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Chapter 641: A Trip to the Great Wilderness East Station

"Mr. Lin Ke, I do!"

Silas was extremely excited, and it was obvious that he admired Lin Ke as much as Resha.

Of course, most of the young people in Nasenge, as long as they know it, admire Lin Ke.

"Okay, then, you go to the teleportation array, I've asked John to get it ready."

Lin Ke nodded and disappeared directly from the spot.

People were coming and going around, but no one saw Lin Ke, not even Resha and the others. They were ignored by the crowd and only integrated into the crowd after Lin Ke left.

After Lin Ke left, Silas breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lord Lin Ke is really full of pressure." Silas rubbed his chest, as if Lin Ke had put a lot of pressure on him just now.

"I think so too." Gabriel poked Soraka with his elbow and asked curiously, "Don't you usually feel uncomfortable at home?"

"I usually live with my parents..." Soraka said dejectedly: "My brother is actually a very nice person..."

"Yes, this is your psychological effect. I went to listen to Mr. Rene Descartes's psychology lecture." Resha also agreed beside him.

"Then why are you so downcast?" Gabriel asked again.

Soraka was helpless: "Because my brother will not assign tasks to me out of nowhere. There are only two possibilities. One is my parents. This kind of weird task must be assigned by my father and mother... No, it must be me.


"Okay, what about the other possibility?" Gabriel asked.

Soraka sighed again: "Either my brother was taken away from his mind and is now a puppet without IQ."

The three people immediately looked at her with contempt.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about what to do now!" Soraka said dejectedly: "If you throw me into the lava swamp or the elemental forest, it's better to throw me into the secondary plane..."

Lava swamps and elemental forests are more dangerous than secondary planes...

The three people complained in their hearts, but they also knew that Soraka had been driven around the swamp by Her Highness Rika since she was a child.

I've heard Soraka talk about it a lot before, such as wrestling with a swamp lizard in the morning and snatching food from a flaming lion in the afternoon.

Compared to the secondary planes, perhaps these places where monsters gather are indeed more suitable for Soraka.

But they are different!

They think that no matter what the secondary plane is, it is better than the gathering place of warcraft in Nasenge?

You must know that many natives in the secondary plane are not as good as Nasenger in terms of military force, such as the previous Faser.

The local warcraft gathering place in Nasenge is different, it is synonymous with danger.

But since we are going to the secondary plane at this time, we need to make a careful calculation.

"Then let's discuss it while walking." Resha pointed forward: "Since this is Mr. Lin Ke's homework, let's complete it properly."

Instead, Resha thought this was an opportunity.

Silas also nodded desperately: "Yes, yes, and we can also see the elegance of other planes!"

As a poor person, Silas has never been to the secondary plane and has only seen it in class and books.

But that is very different from actually going there.

Not to mention that they are still clearing out wasteland, and there must be someone protecting them.

"Oh, well, that's all we have now." Soraka and Gabriel were obviously not in a good mood, and were not as excited as Resha and Silas.

"I remember a class that taught me what to do if I accidentally go to a secondary plane."

"It seems that the most important thing is that we must find the coordinates of the time and space teleportation? Or we must remember the coordinates of our Nasenger."

"Yes, otherwise it won't be teleported back at all!"

"Even if you remember the coordinates, you still have to be close enough."

"By the way, do you want to bring some food for us?"

"I think we need to bring high-energy ones, maybe equipment too."

The four of them walked and chatted, and finally arrived at the station, or in other words, the teleportation station.

As soon as I arrived here, I saw John standing in the distance with a strong presence.

I saw the slender John wearing a dark tuxedo suit, with smooth and bright black hair, a polite and handsome smile on his face, and two people following behind him.

One of them is a female cat person and the other is a lizard person.

"Miss Soraka, Miss Gabriel, Mr. Resha, Mr. Silas, hello, nice to meet you." John hammered his chest with a smile on his face. Both the aristocratic etiquette and the voice were impressive.

I feel like a spring breeze.

"Mr. John!" "Brother John!" "Mr. John!"...

Resha and the others also returned the greetings one by one.

"Without further ado, let's talk while walking."

John made a gesture of invitation to the back, and then walked to the teleportation station first.

There are many teleportation arrays at the Great Wilderness East Station, all of which have been gathered together by Lin Ke and exist as pure teleportation stations.

There are teleportation arrays to all parts of Nasenger here. They come and go every day, and the flow of people can reach millions. Even if there are specialized professionals stationed here, a huge amount of magic crystals are invested here every day.

The teleportation array of the secondary plane was also set up here, so the flow of people suddenly increased many times.

It took about eight small spaces to be integrated into it before it was enough.

However, the massive investment of resources has also allowed Dahuangdong Station to function well as a fresh blood transport valve.

John led Resha and others in a certain direction and introduced as they walked: "This time you are going as a land reclamation team. There are many things you should pay attention to in class. I won't go into details, but there are a few

I need to emphasize this point again.”

John's pace was fast and his speaking speed was not slow. Hot Sand was fine, but the other three could barely keep up.

"The first thing is, except for your teammates, don't trust any natives from the secondary plane easily, not even the Holy Mother."

"The second thing is, if unfortunately you lose the teleportation array, you must remember the coordinates of Nasenger, otherwise you will be lost in the star realm."

"Third, it's different from the wrong way before. If you can't crush it, then blend into it. I believe you all have learned from Master's journey of Father."

John spoke very quickly, but his enunciation was clear, so Resha and the others did not feel any discomfort listening to this speed.

"In addition, these two are your teammates. This is Xiao Guoren, a member of the desert cat people, and this is Shabi, a lizard man who once lived in the Despair Pool."

While walking quickly, John pointed at the female catman and the disabled lizardman next to him, and continued: "These two teammates will accompany you. It's up to you how you want to get along."

With that said, they had approached a certain "waiting hall", which was something similar to a waiting hall.

John stopped, smiled and pointed back casually:

"By the way, this is Resha, level 15 [mathematician], um, a self-educated professional."

This chapter has been completed!
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