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Chapter 424 The Great Wilderness City Employment and Entrepreneurship Department

The Elephant Human Clan and the Abyss Frost Wolf Clan can be said to be very lucky.

At least they met Lin Ke when they encountered problems in racial development, and Lin Ke happened to be able to solve their problems.

In the eyes of many people in Nasenge, the strong are the most important.

Like the Elephants, they were disliked because they were too eatable and not very smart.

In the Holy Life Alliance, there is only one tribe of Elephants, and there is no grass growing for thousands of miles, and they have eaten up everything.

Lin Ke originally planned to use hybrid rice, hybrid corn, hybrid rye and other grains to feed them.

But now Uncle Mark has invented the Mark tree, which is much more convenient.

And for the Abyss Frostwolf clan, life would not be easy if they lost the blessing of Li Guan Mobi.

Fortunately, Li Guan Mobi was in the wilderness, and Lin Ke also knew that they had no bad intentions and were very simple.

Therefore, special cases were made to allow their tribe to come in and recuperate.

It can also be regarded as expanding the ecosystem of Dahuang City. Now Dahuang City has space for all climates and seasons, embedded in the community, for various intelligent races to live.

Lin Ke casually expressed condolences about the situation of the two tribes, and felt relieved after learning that the two tribes were living well.

The Abyss Frostwolf clan has opened a ride-hailing company, which is also a taxi company. They can often be seen on the roadside sticking out their tongues to dissipate heat.

The Elephant people are engaged in decoration and construction work. They are strong and can endure hardships. They can work for a long time if they are given a good meal.

These two tribes finally found their place in Dahuang City and began to live a good, happy and fulfilling life.

However, there are still many ethnic groups who cannot find a job, or find it difficult to find a job, and are struggling to survive.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke felt a little heavy.

I didn’t know it before, but now I just feel a lot of pressure!

"Then let's visit one by one." Lin Ke shook his head and said to himself: "We can always find a way out."

Unknown passers-by might have thought this was a young man who had failed to find a job.

You must know that although Dahuang is good, it is not perfect.

It is normal for some problems to be highlighted. For example, many people who have just arrived in Dahuang City cannot find land to farm and do not know what to do.

You can only work here and there, or simply become pickpockets and thieves.

After thinking about it, Lin Ke had been busy with university work for several days, so he rode in the direction of the city hall.

The city hall is much more lively than these residential areas.

People come and go here, coming in and out, and each one has a different look.

Some people looked anxious and frightened, while others were calm and composed, even happy and laughing.

They should all be here to handle business.

"Well, there should be a working station set up here." Lin Ke touched his chin, then thought about it, and the appearance on his face began to change.

Under the dual effects of optical skills and gecko bracelets, Lin Ke turned into a middle-aged man with a weathered face.

"Ahem." Lin Ke, who transformed into an ordinary old farmer, slowly walked up the steps of the city hall, and bursts of noise reached his ears.

"Oh! Andrew's legs, it's getting colder and colder now!"

"That's right! Our Dahuang City is in the south, otherwise it will be cold to death in the north."

"Hey, don't tell me, I heard that there are animal disasters everywhere in the Permanent Freeze Council, and a group of refugees came from there..."

Several old farmers who were waiting in line were chatting. When they saw Lin Kelai waiting in line, they stopped talking.

"Big brother, what are you doing here?" This big brother is quite kind, and his stubble-covered face looks very kind.

"I'm looking for a job." Lin Ke immediately said the reason he just made up: "I heard that the city hall can look for jobs."

"Yes, that's right!" The stubble-bearded uncle looked very talkative: "When you arrived in our deserted city, you were taken care of by the goddess of luck! Of course, she died long ago... Hahaha!"

Uncle Hu stubble laughed together with several others, and the laughter was extremely contagious.

Although he didn't know where the laughter was, Lin Ke was still infected and laughed a few times.

"...If you want to find a job, you can't just rush in and look for it. There's a point." After Uncle Hu stubble laughed, he began to teach Lin Ke: "There are a lot of people there. If you can't find a job, you just have to find a job."

To cause chaos inside...several stupid people just entered."

"Oh, what should I do?" Lin Ke looked curious, like an honest countryman.

"You, think about what you can do first. If you have special skills and experience, find the door of the Employment and Entrepreneurship Department on the right side of the door. After entering, you can look for the corresponding window. If you can't find it, you can only wait for the scroll on the big screen.

Information, or waiting for someone to recruit workers." Uncle Hu Stubble smiled: "We are here to recruit workers."

Lin Ke nodded: "What job are you recruiting for?"

"Hehe." Speaking of this, Uncle Hu smiled proudly: "I'm recruiting a scientific research assistant in the laboratory. Hey, the requirements are not low."

With that said, the stubble-bearded uncle patted Lin Ke on the shoulder: "What did I do before? If I guessed correctly, it was farming?"

Lin Ke nodded frequently: "Brother's guess is really accurate."

"It's a pity that the people I want to recruit are people from the food laboratory, preferably chefs who used to cook for the nobles." Uncle Hu stubble said with a smile: "But the Ministry of Agriculture recruits many people, and I think he looks like a farmer.

With a good hand, we working people will not have to worry about food and clothing!"

"That is!"

"The working people are the most glorious!"

"Haha, it's a pity that I am old, otherwise I would also like to farm."

Several other people also agreed.

Hearing Uncle Hu's words and the pride and happiness on these people's faces, Lin Ke was very satisfied.

While they were talking, the queue also reached Lin Ke and the others.

But the receptionist at the door made Lin Ke frown.

"You can't even write, are you a fool?"

"How crazy! How dare a pariah say that he knows Lord Mark?"

"Wow, do we really know each other? Hehe, brother, please come in~"

"What are you looking at? Untouchable. If you look at it again, I won't write it for you."

There are eight or nine staff at the door. These staff are all under the management of a small supervisor and are registering the information of visitors and then giving guidance.

But one of them was saying some unpleasant things.

Lin Ke frowned.

"Hey, don't mind, brother..." Uncle Hu stubble gently leaned into Lin Ke's ear and whispered: "Legends want face, these people are shameless... The Duke of Lava once said that no matter how perfect the city is, there will always be darkness.

and dross.”

Did I say it? Lin Ke was a little surprised.

At this moment, a man in a suit and leather shoes hurriedly walked out of the city hall door with a serious look on his face.

The little supervisor who originally spoke instantly bent down and stepped forward with a flattering look on his face: "Hello, leader."

"Yeah." The man nodded slightly, his eyes dull, and he obviously didn't take the little supervisor seriously.

He shouted to the passers-by who were lining up outside:

"We are urgently recruiting five scientific research assistants. Their career scope includes flower and plant care, soil survey, and multi-tool farming..."

This chapter has been completed!
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