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Chapter 503: Recruitment of film personnel


John thought for a moment and thought of the origin of this word from the conversation between Lin Ke and himself.

Images animated by electrical energy.

However, Lin Ke also said that it can also be activated with magic energy.

"Master, I understand." Thinking of the movie, John naturally found what Lin Ke said in his memory: "I will recruit people now."

"Well, first step, let me do the interview." Lin Ke thought for a while: "As for the positions, let's set up these positions. Let's recruit three directors, two screenwriters, ten lighting engineers, five makeup artists...


John memorized it silently, without using pen and paper. This was one of the effects of [Butler]. He could remember more clearly what the people he was loyal to said.

"...That's all, just find a place and I'll come for an interview. Well, you watch how I interview, and you also learn how to interview, otherwise it would be a waste of time just to talk to you."

Lin Kedao: "You ask a few people from the Ministry of Culture to go together. In the future, the production and distribution of movies will also need to go through their hands..."

"Okay." John nodded and immediately went down to prepare.

Lin Ke meditated, but only for a while. He meditated for an hour and then stopped.

Andrew's elemental capture meditation method improves his capture speed, digestion speed, etc., allowing him to feed more elements to his profession in the same time.

Now he usually only feeds those professions that are needed.

Like [Scientist], he has stopped feeding to avoid inexplicable breakthroughs.

Not long after, John came over and said it was ready and very efficient.

The location is in a vacant shop on the second floor of the historical district.

The goal of the Great Wilderness Tower is too big. If Lin Ke appears, there will be another wave of star-chasing activities, and the impact will be too great.

So John chose this place very thoughtfully. He is the person who understands Lin Ke best. In a sense, he understands it better than Garose, Fron, and Lika.

When we arrived at the store, there was already a long queue outside.

These are the people who were specially notified by John. It is not enough that they are ordinary people. They also need to be people who have not committed crimes.

People from the Ministry of Culture also arrived and were placed in the room, waiting to learn the methods and key points of interviewing film crews. They will also use them when they need to shoot new movies, or for future production and distribution.

Lin Ke and John walked invisibly. The interior was decorated like a classroom. Behind them were rows of people from the Ministry of Culture. Lin Ke's seat was at the front and in the middle.

Before the location, there is a simple stage.

When Lin Ke and John came in, everyone in the cultural department stood up, beat their chests and saluted, all with excited expressions.

Lin Ke and John returned the greeting and then took their seats.

After thinking for a while, Lin Ke raised the lava scepter and pointed outside.

As a result, rows of seats immediately appeared in the originally empty corridor outside.

When the excited interviewers outside didn't know what was happening, Lin Ke's voice rang out:

"Everyone takes a seat first, and then enters in order. After the actors enter, the two sessions, the talent show and the designated topic performance, are each timed for one minute. After the director enters, the live Q&A and on-site question solving are each timed for one minute. The lighting engineer...


Lin Ke's voice was heard in the corridor, but not outside the corridor.

The interviewers suddenly fell silent.

They have a piece of Azan paper in their hands, on which they have filled in their general situation and the position they want to interview for.

They all have the positions they want, but there are nearly a hundred people here, and there are only so many people to recruit, so the competition is quite fierce.

So each of them began to think silently in their hearts, thinking about how they should pass the test later.

"...These are roughly the rules. Now, please come in for the first interviewer."

Lin Ke took back the lava scepter, and the discussion outside stopped.

He took the paper handed over by John and looked at the first person who came in.

"Hello everyone, I am interviewer No. 1 Hitler. I am applying for the position of an actor. My talent show is..."

The first person who came in was a girl. She was quite articulate, but she looked ordinary, a bit like a simple country girl.

So upon entering, the eyes of the officials from the Ministry of Culture changed.

Too ordinary!

So simple!

This is just a village girl!

Of course, they are also trying their best to get rid of this kind of prejudice, because Lin Ke once wrote in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" that good-looking and ugly people cannot be used as a criterion for a person's kindness or intelligence.

As people from the Ministry of Culture, they are all working with people from the Azane Theater Company. The people there used to be maids and male servants, but after so many years of edification and maintenance, their temperament has changed.

They also didn't know why Lin Ke didn't look for those "actors" who were excellent in drama performances, but instead looked for newcomers.

After Hitler performed a mediocre dance within thirty seconds, Lin Ke nodded slightly: "Now, if there is a person in front of you who wants to kill you, that person is so vicious that you are completely unmatched, and you are about to face

Being massacred, you have no strength to escape and fall to the ground, eyes full of fear...how are you going to perform?"

Is there a person who wants to kill someone now?

The people at the Ministry of Culture were thoughtful, and the girl in front of them also gave an answer.

Hitler fell to the ground with a "bang", gasping for breath, looking at the blank space diagonally above, as if there was something there:

"No...no...don't come here!"

Her voice contained grievance, fear, and powerlessness, and the next moment, tears welled up in her eyes.

She frantically tried to retreat on the ground, but her legs were already weak from fear, so she could only arch her back on the ground.

This is a girl who was cornered by a crazy murderer.

The eyes of all the officials from the Ministry of Culture lit up.


This ordinary-looking rural girl Hitler almost perfectly performed the scene described by Lin Ke!

Lin Ke also nodded with satisfaction: "There are some flaws and some unnaturalness, but the overall performance is very good. You can sit in the back and wait."

Sitting in the back also allows them to become familiar with the skills of other interviewers, which may be helpful.

So, Hitler went to the back position to do his job.

Although her acting skills were good, Hitler didn't seem so open and she sat in a corner shyly.


Lin Ke's voice spread, and then a little girl walked in...

Gradually, two hours passed and everyone had finished the interview.

Lin Ke held the paper in his hand and was very satisfied.

The people he recruited were just blank slates.

The people in the Azane Troupe already have muscle memory, and they also have careers.

But these people are different.

"Everyone goes back to prepare today. By the way, take this manuscript back and look at it. The name we are going to play is..."

"Schindler's List!"

This chapter has been completed!
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