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Chapter 35 The idea of ??a new career!

This is porcelain! Porcelain among ceramics!

Damn... I've never felt like such a failure...

Lin Ke felt extremely guilty.

When I traveled back in time, my first thought was to survive in a noble family in deep water, especially after seeing the eldest lady's dagger as a baby.

After surviving, he thought about fighting for the so-called military power, and then came into contact with the professional system...

This made him not think about some issues carefully at all.

For example, if he forgets, he can bring some Blue Star specialties!

Damn it, a few broken pieces of porcelain that are about to crack are being sold as "Legacy of the Goddess of Destiny"?

Lin Ke expressed his deep apologies to the senior time-travelers he had seen in his previous life.

Embarrassing you all!


"In addition to ceramics, there are also soap, cement, perfume, paper, chemical fertilizers, hybrid technology..."

Lin Ke was shocked when he thought about it.

We have lived in this world for so long and yet we lack so many things!

Perhaps it was because his life was so privileged and many things were done by servants that he completely forgot about many of his advantages.


"Furthermore, I wonder what kind of sparks can the professional system and the scientific system collide with?" Lin Ke was very active in his heart.

At this time, in his soul space, the "knowledge" bloodline and the "lucky" bloodline were glowing slightly, so Lin Ke thought more and more.

"Knowledge" bloodline: Acquire, learn, spread and explore knowledge more easily!

"Lucky" bloodline: more luck!

Therefore, Lin Ke's thoughts surged like a spring at this moment.

"Well, and...there were so many professional systems in the previous life that could thrive and develop very well in a completely demon-free society. If those professions were created here..."

Lin Ke's thoughts were racing and his eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

The career itself is formed through the fusion of traits, and which traits are needed for fusion requires exploration and guessing.

For example, there is a profession [computer programmer] that will never exist here. Its characteristics may be "code", "digits", "system", etc. However, without computers, this profession would not appear at all.

If it were to build a computer, it would be too difficult.

But you can build other things without building computers, and you can even have them without building anything!

For example, [Doctor], [Psychological Counselor], [Courier], [Engineer], [Fund Manager], [Movie Director]...

[Doctor] is different from the [Witch Doctor] that Lin Ke has come into contact with, but Lin Ke feels that [Doctor] may have its own advantages.

[Film Director] can produce some movies. If the material conditions here are adequate, Lin Ke will let people here experience what "advertising" and "value output" are.

There are also [fund managers], [stock traders], and [big bankers] in the financial system... When the time comes, there will simply be too much money to use up, and the whole world will work for them, harvesting the leeks of those working dogs.

There is also the [psychological counselor]'s ability to see through the enemy's psychology, and the [engineer]'s outstanding architectural concepts...

Then combine these professions from the previous life with the magical profession system of this world.

Think about it, [the doctor] just touched the wound after performing the surgery and the wound healed.

[Engineer] Let a city composed of magic towers rise from the ground.

[Film Director] Directly compile a small fantasy world to give people an immersive experience...

As a person in the age of the information explosion, although Lin Ke can only be regarded as "understood" or "slightly understood" in many fields.

But as long as he understands and understands a little bit, it is actually enough. After knowing the general direction, he can let others explore, explore the career path and then take up the job.

You must know that the knowledge monopoly in this world is very serious. The characteristics of many professions are in the hands of some big kingdoms, big families and big forces.

Originally, Lin Ke had planned to join the school of thought formed by a certain materialist behind Auf, then sign a contract and sell himself as a laborer, working for them for decades, in exchange for a good career.

If the contract is too strict, he is prepared to remain a [scholar] for the rest of his life. Anyway, it fits well with the "knowledge" bloodline.

And my bastard father has the profession of [Knight], and his "leader" bloodline is just right for this profession.

He has no choice about the remaining "lucky" bloodline, he can only rely on luck.

But after this auction, he was awakened.

The magical career traits in this life are not available, so you can definitely use the career in the previous life!

Lin Ke's thoughts were swirling in his mind now, and he really wanted to go back to the castle to record his thoughts.

But he also knew it was impossible, so he suppressed the excitement in his heart.

As long as you catch the flash of inspiration, it doesn't matter when the inspiration actually becomes inspiration.

At this time, in the venue, the auction items were being auctioned one by one.

The first few fragments of porcelain were auctioned off by a lord for eight hundred gold coins, and were intended to be passed down as family heirlooms.

"I'm so lucky, I can think so much just by watching an auction."

Lin Ke, who was sitting in his seat and eating exquisite pastries, felt happy in his heart, but then he suddenly froze.


He quickly closed his eyes, and his consciousness came to the soul space, and he saw the "knowledge" bloodline and the "lucky" bloodline that were glowing slightly.

Sure enough...

Lin Ke opened his eyes.

It is difficult to think of things that I have not thought of for five or six years. After all, you need to be lucky enough.

And it just so happened that one-third of Lin Ke's bloodline had "luck" flowing through it.


At this moment, a fierce roar sounded, bringing Lin Ke's thoughts back to reality.

In front of him is a cage, in which a dark blue tiger cub is roaring.

Deep blue giant tiger!

No, or rather this is a dark blue cerebellar axe.

Nai Nai roared fiercely in protest, but under the gaze of more than 300 people, she slowly retreated until she reached the end of the cage.

"This is a giant dark blue tiger that has enlightened its bloodline. The bloodline talent is 'fair'! A specialty product from the territory of the Dark Blue Grand Duke in the east... The starting price is two hundred gold coins!"

Although the auctioneer's voice on the stage was still high-pitched, his tone was no longer as enthusiastic as before, and he also gave a routine reminder:

"The deep blue giant tiger is a failed creation. Its growth limit is level two, and it can only learn one skill called 'Shocking Roar'. Please purchase it at your own discretion."

After all, these intermediate auction items are just transitional, and even if the auction fails, it will not have much impact.

Generally speaking, the most valuable items will be auctioned last, while the most novel items will be auctioned first, such as "Legacy of the Goddess of Destiny".

"What a cute little tiger!"

Fulon had no resistance to this fluffy feline, but Lin Ke finally saw it this time.

It looks like my mother will be a cat slave in the future!

When he heard Fulong's voice, Pu Xin, who was originally lacking in interest, suddenly became excited.

"Two hundred and eleven gold coins!"

Pu Xin asked the maid next to him to call out the price.

At this time, some civilian adventurers, hunters, etc. were bidding.

After all, the dark blue giant tiger, which is looked down upon by the nobles and is equivalent to a first- and second-level professional, is also a rare companion in the eyes of these ordinary people without enlightenment blood, and can even be relied upon to live a better life.

However, when they heard that a noble was interested and made a bid, these adventurers cursed and canceled the bid.

No one wants to bid against a stingy and rich noble!

ps: In the new book issue, please vote for recommendations and monthly tickets for Sa Po Rolling!

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