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Chapter 519 Preparations for the second film!

"It seems that movies have the highest profit margins and shareholder returns..."

Lin Ke touched his chin and thought about whether to continue filming the movie.

Good movies can give people spiritual strength.

Maybe it's salvation, maybe it's freedom, maybe it's hope, maybe it's love...

Various suicide incidents in previous lives illustrate that the soul is the absolute power that supports a person's progress.

People who are so depressed will not be able to survive without a turn of events.

Although there is no guarantee that people who have the desire to survive will survive, they can still have a glimmer of hope even in desperate situations.

"Well, the people in the Propaganda Department and the Culture Department should have learned enough from last time."

Lin Ke thought for a while and said to Mrs. Montenegro: "Make five thousand copies of the movie "Schindler's List". They should be familiar with the forging methods. Next, prepare to shoot the second movie."

Mrs. Montenegro nodded: "Okay, sir, what type of movie is it?"

She also watched "Schindler's List" and was deeply shocked and moved by it.

She admits that the power of movies is like a banshee's howl that continues to weaken in power, or the kind that is legendary and can cleanse the soul.

She has become a movie fan, and is also fascinated by the little girl and Schindler in it. She even secretly went to see these actors and chased the stars up close.

Therefore, she curiously asked Lin Ke: "Sir Lin Ke, what is the name of the next movie?"

Lin Ke smiled: ""Inception"."

"Stealing dreams...space?" Mrs. Montenegro was a little confused and didn't understand what it meant: "Stealing the space of people's dreams? Is this the kind of documentary you mentioned?"

Mrs. Montenegro remembered that Lin Ke had accidentally mentioned before that documentaries were meant to record some real natural wonders or humanistic culture.

A space dedicated to stealing people's dreams is quite interesting.

"No, it's not a documentary, it's a seduction film." Lin Xiao smiled: "We have an idealistic dream master here!"

After knowing that movies are a creation of vision, hearing and spiritual perception, I wonder if anyone will take the bait?

There is a new building in Dahuang City!

No, maybe it's not a new building, but a new store——


There are cinemas in several main urban areas in the southeast, northwest, and Wonderland also has a dedicated cinema screening room. There is also a cinema on the top floor of a large shopping mall.

Everyone was curious about what this was,

Because Lin Ke often comes up with all kinds of weird, but very practical and interesting things, almost every citizen of Dahuang is full of curiosity and acceptance of new things, as well as the ability to explore.

As soon as the door opened, many people came to visit.

"Hello, our cinema currently only has one movie called "Schindler's List". Do you need it?"

There was a front desk in front of the cinema. There were two people inside, and there was a long queue in front of them.

"Hey, you seem to be the [ticket seller] from before?" The person who came to buy tickets looked at the person selling movie tickets in confusion: "Is it that grand event at the big stadium? I am very familiar with your scent."

"I do. This profession was bestowed upon me by Mr. Lin Ke... Also, sir, there is still a long queue behind you. Do you need to buy a ticket?"


"How many Mr. Zhang? How to pay?"

"Three! My wife and I also..."

"How do you pay sir?"

"ID card!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the [ticket seller] in front of him waved and handed out three movie tickets, and then the customer's body flashed in front of him and came to the entrance of the cinema.

The customer turned around and heard some similar conversations coming from inside.

"Sir, do you need movie tickets? Currently, there is only "Schindler's List" here. You can buy popcorn right next door!"

"Well, what are you selling here? What is a movie?"

"Movies are..."

Listening to these conversations, the customer smiled, shook his head, and left with three movie tickets.

This situation happens in every movie theater.

New thing!

And the screening was Lin Ke's latest work "Schindler's List"!

You know, Lord Lava Lin is not only a great lord, but also a famous [artist]!

Every year, a large number of people buy Lin Ke's works, such as "Notre Dame de Paris" adapted from his previous life, and some of Lin Ke's paintings.

As for the original manuscripts of the music, they are all kept by a diva who was once a maid, and they are rarely exposed.

In the Wonderful Land, the works that Lin Ke once serialized and adapted from his previous life, "Coiling the Dragon" and "Fights Break the Sphere", are also being performed by real people, and every performance is packed with seats.

In particular, some female channels are attracted to female intelligent beings, including female tauren and female quilboars.

And precisely because of these artistic and literary achievements, Master Lin Ke became the elegant Master Lin Ke in the mouths of many noble young women, surpassing many [writers] and [painters] in one fell swoop.

As for the music?

Lin Ke can also be regarded as the father of Nasung's "modern" music.

Most modern music is composed of choirs from various temples, farmers and bards in the fields.

The choirs all praised the gods in the same way, but after the gods in Nasunge basically disappeared, there were not so many praises from the choirs.

There are a lot of hummings by old farmers in the fields, but most of them are humming and barking randomly, or they are learning the sounds made by animals.

As for the bards, this is probably the main source of music for Nasung.

It's just that the kind of music system through chanting, crooning, etc. is really not as good as the music system that Lin Ke created.

Coupled with the invention of musical instruments, Lin Ke's reputation has reached a higher level.

Therefore, the movie "Schindler's List" has been sought after by countless people!

The music, pictures, plot, etc. in it make the most fashionable people in the whole continent fascinated.

When news spread that Lin Ke was going to film a movie, countless people thought it was a bit strange.

As for acting, just go to a wonderful place to watch it.

Even if you don't go to the magical place, you can still buy the complete collection of "The Snake Ring" and take it home to watch.

But many Lin Ke fans are still looking forward to it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the movie came out, it was made into a movie photo stone and sold!

And it's not in Dahuang City, but on the trade route from Dahuang City to Forest Lodge called the "Great Wilderness Road".

As a result, countless nobles, young women, women, etc. took action.

The few photo stones were purchased in an instant.

Moreover, when buying movie recording stones, I also bought some local specialties that came to trade on the Great Wilderness Road, which promoted local development.

And now, something called a movie theater has been opened in Dahuang City!

How can you not see this?

This chapter has been completed!
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