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Chapter 30: An Unknown Baron of Puxin

In the end, John was obedient and went to practice.

I don’t know if what irritated him was the phrase “not as good as the Knicks”, or “can’t keep up with Lin Ke”, or both.

Lin Ke went to play with Fulong.

This time out, Lin Ke wanted his mother to have a good time and relax.

It will be good for your health to dilute the shock and joy of the past few days.

Therefore, Lin Ke tried his best, and his acting skills were as good as the day when the King of Gods was so angry that he made Furlong laugh again and again along the way.

In this way, we finally arrived at the nearest small town - Parrot City at noon.

"Xiao Linke, why do you think it's called Parrot City?"

Furlong wore a yellow flower on her head, and she was as excited as a village girl preparing to go to the city, but she was an innocent, romantic and beautiful version.

Fulong always has a special temperament, which is the most special among the people Lin Ke has seen.

"I don't know." I don't want to know either.

Lin Ke still maintains the persona of a "lovable and considerate son" and strives to make his mother happy.

If the only thing in this world that Lin Ke cares about is his mother, then his teachers, John, Nicks and others.

As for the Viscount Azan, he is probably ranked over 100, and should be near Old Joel.

Old Joel is a servant who specializes in shoveling dung in their castle.

"Hehe, let me tell you! The reason why Parrot City is called Parrot City is because there is a wave of parrot migration here every five years!"

Fulong looked forward to it and said: "I saw it last time, and it was so beautiful! It was red and green. Your father accompanied me to see it at the time. Alas..."

As she spoke, she sighed.

It’s been six years since I last saw you.

Lin Ke saw his lovely mother becoming sad, and he really hated that Garose.

Although he knew that Garrose's best choice was to fight outside.

After all, the stronger the Garose, the greater the guarantee of the family's survival and the more resources it will have.

However, no matter how much he does, he leaves his mother here without any care.

Even if Garosset is a good lord, he is definitely not a good father, let alone a good husband.

"Mother, we're at the city gate!" Lin Ke pointed to the city wall in front of him.

What he saw in front of him was a city built on a plain.

The city gate is very large, and there is a shallow and narrow moat surrounding it, which is connected to a river that slowly flows into the distance.

This river has always been coveted by Lin Ke, because there is only another small river on the Azane side, and the water flow is not as big as this one.

"Hmm, let the purchasing team go shopping, and I will take you around Parrot City!"

Furlong's interest suddenly rose, and she forgot all about her worries.

Lin Ke smiled and nodded. Nicks and John also came out of the carriage and followed Lin Ke and the others.

There were many people coming and going at the city gate, including villagers from other places, merchants and the like, and there were also some purchasing teams.

Fortunately, the city gate is wide enough for them to enter and exit.

When the soldiers at the city gate saw Lin Ke's team's Azane logo, they immediately held their heads high and performed a chest-hammering salute with their right hand.

They are all members of the Azan family, and are naturally familiar with the direct line teams of their own families.

Originally, the Garrosse branch could not be considered a direct lineage, otherwise they would not have been assigned to such a remote castle.

But ever since Garrosse came out of nowhere and won the position of Viscount, led the entire family to become the Viscount family and gained a large territory, the Garosset branch has become the direct lineage of the family.

The title system of Nasenge is very simple, crude and brainless. It is probably related to the king's lack of serious governance, and also to the exploration of the plane.

After all, there are endless planes waiting for nobles to explore. Who will continue to focus on a few viscountries?

"Xiao Linke, let's go!"

Some distance into the city, there were more and more people, and it was noisy. Fulon jumped out of the car while holding Lin Ke in his arms.

John and Nix also followed, and the leaders of the first and second groups of the two guards followed them to protect them.

Lin Ke resists being hugged, but Fulon likes to hug him and pinch his cheeks, so he can only accept it.

"Hmm...what should I show you? By the way! Let's go to the chaotic street first!"

Furlong ran to a place excitedly, like a little girl who had been locked up for a long time.

Lin Ke was dangling, and couldn't help but pat Furon: "Mother, please let me down and go on my own."

John, Nicks, the guard leader and others in the back lowered their heads and pretended not to notice.

It's rare for them to see their young master being held like a child.

In their eyes, the young master is usually a "professional destined for greatness", a "classmate with dazzling talents" and a "stern training officer".

Perhaps only in the eyes of Mrs. Furlong, the young master is still a child who has not even passed his sixth birthday.


After trotting for a while, Fulong was a little out of breath, so he put Lin Ke down: "Xiao Lin Ke, you are already six years old, do you know that you have to learn to walk on your own? You are exhausted..."

No, madam, you are so unreasonable.

"I heard it." Lin Ke nodded helplessly, his voice sweet.

"Okay, let's go!"

Furlong pinched Lin Ke's cheek with satisfaction, and then pulled him inside.

Chazaan Street is a place similar to a department store. Everything is bought and sold, and all kinds of people are found here.

For example, some gangsters squatting on the street corners and playing with sharp knives are usually thieves or thieves, and sometimes their identities can be changed into robbers.

There were also some people wearing hoods and walking in a hurry, obviously they had valuable items they wanted to sell or buy back.

There are also some travelers with weathered faces, some beggars and performers on the street, and some guards with wary looks...

There were many people and it was very complicated. Lin Ke was also sensing the surroundings, and so were the guards, including John and Nicks, who were also looking around with wary expressions.

Just some silly girl...

"Wow, Lin Ke, look, look, they are breathing fire!"

"Wow! That man jumps so high!"

"Wow, what a cute cat!"


If there weren't so many people, Fulon would be jumping up and down.

It's almost like Lin Ke is holding Fulong's hand, rather than Fulong holding Lin Ke's hand.




There is a place over there that is similar to a pet shop. There are several large iron cages in front of the door, which contain various beasts, but I didn't see any monsters.

"Come on, Xiao Linke, I'll take you to see the animals!"

Fulon pulled Lin Ke over there, as if Lin Ke wanted to see animals.

Thanks to their bright red patterned clothes and aristocratic logos, no low-class people dared to touch them.

This is the city under Azan's command, and bright red is Azan's mainstream color.


"Oh~ who is this! Honorable Mrs. Furlong, Azan's sweetest fiery wind has blown here. Welcome, welcome..."

A man with oily hair and pink face appeared in front of Lin Ke and the others, with a confident smile on his face.

That confident light not only covered up his fat belly, but also covered up the lust deep in his eyes.

The sweetest fiery red wind is a kind of praise for Furlong, which represents the recognition of Furlong by the guests when Viscount Garrosse and Furlong got married.

"Baron Sandile, hello!"

Fulon's smile is like a flower, innocent, romantic, and ignorant, like a pure white narcissus.

ps: Hey, hey hey hey hey hey, I want tickets, I want recommendation tickets, I want monthly passes...


This chapter has been completed!
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