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Chapter 265 Fan effect! Popular name!

Chapter 265 Fan effect! Popular name!

After reading the newspaper for a while, Lin Ke closed it.

"How are you preparing for the live broadcast I mentioned?"

Lin Ke asked John.

live streaming!

Photo Stone Live!

The recording stone is a product of a magical mineral vein that can record some sounds and images.

Lin Ke felt at that time that this thing looked like film.

So over the years, he bought various types of photographic stone veins, large and small, and asked Dahuang Tower to do relevant research.


Before the radio was invented, the live broadcast machine was invented!

In Nasenge, using the image stone and the related secret texts engraved on it, you can actually achieve an effect similar to electromagnetic waves!

No, or that propagation frequency is higher than electromagnetic waves!

However, this kind of secret text requires someone above level fifteen to inscribe it.

Only Lin Ke's newsstands and Scarlet Wilderness all over the continent can equip it, and it has not yet reached the point of mass production and then selling it as a commodity.

However, a live broadcast is enough.

There are already many people at the newsstand and Scarlet Wilderness, so many people will definitely be watching by then.

"You order, remember to record the content of this time with a photo stone, so that you can sell it in the future." Lin Ke ordered John. John also has control over the Scarlet Wilderness. It can be said that John is the one who Lin Ke can give his back to.


"Okay, Master." John nodded.

"And... they should be arriving soon, right?" Lin Ke said with a smile in his eyes, "I contacted them a few days ago."

"Of course." John also smiled and reminded: "In addition, the young master, Marquis of Giant Sword, Earl of Black Claw and others want to see you. They came from their respective cities."

"Oh?" Lin Ke raised his eyebrows: "When did it happen?"

"Just this morning," John said, "They wanted to support you."

"Okay, let's go and meet." Lin Ke looked at Lika, and Lika nodded.

The Marquis of Jusword, Count Akeli and others have also helped him a lot over the years, and he fought alongside them for a period of time when he was a child, so he can be considered a comrade-in-arms.

Although Lin Ke's status has now changed and he has become a new star noble in mainland China, his true heart has not changed.

I just don't know how much they have changed.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke and Lika immediately stood up, put on their clothes and went out.

Green Leaf Juice Bar, aristocratic social area.

"Haha, Akli, you are talking nonsense! I was obviously the bravest one back then! I was the one who ran the fastest!"

"Well, I am the fastest, but I am the strongest."

"Bragging, you are not as good as my son!"

A few loud voices were shouting there, and the sound was blocked by the partitions, but those indecent actions could still make people outside feel uncomfortable.

But when those barons, pioneer knights, or professionals who accidentally got rich came to experience life outside, these people saw the noble coat of arms embroidered on the clothes of those loud-voiced people, and their faces changed from impatience.

It became a friendly and understanding nod and smile.

A Marquis of Greatsword, a Count of Akli, a Count of Black Claw...

And Garose of the Azan family...

Well, actually they don't argue, maybe it's just their true nature.

The little nobles cast friendly glances over there and looked for the young figure.

In front of these nobles, there are various newspapers provided for free by the Green Leaf Juice Bar, including the Deep Blue Newspaper published by the Deep Blue Territory.

You know, in this noble review, the most outstanding people in the Gula Kingdom are only two nobles and two earls.

One is Count Linco and the other is Count Tulip.

The Tulip Count is okay, after all, he is famous for his achievements in plants.

Earl Lin Ke is the real pillar!

At the age of six, he presided over the Warcraft War in the Lava Swamp. At the age of nine, he revised the laws and regulations of Azan. At the age of ten, he opened up the Great Wasteland City. At the age of twelve, he opened up the industry to all the laws. At the age of thirteen, the Scarlet Wasteland spread across the continent. At the age of fifteen, he has already Everyone knows that he is as rich as his country, and that he is a man of great desolation at the age of seventeen.

For those who come to politics, behind them are the father-in-law and mother-in-law such as the Wumian Emperor, comrades-in-arms such as the Marquis of Jusword, and business partners of many nobles.

For those who came to do business, they made the great priest of the goddess of wealth fall, and threatened to cultivate a god. The endless wealth of the entire continent continued to flow to him.

Those who came to use force were not only Azan Encheng's established legion, but also the dominator-level ancestor "Crow" Swain, who himself had been presiding over wars since he was six years old.

It is undoubtedly exciting that such a rising star chooses to join the Noble Council at this time.

"Hehe, I bet that Earl Lin Ke will knock down those beasts from the Holy Life Alliance!"

A kobold professional looked at the newspaper in his hand, his mouth full of excitement. From the accent, he must be a native of the abyss.

"There is also the Permafrost Council! Andrew's Leg, those conifers are simply heretics, kill all the conifers in the Permafrost Council, the Abyss conifers are the only ones!"

A coniferous tree man was also very excited, and it seemed that the members of the Forever Frozen Council were disgusting to him.

Not just them, many people in the Green Leaf Juice Bar saw today's latest Deep Blue News and couldn't help but comment.

"Count Lin Ke, I like Count Lin Ke so much. I am his loyal reader!"

"Earl Linco's writing talent is acceptable, but his artistic talent is excellent! That kind of comics created a genre!"

"Art? That's because you don't know Count Lin Ke's talent in music and screenwriting. I once bought a Dahuang photo stone, and there was a drama called "The Pianist", which really fascinated me!"

"Hehe, a bunch of girls, Count Lin Ke's 'leading the charge' is a man's romance! Oh, damn, I want to follow him right now!"

"Have you ever heard of manufacturing? I have collected everything released by Dahuang City!"

"That's because you don't understand his accomplishments in governing the territory. Those laws are so intoxicating..."

In the discussion area, various alien races mixed with humans were discussing excitedly. From time to time, nobles who were quietly drinking juice outside came in and participated in the discussion.

Earl Lin Ke is truly a genius and a rising star!

Some people even predict that within two hundred years, Earl Lin Ke will become a legend!

Two hundred years later it became a legend.

How many Star Glory levels have lived for thousands of years without being able to break through!

"It's a pity. I heard that other forces received the news in advance about this noble review and were prepared."

"Yeah, there's nothing we can do about it. They know the news in advance, but we can decide the rules and location of the competition."

"That's true. Count Lin Ke also said that our human race is powerful when we unite, while many other races have not lost their bestiality."

These people were chatting when suddenly their eyes all turned towards the door.

Someone who cannot be ignored walked in from the door.

The man had thick and smooth brown hair, a faint smile on his face, and delicate and resolute facial features, as if he had been baptized by milk, juice, blood and fire at the same time.

A noble man with unique temperament!

Judging by his skin, this aristocratic young man must have grown up in a good environment with no shortage of food.

Judging from his appearance, this nobleman's elegance must have come from his good aristocratic etiquette training since childhood, and his fortitude must have experienced the baptism of war.

Judging from his aura, he can reach level 10 at such a young age, which proves that he is quite talented.

Immediately, some minor nobles understood that this man must be a young man from a large noble family.

I just don’t know which noble it is.

At this time, Marquis Jusword and others, who had attracted quite a lot of attention just now, stood up and walked out of the living room.

"Hahaha, you're here!"

"Boy, I haven't seen you for a long time. He's taller than me!"

"Bah, with the goblin blood in your body, who are you taller than?"

"Son, come in and sit down!"

Originally, people outside just thought that these family helmsmen were waiting for some noble to discuss matters. Unexpectedly, it was Earl Lin Ke who came?!

Earl Linco?!

Some nobles rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

Some people even stood up directly.

"Dear sir, welcome to the Green Leaf Juice Bar. Do you have a reservation?"

A maid came forward to ask about the noble young man, her movements were graceful and gentle, her cheeks were flying.

Lin Ke looked at the [maid] in front of him and smiled: "Yes, ma'am, I'll go find Viscount Garrosse and the others."

This [maid] was the one who received him when he played the bard "Buck" to inquire about information.

The last time I came, the maid was obviously afraid that the down-and-out bard "Buck" would have no money to spend, so she gave her a kind reminder.

And this time...

The maid in front of her had slightly red cheeks, looking at Lin Ke's face like an idiot, with a shy look on her face.

"Okay, please follow me." The maid bowed softly and then led the way. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lin Ke always felt that this time the maid walked strangely.

Last time it was casual and relaxed, but this time it was trembling wildly, swaying forward and back.

Lin Ke followed the maid into the store. Everyone's eyes focused on him, and Garrosi and the others also came over to greet him.

However, at this moment, an aristocratic woman suddenly stood up, then walked up with her waist like a snake in the green water of the lava swamp, spitting out the fragrance: "Master Lin Ke, I really like your book "True Ring"

"Biography", which woman doesn't want a man who loves her? Alas..."

This aristocratic woman still has the fragrance of juice in her mouth, and she is wearing an ordinary version of Dahuang brand rose-flavored perfume: "I wonder if I can feel Count Lin Ke's 'charge'?"

After saying that, the noble woman glanced at Lika not far behind Lin Ke and said with a smile: "Princess Lika is so cute!"

Then she put a small piece of paper into Lin Ke's hand without leaving a trace, lightly scratched his palm, and said in Lin Ke's ear: "Waiting for you~"

After saying these three words, the noble woman twisted her waist and walked away.

Lin Ke didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When he was about to move forward, another person stopped Lin Ke.

"Count Lin Ke, my man went to patrol the secondary plane. He will definitely hang out with the princess there. I want to take revenge on him! Can you help me?"

"I think the [author] of "The Wolf Fang List" must have a mace, right? Hehe."

"It rained heavily yesterday on the 78th floor of the abyss. I wonder if it was raining heavily at Count Linke's place?"

This group of noble ladies and noble ladies came up to talk to Lin Ke one by one, like wolves and tigers but extremely elegant, and then left in a hurry.

This place is nothing like a green leaf juice bar, not elegant or calm at all.

Instead, it was like a Fiery Tavern, where ladies and ladies suddenly flocked to the new customers like dumplings, as if they wanted to be eaten in one bite.

Garrosi and the others over there were not in a hurry to come over when they saw this. Instead, they pointed over there and saw that Lin Ke was embarrassed.

And behind these ladies and ladies, there is another group of people.

"Count Lin Ke, I want to follow you! I am willing to accompany you in the charge!"

A young man walked over nervously.

He was pursuing a noble lady just now and invited the noble lady to drink juice, but the noble lady ran to give Lin Ke a room number...

But that's not important!

He doesn't care!

What he cares about is that this is Count Lin Ke!

The one who leads the charge!

"I am a knight of justice! A level three [Knight], my philosophy is justice. I am helping the weak and practicing justice!" The young man looked at Lin Ke with admiration, looking forward to Lin Ke's praise.

After all, his deeds are indeed praised by many weak people.

Lin Ke did not perfunctory this young man this time. Dreams and love should not be perfunctory.

So he pondered for a moment and then said: "Perhaps, when you are willing to fight for true justice, you can come to me."

This boy is too young and can easily be led astray. Perhaps only by truly awakening can one know what justice is.

"Real justice?" The young man was puzzled.

"The weak must be helped? The strong must be bullied? What is strength and weakness, and what is justice?" Lin Ke said briefly: "How do you define strength and justice? A strong person is a strong person? A high level is strong.

What about justice? Killing is bad, but what if the person you kill is a bad person? And what if that bad person is your close relative?"

"Justice of behavior and justice of belief, justice of process and justice of result... People are very complicated. Some people start out with a just intention, but end up doing evil things. How do you define them?"

"People, the world, are complicated."

"Strong and weak, justice and evil, good and bad... the world is not black and white. Between black and white there are red, orange, red, green, blue, blue and purple."

Lin Ke patted the thoughtful young man on the shoulder: "I'm waiting for you to become a true knight of justice."

"I don't quite understand it yet..." The young man raised his head, with a thoughtful look on his face: "But thank you, Count Linke, for your guidance! See you in the future after I understand it!"

The young man was decisive and left after saying that.

Lin Xiao smiled, maybe he was moved by the middle-class, unyielding and faith in the young man's eyes?

"well said!"

"As expected of Count Lin Ke! There is a big gap between young people's ideals and reality!"

"Justice, haha, I had justice when I was a child, but after I started a family, I didn't have so many ideas. By the way, you must be curious about my family! My family's main business is the sale of Warcraft furs..."

Those who applauded, praised, and advertised all applauded Lin Ke's words.

However, Lin Ke didn't want to waste time. Seeing that no one jumped out again, he quickly entered the private room.

"Haha! Now the name 'Lin Ke' is really famous in the abyss!"

"Isn't it? My great [writer], great [militarist], great [musician], great [painter]..."

"Mr. Lin Ke?"

The Marquis of Jusword opened his arms and gave Lin Ke, who was about 1.83 meters tall, a bear hug, while teasing him.

Lin Ke hugged and then smiled: "I am still the knight who leads the charge! It's not like you don't know, haha."

As a result, everyone except Garose looked at each other and smiled, feeling that the years when they fought against the Warcraft more than ten years ago suddenly came back to their faces.

They are comrades!

This chapter has been completed!
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