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Chapter 471 Army, Air Force, Elemental Army!

"Lin Ke, then I will build it now."

Li Guanmobi smiled: "I think building an aircraft carrier can also get a lot of feedback, hahaha!"

"Also pay attention to rest." Lin Ke nodded.

So Liguan Mobi resigned.

Lin Ke thought about it on the spot and made sure there were no omissions in the arrangement.

The top priority is to solve the pollution treatment in Dahuang City and stabilize the ecological environment.

You must know that it has not been long since the Great Desolate City became the Great Desolate Plane, but in this short period of time, the water in the river may have almost turned into swill.

If it weren't for some purification skills, the city would have been filled with plague and disease.

But this is not a long-term solution after all.

The army began to gather natural trees, stabilized the ecological environment, and at least stabilized the water quality. After the water source was clean, the problem of over-reproduction and over-breeding of World of Warcraft would be solved.

Of course, the solution is not some bullshit strategy of one or three babies.

It's commodity dumping.

Just open up a few more planes and sell all the mounts and goods there.

So, this is the process during this period.

Expedition, war, harvest, return, stability, development, dumping, another expedition, another war, another harvest...

"Damn it, it's the right path for great powers!" Lin Ke couldn't help but whisper, with a bit of a tone like the Duke of Hurricane.

Isn’t this cycle just primitive and bloody capital accumulation?

After all, he became a great power in his previous life!

Lin Ke's eyebrows rose with joy.

"What great powers?" Just when Lin Ke was secretly laughing, a voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

Lin Ke looked over.

Dark girl!

"No, the great powers are just the powerful ones... Hey, hey, wait, don't take off your clothes! I'll go back and report to Rika first... um... why it's c, aren't you a... um..."

The next day, the weather was fine.

Everyone in Dahuang City is sharpening their swords and their fighting spirit is high.

Of course, this fighting spirit is not only shown in the arena, but also in the Great Library, the Wonderful Place, the Grand Shopping Mall and the People's Square.

In the large library, professionals who originally studied other knowledge began to browse and borrow books about nature, forests, the countries in the far west, battles, and wars.

In this magical place, the variety of performances has been reduced, and there have been many more military, battle and heroic performances and speeches.

In large shopping malls, weapons sellers, material merchants, store managers and other professionals can make a lot of money.

The entire deserted city was transformed into a terrifying war machine.

The Lava Territory was mobilized at this time and became the War Territory.

And just today, countless people suddenly looked up and saw the aircraft that covered the sky and the sun.

"Look, what is that?!"

Some passers-by pointed to the sky.

In fact, no one needs to point.

At this time, a group of flying unknown objects appeared in the sky.

It looks like a bird, but it doesn't flap its wings.

It's like a sea ship, but it's flying high in the sky.

Everyone looked at those large and small ships and were speechless for a moment.

It's not that Nassenger didn't build ships.

However, compared to wasting time and effort on building ships, Nassenger prefers to use "biological power".

For example, raising a monster in the sea, or taking a part-time job in a profession that allows free movement in the water.

It's like people here have never thought of building flying machines.

Why build an aircraft?

Time-consuming, laborious and fragile.

Once you reach level 15, you can naturally fly. You can fly however you want.

Even if you haven't reached level 15, isn't it okay to buy a level 15 monster at a high price? Why build an aircraft?

This is what most people think.

Why do you think so?

Just like drought and water shortage, and wanting rain.

Nasenger and Lin Ke had two ways of dealing with it in their previous lives.

Just like Lin Ke's previous life.

Instead of praying for rain, dancing to gods, praying to the Dragon King, etc., in the short term, it is better to directly bombard the sky with artificial rainfall. In the long term, we should manage the ecology, water and soil, and protect the environment.

There, science is the only thing, and all other things are deceptive tricks. Everything that works is basically a far-fetched coincidence.

The lower the education level, the more useful the superstition is.

And what about Nasung?

Sorry, what is science?

Water shortage? No rainfall?

You can just ask a few professionals who can control the water element to gather the water element to rain.

The differences in the fundamental rules and laws of the two worlds have resulted in people's almost completely different thinking and methods in natural science.

Fortunately, Lin Ke can "combine Chinese and Western styles".

A group of strong men above level 15 traveled thousands of miles to fight. How could it be as convenient as flying in an aircraft?

Moreover, the various ship guns and defense methods on the aircraft are simply a flying fortress.

It’s much more effective than a group of strong men going directly to fight!

Therefore, those ships in the sky came into being.


Aircraft carriers and aircraft carriers!

The aircraft carrier does not look like a ship, but like a flying disk. In the center of the flying disk is a protruding magic tower, and inside the edge of the flying disk are various "seats" and "turrets".

The same goes for aircraft carriers.

It looks like a smaller Frisbee, without the magic tower. In the center of the Frisbee are three places for people to stand, with three crystal balls on them, responsible for "attack", "defense" and "control" respectively.

Those responsible for "attacking" the crystal ball must be turret-type professionals with powerful output.

The person responsible for "defending" the crystal ball must be outstanding in terms of human shields.

As for the "control" crystal ball, it is not only responsible for receiving commands from the mothership, but also needs to control the sub-ship to move around, move forward and backward. Currently, the ideal one is the [Knight], a knight who uses the sub-ship as a mount.

This is the result of a night of discussion between Lin Ke and Li Guanmobi!

"People of the Great Wilderness, I am City Hall John..."

At this time, John's voice sounded from the Great Wilderness Tower and spread throughout the city.

"The preparations for our Great Desert City have been completed. Now, the army recruitment has officially begun!"

"This recruitment is divided into Army, Air Force, and Elemental Army! Recruited soldiers have corresponding requirements. If you encounter intelligent beings who want to sign up for recruitment, please go to the corresponding location!"

"The Army recruitment office is next to the Arena, the Air Force recruitment office is next to the Wonderful Place, and the Elemental Army recruitment office is next to the shopping mall!"

"The relevant requirements are..."

"Army, soldiers fighting on land, recruiters can specifically be: knights, sword and shield warriors, archers..."

"For the Air Force, soldiers who fight in the sky, void and star realm, the recruitment requirements are: professionals with level ten or above, priority will be given to those with level fifteen or above, and those with experience in the void or astral realm will be given priority..."

"The Elemental Army is a soldier who fights in specific planes or areas such as oceans, magma, minefields, hurricanes, etc. The relevant requirements are: proficiency in the use of relevant elements in a certain combat area, and occupations or deputies are also related to this..."

"Relevant requirements for soldier recruitment in Dahuang City have been distributed to various shops, neighborhood committees, and street offices!"

"Now, on behalf of the great and supreme Duke of Lava, I announce that the conscription has begun!"

This chapter has been completed!
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