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Chapter 363 Unification (4k)

This is the artifact fragment left behind by the King of Gods, Zernitaar, and obtained by Lin Ke after he completed the mission!

This artifact fragment could only speed up his meditation at first, but after upgrading, it helped him understand the laws better, and he gradually gained a hint of the divine will of a real artifact.

But at this time, Lin Ke took it out without hesitation.

He could see that Lika was about to break through now, but she broke through directly into a law body! A mere elemental body, a Starlight level should be enough to feed her.

But Lika is still like this and is still not full. She is obviously about to break through the law body!

Lin Ke took out the piece of rotten wood from the space ring, and he was not afraid that the people on the other end of the live broadcast would see it. After all, it was just a fragment.

Those who can beat him will not look down on the fragments, and those who cannot beat him will not covet him.

And probably not many people would recognize it.

The piece of rotten wood floated over with one move from Lika's hand, and a terrifying dark green light erupted from it. Lika broke through, Lin Ke and a group of followers protected the law, and the knights of the Wilderness Knights began to rectify the refugees.


These refugees were brought in by the Deermen, their feet were worn out, and they were extremely hungry.

There were hundreds of thousands of them, but almost all of them starved to death!

According to the thinking of these deer people, these people will eventually die anyway. They were born because of nature. After death, they can add fertilizer to nature, which is great.

Those who survived were naturally grateful to Lin Ke and the others.

Because of Yale's fish formation, Lin Ke and the others did not harm them at all during the charge. Lord Dahuang's reputation for kindness and friendliness resounded throughout Faser and even Nasenger. Of course, the deer man

The blond woman with green eyes who was sucked dry was quite scary. The refugees were gathered together and probably stuffed into various cities to become new city residents.

Not long after, Lika finally absorbed enough nutrients, and her body began to transform from head to toe.

As for the artifact fragments and rotten wood, they didn't change much. Lin Ke caught them and looked at them. They just needed to be warmed for a while.

Lika's transformation was also very rapid. Her body looked unchanged, but in fact everything from the cell nucleus to the skin epidermis had changed.

Lin Ke doesn't know the specifics. In the future, this is also a subject that he will invest heavily in research, biology.

Explore the mysteries of the human body.

After the transformation, Lika first looked at her hand, smacked her lips, then looked at Lin Ke and said, "Okay! I've made a breakthrough!" She jumped over.

Lin Ke caught Lika: "Haha, just break through! Haha, hahaha, haha!" Lin Ke's happiness was beyond words.

My wife has a breakthrough!

Bottom of the abyss.

Emperor Wumian wanted to get up and do something, but he was pushed back by the five-color dragon mother's two big hands. The five-color dragon mother glanced at him: "What? Is something wrong?'

The Wumian Emperor pursed his lips and said, "I'm going to visit the Feldgama Continent and kill some people.

Feldgama Continent, the Eternal Twilight Continent.

"Just let the boss and the second child go. You go." The five-color dragon mother raised her eyebrows: ""You want to sink the human continent?"

"No, I am." Emperor Wumian waved his hand and wanted to say more.

"I don't have many old friends. She is progressive and polite." The five-color dragon mother glanced at him. "I think this little guy Lika is quite good.

Her eyes were full of admiration, just like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at her, the more disgusted she became.

"I'm not saying" the Wumian Emperor is a bit gentle, but that the Five Color Dragon Mother is "sincere"

He didn't finish his words under his eyes.

Okay, but in the past, little Yao Ruo always hung on me!" Wumian Emperor's eyes

Looking in front of me, I seemed to see Yao Ruo hanging on Yao Ruo's neck, hugging Lika's face and kissing her through the void.

Sad, the little cotton-padded jacket was worn by someone else. The old father felt so cold and his hair was so good.

The five-color dragon mother rolled her eyes: "Back then, I was only close to my father. If you hadn't tricked me away, I think this little guy Lika would be much more honest than you!"

Rika has only interacted with the gods so far.

Compared with many nobles, Emperor Wu Mian is already very good, but compared with Lika, he is more single-minded.


We're not talking about the same thing

The Mianless Emperor scratched the back of his head,

a bit embarrassing

The five-color dragon mother didn't say much: "I won't talk about you either. In short, daughters will always get married. With a little guy like Lika, we should be depressed, but it's the other side of the mist.

Princess of the Mist?

Mentioning the Princess of the Mist, the Sleepless Emperor instantly felt a little headache.

He pinched his forehead and said in a deep voice, "Don't that little guy Rui Wen hate men?"

"Yes, but Mist hates men who hate men." The five-color dragon mother slowly exhaled.

After this incident, Emperor Wuxian suddenly became much more amiable when he saw Lika.

"I'd rather go around Yao Ruowei Gama." Emperor Wumian touched his chin: "Let's just take over Yao Ruowei Gama. That guy from Eternal Twilight seems to have gone to the star realm.

"They are used to belief there. How can you find so many gods to manage those believers and magicians?" The five-color dragon mother shook her head, but then said: "Let's go to the star realm to find some star beasts to kill.

The Five-Colored Dragon Mother originally just wanted to relieve the Mianless Emperor's mood, but who knew that when she talked about the Princess of the Mist, she also became irritable.

So the two of them made an appointment, cut through the rift in space, and went to the star realm.

There is another building made of stones not far away. The inside is not as luxurious and magnificent as the outside.

The Moon Goddess stood quietly in this magnificent hall, her eyes closed and her brows furrowed.

When Wumian and the five-color dragon mother went to clean up the star beasts outside the territory, the moon goddess sighed slowly.

In another place, the gardener's wife who looked like an old woman chuckled and continued to prune the flowers with a pair of huge scissors.

On the flowers, souls were wailing and screaming, but Mrs. Gardener's face remained the same.

Yao Ruo.

When Lika faced off against the enemy, Garose and others were also looking for their respective opponents.

Yao Ruo has specially allocated and calculated it.

The Crow God is responsible for detecting most of the situation, and then Lika and the others are discussing how to deal with all enemies.

For some stronger forces, God Lin Ke will be more helpful.

If it is weaker, Lin Ke will have fewer gods.

However, it is basically foolproof.

If there is any accident, the God of the sky, as the God of central control, will also pay attention.

In general, the first wave of attacks so far has caused no damage!

However, the attacks are constant.

In the first wave of attacks, there were only five forces.

They are all the forces of the far western countries.

After Yao Ruo waited for the gods to recover, they headed north again.

Next, is the Selke Kobold Tribe of the Holy Life Alliance!

For several months, Lin Ke's situation changed suddenly.

First, the Great Wilderness Lord in the northwest suddenly declared war on all hostile forces.

This gave many Linker people who were under the rule of hostile forces a break.

At the same time, the forces of the opposition parties also followed the steps of the Great Wilderness Lord and launched a fierce counterattack against many invaders.

The human power belonging to the Gula Kingdom also expanded rapidly at this time, occupying cities that were previously occupied by Yao Ruowei's other forces.

Of course, countless people rushed towards death and sacrifice along the way.

Six nobles of the Gula Kingdom also died due to accidents during the process, and Lin Kefaser died even more.

But compared to other forces in Feld, it is already pretty good.

What were the original intentions of the other forces in Feld?

One is some star-level players who want to come in and take the opportunity to break through.

After all, Lin Ke's plane is one of the possessions of Emperor Wu Mian. As the most powerful man in the continent, his face is still important, and he will definitely not give a bad plane.

The results are also very gratifying. There are a lot of fresh gods in the Yaoruo plane, which really attracts the strong men of Feld who have been hungry for a long time.

In addition to this, the second thing that the strongmen in Feld thought about when they came in was to compete for prizes.

This time, in the evaluation of the nobles of the Gula Kingdom, all the forces in Feld invested in the prize.

The prizes are very generous.

For example, the human race rarely gives other people's Dreadnaught Tower a chance to enter!

Like those Star Glory-level players who have not broken through all year round, many found that they had broken through after a trip to the Fearless Tower.

For example, the Ice Crystal Giant Deer of the Eternal Frozen Council, the leader of the Tauren clan, and others had this idea in mind.

As for the remaining reasons, some strong men were forced to come in by their respective forces, and some were thrown in simply because they could no longer afford to support them, just like the human tribe.

In short, there are many reasons, but at the end of the day, no one actually values ​​Lin Ke's power. Without him, the level is too low.

When it appeared in the Abyss, it was quite surprising. The addition of the Black and White Knights later made many forces a little scared.

But after Yao Ruo came in, he chose not to fight or grab, but just stayed where he was, writing, painting and listening to songs.

No one cared much for supporting Buck, the Fire Demon King.

It wasn't until Rika declared war on all forces that the Feld invaders, who mostly only cared about burning, killing and looting, discovered that

What the hell, why are Lin Ke’s people everywhere!

Yao Ruo united all the tauren tribes of the Holy Life Alliance, united the lizard people of the far western countries, and united the elephant people.

Coupled with Lin Ke's local opposition party.

Lin Ke’s people are everywhere!

When the Holy Life Alliance found out, it was already time for all the forces in the Forever Freeze Council, including the five members, to be defeated by Rika.

The many powerful men of the Holy Life Alliance cannot unite together. After all, many tribes have feuds with each other, and the current rat-man monarch does not have enough ruling power.

But some tribes still united together, but they were all overthrown by Yao Ruo. In the end, all Feld's forces, under Lin Ke's layout, were all killed and captured.

Lin Ke also ushered in a new day, which was called the Day of Lin Ke's Great Unification and became the Day of Unification.

Yao Ruo, great unification!

Lin Ke Alliance, the headquarters is "Lava City", the headquarters of the Mortal Opposition Party - the Balrog Auditorium.

Outside the gate of the Flame Demon Auditorium, there are several stone tablets standing, which are densely packed with records of Yao Ruo's disasters in the past two years. Behind them are famous battle reliefs.

However, the words about Buck, the King of Fire Demons, were not written at all. Instead, two words were left blank.

The interior of the Enma Auditorium is similar to a movie theater. In front of the rows of seats is a stone platform, and there are three rows of seats on the platform with facing seats.

On both sides of the seats, there are giant screens built with photo stones.

The Flame Demon Auditorium is a building jointly built by magicians, magicians and Yao Ruowei professionals. It is also one of the core buildings of Lava City and can accommodate a hundred thousand people!

A huge and small building that can accommodate 100,000 people!

Even the magic energy consumed every day during construction can drain a tenth-level magician!

After it is turned on, the magic energy consumed every hour requires a level 10 magician to operate. At this time, all the leaders of the city hall in Linke Continent were sitting in their seats, looking forward excitedly.

Exciting and moving music sounded overhead, and people from Feld's influence entered the hall one by one and sat at the front of the hall owners.

The shrunken minotaurs, elephant men, lizard men, etc. entered the room and sat in the first few rows.

The forces including the Gullah tribe also entered the scene at this time.

Their entrance triggered a violent response. After all, they were all visitors from outside the region who helped Yao Ruo unify.

The hall owners followed the instructions above and did not shout, but clapped vigorously, and at the same time they also talked to each other.

"These foreign visitors are really nice!

"Yes, yes, Feld is so powerful. I can't imagine how we can survive if the lords of the wilderness are interested in us.'

"Speaking of the news about Lord Dahuang, have you received it?'

"Shh, be silent! Didn't the boss say that it's okay if you know it from your heart?"

"Hehe, I know, what I mean is, if Lord Dahuang is really that person, wouldn't it be

"Of course! Hahaha!'

While these hall owners were communicating, Feld's people also finished taking their seats.

Upon seeing this, the hall owners immediately stopped and looked at the big screen expectantly.

They have a schedule for this meeting, and the next item should be

The gods enter!

The gods who used to be so high in Lin Ke could only sit down like the mortals they once despised, sitting in the third row on the stage in front.

A total of three hundred and fifty-eight gods!

Although these gods, big and small, appeared, their faces were so shrouded in mist that it was difficult to see clearly.

Dignity is retained, but not much.

When the hall owners saw this scene, they applauded even more violently.

"Hahaha! Father! That's Father!'

"Two thousand years ago, my parents were killed by the sea god. One day I will take revenge! I, the mortal party, are the center of Father!'

"Sure enough! There is no miracle that cannot be created! You don't have to pray to Father, just go for it yourself!"

"Just like Yao Ruowei, the god 'Mr. Noble' said, the only things that are born to be superior are knowledge, will and thought!'

The hall owners had various emotions mixed together, and they were all shocked by the performance of Faser on the big screen.

This kind of shock is different from the fear and belief in the past.

Instead, he was shocked by the generosity of the opposition party.

After being shocked, there is a heartfelt feeling of pride and excitement.

Lin Ke is unified!

Even Father will give in!

This chapter has been completed!
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