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Chapter 541 Lin Ke's speech!

But there is nothing we can do now. Mathematics seems to be inherently difficult for others.

Resha didn’t understand, but he felt that it would be perfect if others could feel the beauty of mathematics.


Resha thought of the young genius "Gabriel" in the eyes of others, and realized that mathematics was indeed not acceptable to everyone.

Not like physics.

knowledge is power.

Physics is simply a treasure for many [scholars]!

That's why elective courses are so attractive.

It's a pity that Resha was originally very interested in physics, but now he had no choice but to choose something else.

There are many candidates for physics, chemistry and other fields, but I am not very interested in knights and other fields.

After finally choosing, Resha turned to another subject.

It has nothing to do with natural subjects and is called humanities.

There are few people in the humanities!

However, several currently popular fields in the humanities are also filled with candidates.

Finance, wealth and finance, etiquette...

They respectively correspond to several well-known powerful people, the goddess of finance, the goddess of wealth and the noble gentleman.

However, Resha saw another course...

In economics...Nassenger's traditional economy and new economy!

There is also a subtitle below - Based on Linco Economic Theory and Model.

Lin Ke economic theory and model!

When Resha saw this, he watched helplessly as the numbers at the back of the course changed from 0/200 to 117/200, then to 194/200...

Resha's eyes widened and he instantly chose this elective course.

Suddenly, the numbers at the end of the course changed to 200/200.

Just because of the word "Lin Ke", it became so popular!

Resha felt that he could come up with a "Linke effect".

Looking at the elective time that was filled up in the first month of the course schedule, Resha also breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, I am looking forward to the opening lecture in the evening.

Speaker - Lin Ke!

In Dahuang University, the originally empty planes and spaces were filled with people.

"Your Highness, are you satisfied with these buildings?"

[Architect] Wei Luen stood behind Lin Ke, looking at the buildings of the main campus, very proud.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Lin Ke turned around, picked up a "Freshman Handbook" and flipped through it casually: "Over at the School of Architecture, Master Ye Boar is still unwilling to teach?"

"Yes, Your Highness." Verun's face condensed: "The Holy Life Alliance seems to be targeting you overtly or covertly."

"Hmph, the Wumian Emperor took a break recently, and these rats jumped out." Lin Ke's eyes flashed with light: "Since those people don't join now, they will be permanently blacklisted by Dahuang University and will never be hired in the future."

"Okay." Verun also narrowed his eyes.

"Master! It's about to begin!"

At this moment, John came in and whispered to Lin Ke: "The dean, deputy dean, professors, associate professors, lecturers and other staff are all ready, and the students are also in place."

Lin Ke nodded and said to Verun: "Let's go, together."

With that said, the three of them walked outside together.

This is the principal's office.

After coming out, there were smooth ceramic tiles everywhere. If Lin Ke hadn't known that this was Dahuang University, he might have thought he had returned to Earth.

The three of them quickly walked into the corridor, walked downstairs, and went outside.

This is an office, an office building.

Outside the office building, there is an ordinary lawn with no fountains or gardens. It is just located in a very clean place.

After walking north for a while, there were people rushing in the same direction along the way.

Great auditorium!

Although punctuality is a virtue, it seems that college students, whether in previous lives or now, are prone to being late.

Lin Ke and the others hid their figures and hurried to the auditorium.

Lin Ke also looked around casually along the way, and it did feel like he was in a dream.

Just like how he used to wake up late in college and rush to class with his roommates, fearing that he would be deducted for being late for roll call.

Many people around him were like this, rushing for fear of being late for his lecture.

Of course, there are some obvious differences.

Not far away, there was a Frostwolf student moving his limbs very quickly, carrying a schoolbag on his back, panting as he hurried on.

Several tree people from the conifer tribe were also running as hard as they could, but the speed was terrible and leaves were scattered all over the ground.

A jackal rushed in front of everyone with a few big jumps, and there was still about ten levels of magic power fluctuations on his body.

Rushing to class now is completely different from the previous life!

Lin Ke even saw someone riding a group of reindeer, then tied the reindeer to a "parking space" on the roadside, and entered the auditorium under the envious eyes of everyone.

Having a mount is equivalent to raising one more person. Only good families have this condition.

There is a "Knight" major in Dahuang University, so it is impossible for Lin to directly prohibit these students from bringing mounts, and there may be a trend of comparison in the future.

But for now, these are minor matters.

Lin Ke only felt that as the president of such a university, he was really afraid that one day he would be torn into pieces by angry professors and students in every sense.

"Master, go this way to the podium." John led the way.

The three of them avoided the crowd and entered from the backstage direction.

As soon as we entered, there was a huge crowd and it was extremely noisy.

It was not as orderly and quiet as when Lin Ke held meetings for the opposition parties in Faser.

But Lin Ke also knew.

There are 130,000 students here, most of whom are enthusiastic teenagers.

Because education has only been launched for a short time, Lin Ke did not forcefully stipulate what students should read at what age.

This resulted in the fact that the youngest of this group of college students was only twelve or thirteen years old, and the oldest was several hundred years old.

And in front of all the students are rows of teachers and staff.

In addition to teachers, that is, professors and lecturers, there are also administrative staff and logistics staff, such as those who handle some documents and finances, or canteen ladies.

There are also those legendary or divine deans and deputy deans.

Lin Ke walked in, prepared casually, and then signaled to John.

So John showed up and walked up to the front of the podium, while Verune went to sit at the School of Architecture.

"Teachers and classmates, good evening everyone! I am John, assistant to the principal. Today, I am very happy to host the first freshman assembly of Dahuang University. I hope that our Dahuang University will get better and better in the future!"

John came on the stage and easily captured the atmosphere, attracting everyone's attention. The auditorium with space folding technology immediately fell silent. More than 130,000 people listened quietly to John's words, with expectant expressions on their faces.

"First of all, the first item on the agenda of this conference is a speech by Mr. Lin Ke, the president of Dahuang University. Please welcome everyone with applause!"

John spoke passionately, and then gestured to Lin Ke who was standing below.

So, Lin Ke nodded and walked up.

This chapter has been completed!
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