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Chapter 433 Empiricism and Dogmatism

Fearless Tower!

This is indeed the Tower of Fear!

Lin Ke looked at everything around him, it was similar to when he came here when he was six years old.

Last time, he appeared in this room, and this time it is the same.

But the last time he was only six years old, it was the first time he felt that all his internal organs were out of place, so he kept screaming and was very embarrassed.

But this time, he just stood up gently.

People around him were doing various experiments. He didn't feel anything before, but now he can feel the fluctuations of various magics and laws.

If you have to compare it, Nasenger is just like his previous life, ordinary, without waves, gently touching the skin. If you feel it carefully, you can feel the traces of magic and laws vaguely.

In the star world, it was as if someone was releasing a forbidden magic spell next to him at any time, or inserting a forbidden magic spell into his body. Lin Ke felt like...

Woohoo... I'm going to be exhausted... o(╥﹏╥)o

As for the Fearless Tower, it was fully expanded for Lin Ke.

If you regard him as a container, the mouth of his bottle is slowly expanded by the magic element, and then the magic is poured into it, making him feel like he doesn't even need to meditate.

It is indeed a fearless tower!

After Lin Ke stood up, some people who were involved in the experiment reacted.

"Hey, are you the one who came last time?" A female lizard man with big eyes looked curious: "Black and white man? Slave man? Permanently frozen man?"

"Hello, I'm black and white." Lin Ke nodded slightly.

The black and white people and the Permafrost people are the humans of the Kingdom of Gula and the Permafrost Council.

In the Holy Life Alliance, humans are just slave lives, so they are called slaves.

"Oh, do you have anything new there lately?" the female lizard man said, attracting everyone around her.

Tigermen, Pigmen, Mondo Behemoths, Elf Landwalkers...

All the intelligent beings doing various things cast their gaze over.

In Dreadnaught Tower, it is easier to get in than to get out.

Although they had a great opportunity to enter the Fearless Tower, they were imprisoned here. Unless there was a being like Legend who could break the space, they would not be able to get out.

Of course, if possible, you can also ask Andrew to send the person out, if the person has that much energy.

"Something new?" Lin Ke was stunned, then remembered the closed environment of the Fearless Tower, and then took out a basic newspaper from the space ring.

The eyes of these people were immediately attracted.

"What's this?"

"This seems to be a book created by the Gullah people. I saw it in a laboratory of black and white people on a certain level... Well, but why didn't I feel the wail of animal souls?"

"This is made of plants! Hey, it's interesting. It has a knotty tree and a lucky flower..."

These people gathered around, then pointed at the newspaper in Lin Ke's hand, and even the Elf Dixing Cao opened his mouth and took a lick, and then distinguished the ingredients in the book.

"This is for reading, but the content is different." Lin Ke handed it to the lizard man and touched her head: "Read it slowly."

After saying that, he left.

This lizard man looked like a little girl, and the look in her eyes was very pure, so Lin Ke quite liked her.

The big-eyed lizard man suddenly widened his already big eyes, feeling that Lin Ke's action of touching her head just now was the first time in her thirty-five thousand six hundred and twenty-seven years.

It feels good!

Then the next moment, she heard the pig man next to her exclaim: "Huh huh huh! What is this!"

She read on and immediately saw a big headline that read: "Wedding of the Century! Witnessed by the God of Love!"

The following five are the lingua franca of Nasenge: Dahuang Entertainment News.

As a result, several newspapers were quickly "divided up", and everyone was holding a newspaper to read.

The experiment that was originally very interesting in their eyes was put aside and they didn't bother to touch it again.

Lin Ke left the room.

Now he probably understands that there are rules for teleportation in various areas of the Fearless Tower.

Because he saw a string of Nassenger numbers in the experimental room just now.

It is estimated to be similar to regions, blocks, longitude and latitude ranges, etc.

When he was in Dahuang and Azane, the corresponding area he teleported to was this laboratory.

Opening the door, Lin Ke drove smoothly to an "elevator".

This time, there is no cat person to guide him, but his memories of when he was six years old are also very clear at this time.

Using the ability of the weapon spirit, or the ability of the tower spirit, Lin Ke stepped onto the magic ladder, and then began to walk up quickly.

Soon we reached the top floor.

Room zero.

Lin Ke stepped forward and knocked on the door.


"Lin Ke is here? Come in quickly."

When Andrew's voice came out, there was a feeling of irritability, just like when Lin Ke met Andrew for the first time.

A grumpy old man.

The door was unlocked, so Lin Ke opened the door and entered a room that was exactly the same as the one he had visited ten years ago.

Andrew was sitting at the table, his legs empty.

And in the air in front of him, there were three groups of light that looked like fine sand floating.

Star-level divinity?

"Come here and watch." Andrew didn't have so many greetings or concerns, he was very direct.

Lin Ke immediately walked over and stared at the three star-level gods.

"Look, this is the star-level divinity, the crystallization of the divine path." Andrew pointed to three:

"The divinity of 'Noble Inheritance', the divinity of 'War and Peace', and the divinity of 'Luck'."

Three divinities!

In the air, three divinities floated slowly under Andrew's will.

"I couldn't find knowledge, leadership and luck, so I could only rely on these three similar divinities to try." Andrew explained.

Lin Ke was silent.

Ruiwen can know his bloodline, and it is reasonable for Andrew to know it.

Well, very reasonable.

As if sensing Lin Ke's emotions, Andrew glanced at him: "You kid, why have you been so wary since you were a child?"

Lin Ke scratched his head and said nothing.

But what Andrew did at this time was obviously related to him.

"Don't listen to what those idiots Wu Mian and Rui Wen say, and don't rush to make a breakthrough."

Who knew that Andrew's next words would startle Lin Ke.

It’s not that Wu Mian and Rui Wen are idiots, there probably aren’t many people who are not idiots in Andrew’s eyes.

But...don't be in a hurry to break through?

"You are very nice and cautious, unlike those two reckless men." Andrew slowly shook his head: "As a [scholar], how can you use 'what others say' to decide matters of exploring the world? [Scholar]'s

Exploration has always been about practice and demonstration.”

Andrew's words shocked Lin Ke.

Explore! Evidence!

I know I must do this!

Seek truth from facts!


As a fellow [scholar], Lin Ke actually listened to other people's ideas on such an important matter as a breakthrough!

And it’s just two people!

Not only the superior, not only the book, but only the reality.

Even Emperor Wu Mian and Rui Wen cannot use their experience directly.

It's easy to fall into empiricism and dogmatism.

If we follow the path of Emperor Wu Mian, perhaps the highest achievement will be that of Emperor Wu Mian, and that's not necessarily the case.

The same is true according to Raven.

Only by following your own path and fully stimulating your own potential can you make your own way!

"I see……"

This chapter has been completed!
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