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Chapter 305 Interplanetary Trade

"in addition……"

The crazy woman paused and said: "In addition, the lord is very interested in our milk berries."

"Oh? Milk berries? What do they want to do?" Lin Ke exclaimed, knowingly asking: "Is there any special effect of milk berries that we haven't discovered yet?"

"I don't know either..." The crazy woman shook her head, and then she said with longing: "The lord also said that you can publish his "Notre Dame de Paris" as much as you want. In addition, as long as we provide enough iron ore,

You can sell us enchanted weapons at low prices."

Speaking of enchanted weapons, the mad woman's eyes became much more solemn: "Buck is the same. In addition to magic wands, those enchanted weapons also have many swords, armors, and mage robes, which can maximize our power!"

"That's right." Ms. Yongge also agreed: "I have tried their mage robe, which can increase my element absorption efficiency by ten percent!"

Ten percent!

Ms. Yongge, who is already an eleventh-level holy realm, can actually achieve this. You can imagine how big the increase is for other people.

"They also said they could help us train knights, but that's a different price." The mad woman added: "I fought with one of their knights... and lost."

The crazy woman actually lost!

Everyone was shocked again when they saw Lin Ke's expression.

Teacher Andor knew that although a young magician like Lin Ke was powerful, it was difficult for him to accept this fact.

The magician can't defeat the knight who can only serve as a servant?!

After all, he was also shocked by the news yesterday.

As an old mage, Andor's teacher knew at this time that it was time for him to play his role.

So he squirmed, cleared his throat, and tried his best to say in an old and hoarse voice: "Haha, Lord Buck, you must know..."

"Then train them! The more you train, the better!" At this time, Lin Ke's eyes burst out with light: "No matter fire magic or water magic, as long as it can attack the enemy, it is a good magic!"

Then he looked at Teacher Andor: "Huh? What's wrong?"

"Ahem, no." The teacher in Andorra did not expect that their backbone Buck would be so receptive: "I just think your proposal is very good, um, very good."

"But..." There was hesitation in the sinister man's eyes at this time, and he looked at Lin Ke: "Buck is the same. If the knights become more and more powerful, then we..."

His meaning is obvious.

If knights become more and more powerful, then what do they mean by magicians?

Even some malicious knights "usurping the throne" is not impossible.

"No, we cannot imagine our own people in the worst possible light... Of course, we cannot be too naive. Our people naturally know good and bad. What we have to do is to prevent them from being manipulated and incited."

Lin Ke raised his hand and said: "Don't fool our people, tell them the truth of this world, tell them the meaning of our existence, tell them everything... The people will choose their own path from history and learning.

and answers.”


How strong are the people?

They don't know, the Faser don't know, and even the Nasung people don't know.

But Lin Ke knew.

In previous lives, an ordinary civilian, farmer, or even a beggar's child had the opportunity to receive education.

No matter whether it is in the most luxurious villa in the city or under the dim starlight in the mountains, you may be reading the same book, and the exam papers may be the first in the country or the second in the country.

What did the past life teach?

It ranges from astronomy and geography to physics and chemistry, with history and politics in between.

They even teach dragon slaying!

Flower growers directly put everything that can be taught in books.

As long as you want to learn, you can only learn. Not to mention that you can go directly to Qingbei, but 985 and others can also do it.

In Lin Ke's previous life, many of his classmates came from rural families, became doctorates, were admitted to civil servants, became leaders, became masters, and then benefited their hometowns.

And what about other places?

Only capital and nobles can learn the most essential knowledge, while other races can only "cannot breathe" and can only go to ordinary schools.

Other places are guarding their own people, fearing that their rule will be overturned.

Everything about the flower grower is openly revealed to his people, and he is also loved by his people.

There is no need to tell the people what kind of people they need to be, as long as all the truth is presented, when the time comes to choose, the people will naturally make corresponding choices.

This is the grand avenue of flower growers!

On such a grand road, anyone with a brain will know what choice to make!

And what Lin Ke wants to do now is the same.

Except for his identity as Buck, he left all other choices to the Fathers themselves.

Do you want to trade with Nasung?

Should the Cavaliers be promoted to the front office?

Bloodline is given priority? Origin is given priority? Magic ability is given priority? Strength is given priority? Or is it like a flower grower, ability is given priority?

This is all left to the Faser people to make their own choices, and "Buck" has only one role in it, and that is guidance.

Tell them what the end of each road will be.

"This... I'm afraid..." Andor's teacher has no experience of becoming a wild mage. He grew up in a family of magicians, so he is not sure.

"Lord Buck..." The sinister man of prey was also hesitant. As a wild mage, he naturally knew that if given a chance, the wild mage would climb up like crazy.

"I understand your concerns... Of course, this will happen later. We can't do this until the people have corresponding morals and character." Lin Ke also nodded. In short, education is the top priority. Just be cautious.

But now, training knights is indeed effective.

In Father, a magician may be accompanied by dozens of knights, hundreds of followers and countless slaves.

These people all fight for the magicians, but a lot of manpower is wasted in this relationship.

Therefore, Lin Ke must make good use of this power.

"As for the iron ore mentioned before... I remember that the karst mountains to the east seem to be rich in iron ore."

Lin Ke turned around and looked at the map, then pointed to a point on the right of the center of the map.

On it is a series of mountains and an icon that looks like a small lollipop.

Karst mountains, giant city of north wind!

Everyone's eyes were fixed.

The giant city of the north wind!

At this time, it should be occupied by those foreign visitors with rat heads and bodies who are as powerful as gods.

And these rat-headed men are said to have a grudge against their neighbor, the Lord of the Wilderness.

"Good choice!" Ms. Yongge praised softly.

Others thought so too.

To attack this giant city in the north wind, they can borrow the strength of their neighbors.

After defeating them, they not only rescued the fellow Fathers who were in dire straits, but also obtained the iron ore veins in the karst mountains to trade with their neighbors to increase their own strength!

Kill multiple birds with one stone!


This chapter has been completed!
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