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Chapter 504 Start shooting! The ability of the makeup artist!

"Schindler's List", this movie can be said to be a very thought-provoking anti-war movie in its previous life.

The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Australian novelist Thomas Keneally.

It tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a German in Poland who hired more than 1,100 Jews to work in his factory during World War II and helped them escape the massacre.

This is a classic anti-war movie, just like "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Godfather", "Farewell My Concubine" and other movies, it is very thought-provoking.

It just so happened that many residents in the city still wanted to carry out mass murder and extermination.

After all, if Princess Mist, Li Guan Mobi and the others were not there, the Great Desert City would have been directly evaporated and massacred.

I hope that this movie can slightly reduce the war-loving mood of the people in the territory.

He is not afraid of fighting, but he is not wary.

Farm with peace of mind, operate and develop with peace of mind, and make life better.

We do not fight for the sake of war, we do not make money for the sake of making money, and we do not improve and develop science and technology for the sake of improving science and technology.

Lin Ke's thoughts have always been to fight for life, make money, improve and develop technology.

You can't put the cart before the horse.

He believes that most people also want to live a good life, and as for blood, struggle, etc., they can be realized in the arena.

Therefore, use the movie "Schindler's List" to awaken the conscience of the citizens.

Film critics in previous lives said that this film's editing techniques, unique camerawork, and in-depth description of the inner world of the protagonists in the film are all top-notch.

Although Schindler in the film saved more than a thousand Jews, his portrayal was not perfect, but full of complex character.

Not only does he have the characteristics of a speculator, this complex and even shameless character also reflects human nature and conscience in war.

"Schindler's List" is a play whose seriousness of thought and extraordinary artistic expression have reached an almost insurmountable depth.

Schindler also represents the human conscience that has not been completely swallowed up by war.

Therefore, if Lin Ke wants to make this movie, he needs some authenticity.

What authenticity?

In the movie, the experience of the Jews was very miserable, and it was difficult for those pampered actors to portray that feeling.

After all, everyone's skin is white and tender, and their eyes are full of intelligence. How can they feel numb and desperate after being persecuted?

But today’s group of actors are different!

They are not [actors], but people who were rejected by the drama troupe before because of their appearance, figure, and height. They are ordinary people who have no good jobs so far.

Anyone with good acting skills was accepted by Lin Ke.

Next, the movies will be released one by one, and there will not be enough actors.

Even Azan's major troupes may have to act in movies in the future. After all, compared to novels, dramas and other arts, movies have a wider audience. People can understand them regardless of whether they can read or not, and whether they have artistic accomplishments, and the lenses and special effects are more advanced.


So, everything was prepared and the movie was ready to start shooting.

Outside Dahuang City, there is a factory.

This is the shooting location.

Lin Ke plans to achieve more scenes through some magic and skills.

For example, illusion magic is a unique magic derived from water magic and light magic.

As for skills, we don’t have them yet. When the [Director] profession comes out later, the skills will probably be almost there, so we’ll talk about it then.

"So, you are now a group of banshees and witches in the forest cabin who are about to be recruited. You are just ordinary people. But at this time, the Rat Man Lord of the Holy Life Alliance wants to implement a massacre strategy against you. Schindler is

A factory owner..."

Lin Ke changed the names of the countries in the background, and the evil one was naturally named after the Holy Life Alliance.

Most of the other names are copied from the original names, such as Schindler.

The actors listened to Lin Ke's explanation and were stunned for a while.

"But...but we are not banshees and witches!" A little girl in red clothes pointed at herself: "Master Lin Ke, we are human race!"

"I know." Lin Xiao smiled: "But the makeup artist will put makeup on for you."

He pointed to a middle-aged man in the crowd.

This man was raised by a certain young lord in the Mantis Territory to apply foundation on his face.

But because he couldn't meet the requirements of the perverted Lord, he was fired. Later, he worked as a clothes coloring in a city in Azane. Because he had a good understanding of colors, he had a good reputation.

"Sir Lin Ke." This middle-aged man looked serious, and it seemed that he had something painted on his face, which made him look very serious, but his voice was a bit flattering, and his eyes were full of flattery.

This is makeup!

The quality of makeup can even affect a person's temperament. A person's original flattering temperament can be abruptly changed through shadows, face shape, facial lines, etc.

"Give makeup to the corresponding character." Lin Ke nodded to the makeup artist: "I believe you have memorized the characteristics of each character. Now, go do your makeup yourself. Once you have done your makeup, we will start the first scene.

of filming.”

"Yes, Master Lin Ke." The makeup artist immediately took out a leather briefcase produced by Dahuang, and then started applying makeup one by one starting from around him.

Lin Ke began to teach several younger people from the Ministry of Culture, mainly directors and screenwriters.

Because it is a newly emerging profession, Lin Ke needs to teach these things carefully. He should talk about it first and let them realize it on their own when they can do it.

After a while, the middle-aged man had already put on makeup.

"Lord Lin Ke, I have completed the task." The man stood aside with a low eyebrow.

Lin Ke looked over and his eyes suddenly lit up.

There are actually many differences between hybrid enchantresses and banshees, and purebred enchantresses, banshees, and humans.

These differences are reflected in skin, blood, appearance, eyes, etc.

And this makeup artist, just by using makeup tools, was able to make it look fake and real.

Of course, this kind of fakeness can be easily exposed. For example, the beautiful girl made of green cicada wings can only be simply covered, and the powder applied on the face is not the same as the enchantress and the girl.

The natural blue-white color of demon skin is different.

But for a mortal, it's really pretty good.

"It's really good." Lin Ke praised: "If something happens later, you can come see me."

John must have investigated the identity and origin of this makeup artist, and with this talent, Lin Ke was willing to give him a chance.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin Ke, thank you, Mr. Lin Ke!" The makeup artist was so excited that he thanked her repeatedly.

He knows that the opportunity has come, the opportunity to become a professional has come!

Lin Ke, on the other hand, looked at the many "banshees" and "enchantresses".

"First act, shooting begins!"

This chapter has been completed!
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