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Chapter 501 The Code is established!

Lin Ke heard a sentence in his previous life——

The body is like morning dew, it can also reflect the brilliance of the morning sun.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s “born like” or “body like”. What matters is the meaning in this sentence.

And he has always believed that even dust has a meaning.

People who thought they were as humble as dust in their previous lives can still shine with the light of wisdom and humanity.

Ordinary people can also become great people.

Therefore, even though Lin Ke lives in Nasenger, a world where individual power is disparate, he will not give up on ordinary people.

In the eyes of other lords, perhaps ordinary people, herdsmen, farmers, ants, maggots, etc. are all equated.

But Lin Ke knows best how powerful these people, who can be equated with ants and maggots, can burst out.

This kind of power refers not only to force, but also creativity, thinking power, moral power, etc.

At this time, what Lin Ke has to do is to promulgate a code to protect all citizens of the wilderness!

Lava Codex and Scarlet Codex!

The Lava Codex is internal and the Scarlet Codex is external!

The sun sets on the top of Dahuang Tower.

Lin Ke stood on the top platform, with a large number of Dahuang citizens waiting in the square below.

Those in the know will know that today is the day when the code is announced!

The spring cold had not yet passed, and everyone looked above their heads eagerly, but could not see anything.

Suddenly, the huge round bell hanging on the top of the Great Wilderness Tower rang.


This clock is also produced by the Great Wilderness. It is also a magic item. It chimes the time on the hour, and the sound of the time can be heard throughout the Great Wilderness plane.

It's six o'clock in the afternoon!

Only the light and shadow of Lin Ke's upper body were displayed between the sky and the earth through his optical skills, which was very conspicuous.

"People of the Great Wilderness, I am Lin Ke, Duke of Lava." Lin Ke first revealed his identity, and then said: "In the war half a month ago, we achieved a great victory and crushed the hostile force of the Forest Lodge!"

As soon as these words came out, cheers came and went, shaking the sky.

"Victory! Great victory!"

"Those people should be killed! Or they should all become slaves!"

"With the lava above, Master Lin Ke is invincible!"

The citizens of Dahuang cheered.

Although they had received the news before, everyone was still excited when they heard the official announcement.

So excited!

Dahuang City is invincible!

"...In addition, I will declare something that was voted on by the Great Wasteland Council before the war, and that is the law!"

Before the war, Lin Ke convened a meeting of the Great Wilderness Council and held a vote.

Voters and participants come from randomly selected people from all walks of life in Dahuang City.

Lin Ke briefly introduced the process, allowing everyone to immediately understand the key points of the relevant system...

"This is what Aunt Sophia of the Street Office said two days ago, equality, justice and fairness, right?"

"That's right! Lord Lin Ke's kindness is known to the entire Nasenge!"

"Nonsense! Master Lin Ke's kindness is famous in countless planes in the heavens and star realms!"

The citizens chatted happily.

Although it was only a few words, they felt that under Lin Ke's words, their souls had been sublimated. They felt as if they were untied from the ropes, and their thoughts felt relaxed.

"...So, today, we will promulgate two codes. From now on, all matters in the Lava Territory will be determined by internal laws, and external matters in the Lava Territory will refer to external laws!"

Lin Ke raised the lava scepter in his hand and waved it.

Originally, there were two stone tablets in Dahuang and Azan, which were originally simple legal stone tablets.

At this time, two giant stone tablets rose from the ground and stood on top of the original two tablets.

It's like a new inscription was born out of these two simple inscriptions.

In the end, the four stone tablets merged together two by two and became a new stone tablet.

There are words engraved on them in the common language of Naseng.

Lava Method - "The Great Wilderness Code"!

Lava Law - "The Scarlet Code"!

The "Great Wilderness Code" stands outside the city hall, and the "Bright Red Code" stands at the customs outside the Great Wilderness plane.

The scepter is a magic item that the duke and grand duke have been given power by the [King]. It is not a decoration.

Holding the scepter means that Lin Ke has the power of a duke in his territory, which is extremely powerful.

It's no big deal to make something like a stone tablet.

Of course, when Lin Ke made the announcement, he suddenly received a burst of feedback from the plane.

Not only Lin Ke, but also [Judge] Diana!

As the first comprehensive, in-depth, and clear legal clauses in the Nasenge plane, it is even more suitable to be called law than the laws of the Black and White Kingdom, the Holy Life Alliance, and the Eternal Frozen Chamber!

Nasenge is accustomed to being power-based, so the laws of the Black and White Kingdom can be said to be laws, but when it comes to the local lords and nobles, it has changed beyond recognition.

Outside the kingdom of black and white, it is even worse.

We never talk about laws, except for the most basic code of conduct, which is to respect strength.

As the inventor of a complete legal framework, Lin Ke received a lot of feedback on [Inventor].

And Diana, as the actual implementer, content filler and builder, has received a lot of feedback.

However, Lin Ke was used to receiving feedback, and the optical image disappeared after the acquisition was completed.

Dahuang City was plunged into cheers.

After finishing his speech, Lin Ke immediately left from the top of the Great Wilderness Tower.

Dahuang City burst into cheers, and Lin Ke quickly came to the ground, disappeared, and then rode his bicycle named "Physics" and whizzed past in the sky.

The wheel of "physics" rotated very fast due to Lin Ke's efforts, and electric light was radiating. Due to Lin Ke's absorption, the surrounding heat formed an ice path of frost, but it also melted away instantly.

Then, Lin Ke went all the way to the trading center of the large shopping mall.

The place was full of people, and everyone was cheering for his speech just now.

Lin Ke entered Madam Montenegro's studio invisibly.

"How is Montenegro?" Lin Ke asked: "Is the first batch of goods ready?"

Mrs. Montenegro in front of her is still like a "Black Mountain" as always, but the light in her eyes and the pen and paper in her hand show that she is busy at work.

But Lin Ke also came here because of her work.

"Sir Lin Ke." Mrs. Heishan immediately stopped what she was doing and came over with a pen and paper: "The goods have been determined, but the form still needs to be confirmed."

Lin Ke took the pen and paper and read it carefully. From time to time, he would discuss it with Heishan and settle on some issues.

There are a series of issues such as cargo type, batch, route, escort, etc.

It also includes emergencies encountered in various cities on the road, etc.

And this time, the Great Wilderness Road not only has the official team of Great Wilderness City, but also a series of merchants.

This chapter has been completed!
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