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Chapter 707 Arriving at the Sun Glow

Nix stepped forward, checked Victor's injuries, and then gently pressed his furry palm against Victor's still-beating heart.

Suddenly, his magic power burst out.

Skills - Heal the wounded and rescue the dying!

The green light representing life spread continuously from Nix's palm to Victor's body, and then this warm light lasted for a few seconds.

In just a few seconds, the scars on Victor's body healed as before.

Nix's face clearly didn't change much. It was obvious that it was not difficult for him to revive a dying level 5 professional.

Old Ravi was shocked.

Bunnyman, healer, lava family...

“You are Medical Knight Nix!

"Old Ravi called out the title and name of Knicks, pointing at Knicks and being speechless.

The reputation of the Lava family's medical knights resounds across the continent, and even because of the special nature of medical care, the Knicks may have a greater reputation than Lin Ke in many places.

You know, Knicks has recruited many disciples to practice medicine. His disciples

"Hehe." The frost wolf Vol next to him grinned: "With him here, it will be difficult for this wolf cub to die."

At this time, Victor suddenly opened his eyes, quickly got up from the ground, shook his head, there were still sporadic blood stains on it: "I...what's wrong with me?"

"Victor!" Old Ravi said in surprise: "You are alive!"

"Old Ravi..." Viktor looked at his body and was about to say something to Old Ravi when he saw Nix, who was even petite than Old Ravi, and Vol, an adult frost wolf.

"Medical Knight Nix! Judge Vol!" Viktor recognized Nix and Vol at once, and then quickly lowered his body to show respect.

When his parents were still alive, he was taken to see Vol from a distance.

As for the Knicks?

Knicks has appeared in various comics and news over the years, and he is a loyal "Big Wasteland fan", so he can naturally be recognized at a glance.

"Hello." Nicks hit his chest politely as a return gift to Victor.

"Wolf cub, why do those two little guys want to kill you?" Vol asked with great interest at this time: "You are still underage, right?"

Underage people fighting like this?

They are frost wolves, not ordinary wild wolves without intelligence. Generally speaking, they will not fight like this.

In other words, even ordinary wild wolves can't do it.

"Because my mother is not a Northland Frostwolf." Victor's eyes darkened: "Then my parents died and left me a fortune..."

In just a few words, everyone knew the whole story.

It's an obvious plot routine, nothing surprising.

"So, you and he wanted to go to Sun Glow, but were intercepted?" Nix nodded, and then looked at Vol who was high above his head.

Voldao: "Then go to Sunlight and work hard! I look forward to the day when you grow up!"

Obviously, Vol agreed!

Victor and Old Ravi were overjoyed and kept saying thank you.

Vol didn't care, while Nix's thoughts drifted to other places.

The family situation in the Forever Frozen Council seemed to be much more complicated than he imagined.

However, you will have to go to the sun glow in three days, and then your head will really get bigger.

What is the positioning of Sun Glow City?

Lin Ke is positioned as a retirement city!

Leisure, entertainment, comfort, ease, slow pace.

Not every city has to be like the rising sun, it can also be like the gentle sunset.

Fast pace, hard work, and struggle are not suitable for everyone.

This is the positioning of the sun's glow.

Of course, this does not mean that the City of Sunlight cannot strive for success. There will naturally be business opportunities here, such as the developed silver economy, which is also the elderly economy.

Among them, the Knicks must ensure the supply of medical conditions.

It is a new type of city, and it is also a city where all kinds of elderly people, beggars, etc. gather. If you think about it, you will know how important hospitals are in this city.

Sixteen hospitals were immediately moved in, and a large number of doctors and nurses also entered the sun's rays under the leadership of professionals, which affected the medical situation in Dahuang City to a certain extent.

This is what the Knicks are thinking about at this time.

The best solution at the moment is to transfer a group of doctors and nurses from Faser to Nasonge, but you can't transfer too many, otherwise the City of Sunlight will not be enough.

Just as he was thinking about it, Vol said: "Let's go, let's wait over there."

With that said, he led Victor and Old Ravi over there, and Nix had no choice but to follow.

Two days later, the people of the Forever Frozen Council boarded the specially designed carrying airship created by the cooperation between Dahuang City and the goblins and flew into the distance.

In Nasenge, there were countless airships before and after them. They soared from the ground, carrying the old, weak, sick and disabled, and flew towards the glow of the sun.

These old, weak, sick and disabled people are a burden to every city. If they are not cleaned up, they will look annoying. If they are, they will definitely be criticized by others.

Nowadays, those in power who are willing to "collect garbage" are too late to be happy and will not stop it at all.

Therefore, every team set off unimpeded.

Those who are far away, like the team from the Perpetual Frozen Council, all use the teleportation array to jump after arriving at the Black and White Kingdom.

The one that's so close can be reached in just over a day!

Lao Ravi and the others arrived after two turns.


The wind is howling outside, and through the window, you can see the scenery outside.

"What is that!"

"Here we are! The City of Sun Glow is here!"

There were a lot of people traveling together, and even though the carriages were divided into large and small compartments, there were still dense crowds of people moving around.

As soon as they heard the word "City of Sunlight", these people all had different reactions.

This is their final destination!

After shaking for a few days, even though [Doctor] Nix was constantly using his skills to prevent them from getting sick, motion sickness, etc., they were still very tired.

The only thing that can comfort them is the spiritual destination, the "heaven" in their hearts.

It is the City of Sunlight.

As long as the destination is worth it, no matter how tiring or painful the process is, it's worth it.

A large group of people flocked to the surrounding areas with windows, and the person piloting the airship seemed to understand everyone's reaction, so he turned many walls transparent.

As a result, everyone saw the city with the glow of the sun not far below.

Viewed from a high place, the City of Sun Glow looks like a huge black rectangular crystal placed on the ground. It is square and has a faint light flickering under the sunlight, while also reflecting a considerable part of the sunlight.

So the whole thing looks like it's glowing by itself.

"So...so beautiful..."

There was a little beggar lying on the glass, shocked by this scene.

"It is indeed beautiful...because that is our future home!"

Old Ravi muttered to himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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