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Chapter 718: Son of the Plane

There's no way, it's not like Xiao Luck hasn't tried before,

Later, he said that it was just a bird, a little bigger at most, and could not learn mathematics at all!

Birds only have a few functions, such as being used as mounts for people to ride on.

But the role of birds is definitely not to solve math problems!

Therefore, I was lucky enough to be employed as [Phoenix], and later [Stormy Sea Eagle].

We really can't follow the human path.

Little Lucky himself said that it should be regarded as a Warcraft, not a race of intelligent life, so it should not be difficult for it.

Lin Ke said helplessly at this time: "Lucky you, learning mathematics is beneficial..."

"Who is that...Brother, I'm hungry. I went out to hunt. Say goodbye." Little Lucky broke away from Lin Ke's sub-realm and turned into a meteor and flew into the distance.

How can a being above level 15 still be hungry?

Lin Kezai

It’s clear that I don’t want to learn!

Lin Ke was quite helpless, and then looked at the loli tree on the top of the mountain for a moment.

Loli's soul was sitting on the branch, swaying her two little feet, looking at Lin Ke and Little Lucky and smiling.

However, when she saw Lin Ke's gaze, Loli froze.

"Loli, you're not young anymore..." Lin Ke slowly stepped up into the air and landed next to the Loli tree.

"Oops!" Loli suddenly screamed and pointed behind Lin Ke: "What do you think that is?"

Lin Ke stood in front of the tree in the air, looking at Loli motionless with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Lin Ke was indifferent, Loli blushed: "Brother, I don't want to learn mathematics. If I learn more, my soul will collapse..."

"Your soul is very powerful. I guarantee that after learning it, you will not collapse, but your soul will become even stronger." Lin Xiao said.

Children don’t want to learn mathematics, but as adults they discover that although mathematics is often not practical, it can exercise the brain and improve thinking.

Of course Lin Ke will let Little Lucky and Loli learn.

Many Warcraft grow slowly, while wisdom species grow quickly. The most important difference is wisdom.

For example, a giant dragon may naturally grow for eight hundred years to become an adult dragon, and it must have at least level ten strength.

But if the dragon studies and exercises, he may become a level 10 professional within a few decades or even a few years if his talent is good.

This is what learning brings.


"Forget it, forget it, you don't like studying." Lin Ke shook his head.

No matter it is Little Lucky or Loli Tree, there is no need to worry about life span or survival at present.

Little Lucky's Phoenix and Storm Sea Eagle bloodlines, as well as Loli Tree's Nature Tree bloodline, can bring them great benefits.

"Brother is the best." Loli jumped down and kissed Lin Ke, and then quickly returned to her own body, fearing that Lin Ke would change her mind.

Lin Ke smiled helplessly and looked into the distance for a moment.

There is a figure galloping towards me in the distance.

It’s Chief Chen!

Chief Chen has broken through to level 15!

Chief Chen came flying over, saw Lin Ke's figure, then stopped and landed one kilometer away, walked over step by step, went up the mountain, and then knelt down to worship.

"My God!"

Chief Chen looked up at Lin Ke, his eyes full of awe.

The stronger he is, the more powerful he can feel Lin Ke.

At level 15, he became an elemental body, but he was also able to feel Lin Ke's power even more.

This power is all-encompassing.

Physically, Chief Chen could feel that Lin Ke was definitely not an elemental body, but a physique that far exceeded his.

In terms of soul, Lin Ke's soul was vast and as solid as a rock. Chief Chen didn't even dare to feel Lin Ke's soul or feel Lin Ke's level.

In terms of strength, this is the one that can best crush the Chief of the Morning.

Chief Chen could feel that Lin Ke's power was complex and powerful. Mathematics, magic, and medicine could only be considered a part of Lin Ke's power.

You know, everyone in the Tribe of God can basically only delve into power in one direction, either mathematics, magic, or simply the physical body.

However, Lin is different.

"My God, you are finally out of seclusion!" Chen Gong said respectfully.

"Chen, you finally broke through level 15." Lin Ke had approval in his eyes.

In less than two years, Chen's strength increased from around level eight to level fifteen, and he was already considered very talented.

Think about it, Lin Ke himself can't improve that fast.

But thinking of this, Lin Ke's eyes suddenly moved.

Each plane will have a plane core.

From the current point of view, the plane core that Zhelnitar, the king of gods, stole from Andrew was absorbed by Lin Ke, and Lin Ke became the plane son of Nasenger.

The core of the plane may be an item, a weapon, or a life.

Some can be used, for example, the core of the Lord of the Rings plane may be the Supreme Ring.

Some cannot be used, such as the prehistoric Buzhou Mountain and so on.

As for the life types, they become children of the plane.

Nasenge's plane core allowed Lin Ke to have the first three-blooded body in history. He also had talents that surpassed the top talents. It was a plane core that could be absorbed.

The plane cores of other planes are missing, but like the plane of Father, Lin Ke estimates that the God of the Sky is the core of the plane, or is used by the God of the Sky, so the God of the Sky becomes the God of God, that is,

Dominant level.

As for the Naga plane, it is also possible that the Mother of Naga absorbed the core of the plane.

So far, no other plane cores have been found, especially artifacts.

But now, looking at Chen in front of him, Lin Ke had an idea.

Previously, he thought that the core of the Behemoth Plane might be the Titan Vine. After all, the Titan Vine directly gave birth to the existence of the Behemoth Clan.

But after he thought about it carefully, he discovered...

Titanvine probably not!

Because the Titan Giant Vine is more like a seed accidentally thrown away by an unknown strong person in the star realm, and then it takes root in the plane of giant beasts.

Or it could simply be that some other dimension exploded and a certain seed drifted in through many difficulties.

Anyway, Lin Ke now guesses that maybe the plane of giant beasts should not be called the plane of giant beasts?

Maybe, it should be called the Green Worm Plane?

Because the son of the plane is morning!

And Chen is in the green insect tribe.

If there were no Behemoths and no Lin Ke, Chen, as a son of the plane, would have grown into a god of this plane.

Either that...

When Chen was the chief, he obtained the plane core and absorbed or used it, so he gained a powerful talent.

But no matter what, Lin Ke now doubts that Chen is the son of the plane.

Level 15 in two years, which is considered very fast in the secondary plane. Lin Ke's cultivation time has been more than ten years since he was six years old, and he is only at level 18.

Moreover, Chen, like Lin Ke, also has many things on his plate and has to deal with many things at any time.

Of course, Chen is not as good as Lin Ke. After all, he probably only has one bloodline and has become an elemental body.

At this time, when Chen heard Lin Ke talk about his level, he also said happily: "My god, not only have I broken through the fifteenth level, I have also achieved a magic body and can become a magic body!"

"Haha, that's called an elemental body." Lin Xiaoxiao said: "From now on, you can be considered to be ahead of the entire plane."

Lin Ke knew that Chen now relied entirely on magic to break through. He was considered a level 15 fire magician, not even a [magician].

However, it can be regarded as being ahead of the entire plane.

This chapter has been completed!
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