who knows!

In the beginning, it was just a battle of visions, and most of the strong men in Nasenge!

It's like a group of elephants trampling on ants!

Who knew that it would eventually turn into a struggle between will and ideas!

That ordinary ant suddenly had a giant red dragon that devoured everything.

I was injured and wanted to have an attack.

Sleepless or not, just endure it.

Each of these strong men wanted to cry without tears, and their internal injuries were all suppressed.

At this time, Emperor Wumian also turned his head, glanced at his children, snorted coldly, then turned back and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Then the faces of the princes and princesses became even paler.

The five-color dragon mother looked at the frowning Moon Goddess on her right, sighed slightly, waved her hand, and a five-color rainbow light flew out, attracting Lin Ke and the others.

After a while, Garose, Lin Ke and Lika stepped into the palace.

Lin Ke took the lead, followed by his father and lover, holding his head high and holding a staff made of red metal in his hand.

Talzik's Staff of Annihilation!


Lin Ke just almost caused someone's soul space to be shattered!

At this time, of course, the priority is to save your life!

And as Lin Ke stepped into the palace, there was no sense of oppression at all as expected. Instead, it was quiet. The strong men who shocked Nasenge Continent were all peaceful here, as if a family was having New Year's Eve dinner together.


Turning his eyes, Lin Ke saw two rusty black and white pieces stuck in the hall, and he suddenly understood.

"Dear Your Majesty Wu Mian, it's an honor to meet you. I am Linko Azane, the son of Garose and Fulon, and I study under... Auf."

As if seeing Wu Mian for the first time, Lin Ke performed a chest-beating ceremony to represent respect, and so did Garose.

"Okay, what are you doing here this time?" Wumian's majestic and rich voice enveloped the entire hall.

At this time, Lika felt as if she was in a deserted place. She jumped up and ran up with a "thump thump thump" sound and got into Wu Mian's arms: "Dad, I miss you so much!"

As a result, the majestic emperor became an old father who was warmed by a little cotton-padded jacket, and his powerful aura suddenly turned into love.

The people below looked at it with wide eyes, like curious babies.

You must know that many people have never seen the appearance of the Wumian Emperor!

But they also knew Princess Lika's status in the entire Gula royal family.

"You are all adults, sit still!"

Lika acted coquettishly, but the five-color dragon mother gave a helpless cold shout and stretched her thick arms forward.

Princess Lika was pinched by the five-colored dragon mother by the back of her neck, lifted out of Wumian's arms like a little chicken, and placed next to her.

Lika stuck out her tongue towards Lin Ke below, saying "I can only help here", and then sat down obediently.

And those princes and princesses were almost jealous when they saw Lika sitting next to the five-color dragon mother.

Including some of the legends below, I wish I could take my place and become the daughter of the five-color dragon mother, enjoying the sense of security holding the strong dragon legs.

Hug your thighs, that’s it!

And following Lika's performance, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Lin Ke.


The Sleepless Emperor seemed to have announced to the entire abyss...

"Count Lin Ke is my son-in-law!"

Six thousand words today! Just added one more update~

In total, there have been thirteen updates since it was put on the shelves~


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